Together (Kanera)

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Oops two kanera oneshots in a row... I would apologize but... I'm not very sorry XD
     The crew of the Ghost had just gotten back from a rescue mission, a mission to rescue Hera to be exact. They almost failed and lost her.
       This opened up Kanans eyes to reality. (Enjoy opening them while you can buddy). She could so easily just be taken away, at any time. 'What if I'm not  able to save her next time?' Kanan thought, but the thought terrified him. 'What if we had failed this time, what would I have done?'
     "Hey, love, thanks for the rescue" Hera had walked through the door and he had been so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed.
      "Anytime, I'll always come back for you, Hera." Kanan spoke the truth, which Hera knew. Kanan looked at her and then looked down sadly. Hera raised an eyebrow.
      "Kanan, what's wrong?" She asked softly.
      "Nothing Hera." Kanan lied bluntly, he felt bad for lying to her, but she will never know, so it's ok.
      Hera came closer to him, and put her hand on his back.
     "Come on, love, you can tell me anything." Hera begged. Kanan wrapped his arm around her quickly into a hug.
      "I'm just glad your back." Kanan cried.
       "But that's not all, is it?" Hera asked, still in Kanans embrace.
       Kanan hesitated, she knew him to well. Kanan sighed.
      "I'm afraid." Kanan admitted.
       "Of what?"
      "Of loosing you." He gave her puppy dog eyes. (Oh yea Kanans not blind in this one lol). Hera looked at him sadly.
      "What if I can't save you next time? What if something happens and I'm unable to come? What if I fail you." He continued, looking down.
      Hera thought for a minute before talking.
      "You won't." Hera smiled, putting her finger under his chin, lifting his head up, forcing him to look her in the eyes.
     "How do you know that?" Kanan demanded.
       "Bec-" Hera started before getting interrupted by Ezra opening the door. Ezra looked at them strangely before speaking.
     "Um.... Zeb told me to tell you that commander Sato wants Kanan to go on a mission." Ezra spoke.
      "I'll be right there" Kanan confirmed as Ezra left the room.
      "I'm coming too." Hera exclaimed, grabbing Kanans arm.
       "No." Kanan replied, Hera gave him a strange look.
        "But Kanan I-" Hera started explaining before getting interrupted again.
       "I'm not going to risk loosing you again!" Kanan shouted. Hera looked down. Kanan then felt guilty.
        "... I'm sorry for shouting at you." Kanan apologized guiltily.
       "... You won't... " she replied, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.
      Kanan just smiled, because from then on, he knew everything was going to be ok, as long as they were together.
We better get some more on screen kanera this season because if not, I will be very disappointed. Anyways XD the next chapter will NOT be kanera (😞) so yea XD

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