Faction: Star Fox Forms

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Are you talented in flying space ships or ground combat, but hate the disciplined life of a soldier?

Then Star Fox is the best place to use your talents.

While the Republic and the Separatists clash, the Corneria system and other places in the Galaxy are willing to pay this team to protect them.

Sure, the Republic may also ask for help sometimes, but your only leader is Fox McCloud.

You're about to send your application for them.

Who are you?

Weapons: (optional)
Vehicle: Arwing or Landmaster
Crush: (optional)

You're being brought to The Great Fox to go through initiation.

Theses are your teammates.

Fox McCloud: The leader of the team and ace pilot. He's adventurous and kind, always willing to back up His teammates.

Falco Lombardi: The main ace pilot of the team. He may be tough and arrogant, but he'll warm up to you eventually.

Slippy Toad: The team's mechanic and engineer. He's clumsy and gets into a lot of trouble, but he has a large heart to make up for it.

Krystal: She a pilot on the team and a telepath(she can hear what you're thinking). She's caring towards her teammates, especially Fox, but she's also no pushover.

ROB-64: The team's robot who helps with the Great Fox. While he is a robot, he can sometimes show signs of sarcasm.

They're waiting for you now.

The fate of the team will be in your hands soon.

Good luck out there ace!

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