Comfort and waffles

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Authors note: this takes place a little after Sabine joined the Ghost Crew, mainly because I wanted to write some Hera and Sabine bonding time XD
          It's been a few rotations since the crews newest member, Sabine Wren, had joined them. So far, the 13 year old Mandelorian girl was fitting in great, and was being a major help to the crew that was fighting the Empire.
      In the past couple rotations, Sabine had created a somewhat brother-sister bond with Zeb, a father-daughter bond with Kanan. Sabine had gotten pretty close to Hera as well, and thought of her as another mother.
   Sabine walked into the Ghosts kitchen and saw Hera baking some space waffles (Sabine had begun to love space waffles since joining the crew... She probably learned from Zeb)  for everyone.
       "Good Morning, Sabine" she heard Hera greet.
       "Morning Hera..." Sabine mumbled, Sabine wasn't in the best of moods today, she missed Ketsu, but she had to hide it since she hasn't told anyone on the crew about her life as a bounty hunter. 
     Hera gave her a strange look, Sabine had noticed since she got here that Hera had some way of telling people's emotions, and helping them. Sabine hoped that Hera didn't know her well enough yet to tell that she was upset, she really didn't want to tell about being a bounty hunter just yet.
      "Are you ok, Sabine?" Hera finally asked.
        'Dang it, how does she do that' Sabine thought.
The Mandelorian girl nodded yes but that didn't fool Hera, Hera obviously knew something was up.
The Twi'lek finished up making the waffles, got two plates out, then sat down across from Sabine, giving both of them a plate.
She just sat there for a minute, making Sabine subspisious.
"Aren't you going to call Kanan and Zeb down for breakfast?" Sabine asked.
"No" Hera replied simply. This made Sabine worried.
'She's so going to make me tell her' Sabine thought. 'What if she decided that she doesn't want me on her ship anymore because I was a bounty hunter... Or what if she decided to turn me in because of it?? Hera wouldn't do that would she??'
"Sabine, what's wrong" Hera asked for the second time today,"and don't say nothing again, I know that's a lie".
"Technically I didn't say nothing the first time, technically I nodded my head yes that I was fine." Sabine replied sassily.
"Sabine, you can tell me, I'm not going to judge you." Hera softly spoke.
Sabine sighed, she knew Hera wasn't going to let her not tell her.
"Well... I miss my friend..." Sabine says nervously.
"What happened to her?" Hera asked quietly.
"She was a bounty hunter, and she betrayed me." Sabine stated. Hera raised her eyebrow.
"I... I.... Well..... I was also a bounty hunter, we were partners, I thought I could trust her, she was like my sister..." Sabine explained getting emotional.
"You were a bounty hunter?" Hera asked, you could tell she was trying to hide her shock.
"Yes..." Sabine trembled.
"Oh" Hera replied.
"Oh? That's it? Your not going to throw me out, or turn me into the empire? Or worse the huts?" Sabine asked. Hera was shocked by this statement.
"What? No, Sabine, sweetie, I would never do that, your part of my family now" Hera pulled Sabine into a hug, "I'm sorry to hear about your friend, I bet you miss her and now you don't know who to trust, but the Ghost Crew is your new family... You can't trust us... We would never betray you." Hera softly comforted, still hugging Sabine.
Sabine didn't say anything, she just hugged Hera back, she was grateful for her new family...
The two just sat there hugging for awhile, Sabine was just glad to have someone she could trust have her back again... And for the first time in forever, she realized she had a family.
I'm so close to 1,000 views on this book, I was 23 away last time I looked! So thank you guys so much!

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