Day Without Leaders

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Kanan and Hera had went on a private mission all by themselves, so the rest of the crew had the ship to themselves to do whatever they wanted, as long as they cleaned it up before Hera and Kanan got back.
        "Let's steal a tie fighter!" Ezra shouted.
          "Let's paint the cockpit green, like Hera, maybe then she won't get made at us for painting!" Sabine shouted.
      Zeb shook his head at the space children.
"How come the first thing you want to do when they're gone is cause trouble?" Zeb sighed.
"Because we are never aloud toooooo" The kids whined.
"You know what.... I have an idea" Zeb smirked. The kids looked at each other nervously.
2 hours later
Sabine was dressed in a puffy pink princess dress and Ezra was dressed as a dragon.
"Seriously Zeb?" Sabine whined, "we aren't five and why did you dress me in a princess outfit?"
Zeb was laughing hysterically on the other side of the room.
"Get him." Ezra whispered to Sabine.
The two teens raced quickly to Sabines room, leaving a confused Zeb.
About five minutes later, they came back out.
"PAINT FIGHTTTT!" Sabine and Ezra shouted as they pounced on Zeb.
Zeb tried to run but it was too late and he was drenched in multicolored paint, they kids were laughing their heads off.
       "Grrrr... Your gonna pay for that" Zeb was Angry.
       The kids ran away laughing. Zeb chased them down the halls, now holding paint.
       Zeb threw the paint and it landed on both kids, both of them startled, they didn't think he would catch up.
       The whole thing turned into a huge paint fight, Sabine hit Ezra, Ezra hit Zeb, Zeb hit Sabine and so on.
      By the time they were finished, the entire room was painted in multicolored paints, which looked more like brown now since they mixed together.
     Just then, they heard foot steps.
   'Oh no, they're back early... we are screwed' all three thought.
     "GARAZEB ORELLIOS, SABINE WREN, EZRA BRIDGER WHAT DID YOU DO??" They heard Hera's voice scream at them. They knew they deserved it though.
      "I will hold her off for about a minute, so you have 25 seconds to run." They heard Kanan whisper to them.
    The kids and Zeb took Kanans offer and ran in all different directions, hoping never to be found by the angry pilot. 
Authors note: sorry for such a short chapter, AND THANK YOU FOR 1k views as

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