Secret Mission (Kanera)

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     (Art credit to artist)
     "Ok guys, so here's the mission." Sabine states, "it's an undercover mission, Zeb is Kanans older brother, Ezra and I are Kanan And Hera's kids, and Kanan and Hera are married."
      Kanan and Hera glanced at each other, Kanan smirked. 
      "... So basically how things are right now? Except the Kanan and Hera being together part." Ezra asked, bored.
          "Pfttttt... Little do they know." Kanan whispered laughing a little. Hera elbowed him, while the rest of the crew gave him questioning looks.
      "...yes Ezra, basically." Sabine replied, staring at Kanan.
      "So when do we start?" Zeb asks.
    "Tomorrow morning" Sabine replies, rolling her eyes because she said this already.
      The Mandelorian glanced over at Kanan, and saw him staring at Hera without her knowing.
    'Hmmmmmmmm' the Mandelorian girl thought.
      "Alright, we will be ready." Hera beamed.
     Kanan left and went to his cabin, and Hera went to go fly the ship.
     Zeb and Ezra were about to leave too, but Sabine stopped them.
      "Karabast.... This better be important! I have some waffles that really need eating!" Zeb growled.
     "And I have some very important... Um... Jedi stuff to do! Yea Jedi stuff!" Ezra stated. Sabine glared at them both.
    "Ah but I always have time for you, Sabine" Ezra attempts to flirt. Sabine just facepalms.
     "Um... Well I was thinking... Do you two think there's anything going on between Kanan and Hera?" Sabine asks quietly.
       "Well duh. And if there's not, then there should be, they obviously like each other." Zeb decided. (Yes I was at their wedding JKJK I wish though)
     "I don't know... But let's set something up for them! Also to find out if they are or not." Ezra suggested.
     The three space children came up with a plan, and were determined to put it into action.
"KAAAANNAAAAAAAANNNNN!!! HERAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Ezra shouted on the top of his lungs.
     "What?!" They both shouted back from a different room.
      "HURRY ITS AN EMERGENCYYYYY" Ezra shouted back dramatically, earning himself a slap on the back on his head from Zeb.
    The three Children heard footsteps coming and they hid by the door.
     The space parents walked in confused.
     "Ezra? We're here, Ezra, what do you need?" Hera called out. Then the couple spotted a small table with a romantic setting in front of them.
      Kanan smiled, grabbing Hera's hand and forcing her to sit.
      "But what about Ez-" Kanan cut her off with a kiss.
      Zeb, Sabine and Ezra gasped.
    "OMYOFJSJSHAKSBSPQANAHEJEKEBEIFJSIWLEBWI kanera is reallllll!!!" Sabine shouted loudly, jumping up and down, blowing their cover.
     "SABINE!" Ezra and Zeb hissed and covered her mouth.
      Hera and Kanan had definitely heard Sabine. They looked at each other and laughed.
     "Wow they really think they've accomplished something." Hera laughed.
    The space children gasped not so quietly.
     "When we've actually been together for awhile now, secretly." Kanan laughed also.
     The children gasped again.
  Kanan and Hera continued their romantic dinner at the table, neither one cared that the kids were watching, they're secret had been spilled anyway.
     "Wow, Sabine, I wish there was something between us." Ezra stated while watching Kanan and Hera.
     "Me too." Sabine replied, causing Zeb to raise an eyebrow.
      "Like what??" Ezra said surprised.
    "A wall, kid, a gigantic wall, possibly bigger then the Great Wall of China." Sabine smirked as she replied.
      Zeb just started laughing and ruffled both of the kids hair.
Btw I kinda got that last joke part from a texting thingy so yea XD

ANYWAY, kanera is OTP lol

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