Faction: Clone Trooper/Arc Trooper/Commando Trooper Forms

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If you're reading this, congratulations, you've completed your training.

You have been bred as one of millions of clones made from Jango Fett's DNA.

Depending on how well you and your many brothers did, you probably got one of these ranks.

Regular Clone: Getting this means you join the others as a fellow foot soldier, being on the frontlines of the harshest battles.

Arc Trooper Clone: If you're this, then you are the elite. You fight alongside well experienced brothers and legendary Jedi.

Commando Clone: You're trained to fight like a one man army. While your squad won't be very big, you can take on overwhelming numbers.

You will be assigned to an army division soon.

Who are you?

Clone number:
Nickname: (given from your brothers or Jedi)
Blaster 1:
Blaster 2:
Extra gadgets: (grapple lines, explosives, commlinks, etc.)

Armor design:


After this, you're ready to go to war.

Good luck out there soldier!

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