Chapter 101 - Arrival on Khalkha

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❶ "Finn's Confession"—The Force Awakens OST

Taking no chances with his son, Han grabbed as many tranquilizers as the med team would give him. Four days to Khalkha with Ben and Chewie—or never, if Ben were to regain consciousness before they arrive. 

As the Falcon jumped into hyperspace, Han eased back in the pilot's seat and sighed. Chewbacca moaned in commiseration. When Han jerked his head toward the hatch, the Wookiee left the cockpit.

The freighter captain closed his eyes as he contemplated the recent events. Lost my son. Lost my wife. Lost my life.

He bit back the tears. Oh, what am I going to do?

As Han ran his fingers through his dark hair, he stared at the geometric planes of hyperspace beyond the cockpit canopy, wishing he could jump inside them and submerge himself in oblivion.

Chewbacca interrupted his thoughts with a growl from the medbay.

Han hurried to his son who struggled through a drug-induced dream. "Hand me another hypospray."

The large Wookiee unsnapped the latches on the small crate with the sedatives and handed one of the devices to Han. The smuggler positioned the cold metal against his son's neck and pressed the activator. Ben continued to struggle, his right hand hitting Han in the face, as the saline drip tubing jerked.

"Hold him down, Chewie."

The Wookiee roared as he grabbed the boy's flailing arms.

Ben's body spasmed as he yelled, "No!"

Han pulled the restraints and buckled his thrashing son to the bed.

After a few minutes of fighting against the bonds, Ben lay still.

Han rested his hands on his hips and grimaced at the thought of going through this every hour for the next four days. In the back of his mind, he worried if the hyposprays would hold out that long. Not for the first time, he was cursing that Khalkha lay so far from the known hyperspace routes.

Four long days later, the Millennium Falcon touched down on a grassy plot at the Jedi Academy not far from a class of Padawan practicing PuHa. Han exited down the ramp of the Falcon with Chewie behind him carrying Ben.

Within moments, Luke appeared from the interior of the lodge. "Han, Chewie." No. Not Ben. Luke's jaw tightened. "I get the feeling this isn't a social call. Come with me."

After they had entered the rustic school, they followed Luke to his study. Chewie laid Ben on a couch by the window, while Luke headed to his desk.

The Wookiee found some food on a side table and titled his head at Luke.

"Go ahead, Chewie, please. Han, can I offer you some refreshments? Something to drink, maybe?"

Not looking up from his son on the couch, Han said, "No thanks, maybe later."

Luke stepped beside Han and motioned to Ben. "So, is anyone going to tell me what's going on? Why is my nephew sedated? Where's Leia?"

"Oh, I thought you knew."

"Leia hasn't contacted me in months."

Chewie responded with a few growls.

❶ "All right, Chewie." Han nodded in apprehension. "Ben's out of control, Luke. Leia can't handle him anymore."

"Is she all right? Does she know you're here?"

"She sent us." Han's face hardened.

The Jedi Master approached his nephew. He had not seen him in six years. On the surface, he seemed like a lanky youth with dark curls framing his angular face. But Luke saw a mixture of Anakin and Han in the boy's features. He feared he took after Anakin in more ways than one, though.

Even under sedation, Luke recognized tenseness around his mouth caused by clenching his teeth. He could feel the anger welling up inside the boy. He fears so much. Not having his father's approval, losing his mother, being nothing compared to ... his illustrious relatives. The emotions spilled out of his mind now, layered with his surface thoughts. It won't take much for a Knight of Ren to play on these fears, lure Ben to the dark side. As Luke spoke, a vision of a teenaged Ben in a dark uniform and cloak appeared. No, there's still good in him. You can't have him.

Luke looked at Han and Chewie. "You were right to bring him here. Whether you got him here in time remains to be seen. There is much fear in him ... and much anger. It may be too late already."

Chewie growled.

"What do you mean?"

"Han, the choice always lies with the Force-wielder. Even here at the Jedi Academy, each Padawan must make the choice to follow the light himself. If Ben has chosen the dark path already ... well, I will do what I can to turn him back to the light, but I am not all-powerful, and I cannot promise results."

"You turned Vader."

"He's not Vader, Han. But there is good in him. Deep down, there's good in him."

"What if you are unsuccessful?"

"Then I'll do what I must for the good of the galaxy."

"I understand, but I don't think Leia can handle that."

"I know." Luke nodded.

Han lumbered to his son lying supine on the couch and brushed a hair out of his face. Han's arm hesitated a moment, before he turned to Luke. "May the Force be with you. "

The Jedi master moved between Ben and his father. "Give Leia my love."

Chewie rumbled something, but Han did not respond. Luke felt turmoil stirring within Han's soul. Turmoil concerning Leia.

As soon as Han left, Luke reached out in the Force toward his sister. He could feel her hundreds of lightyears away on Hosnian Prime. Their special Force-twin-bond linked them together, even closer than his bond with Naluma. He sent out a thought to her, Leia.


I have Ben. Communicating through the Force across this vast distance consumed most of his energy. He sent out all his love toward her until he perceived something. You're pregnant?

Yes. Leia's thoughts transmitted worry and regrets with that simple word.

When the Force connection severed, Luke sent a scrambled communication beam to her personal unit.

She turned on the light and picked up her communicator.

"Han's not heading back. He's on his way to a job." Luke's tone rose with animosity. "Why that selfish, imbecilic blockhead. When I get my hands on him—leaving you at a time like this—again."

"Luke, don't. He doesn't know. I don't want him to know." Leia whimpered. "I don't want to see him ever again. It will be easier this way."

"Leia, you're making a mistake. The easy path is hardly ever what it seems. It leads to more problems than you can possibly imagine."

"Don't lecture me, Luke. You don't know what's been going on," Leia said with force. "And whatever you do, don't let Ben know about his sister."

Luke sighed and scratched his head. "All right. It's your call. But if you need anything—and I mean anything at all—please call me. I'll be—" The scrambled call cut him off.

Did you know ...

● Chewbacca was more than a friend. He had a life debt to repay Han, who had freed him from slavery to the Empire.

● There is a recurring theme throughout the Star Wars saga: slavery and freedom. Anakin and Shmi were slaves to Watto. When Anakin was freed by Qui-Gon. The Empire enslaved the Wookiees, using them for their brute strength and technical abilities. Leia was a slave to Jabba. Vader was a slave to the Emperor and the dark side. And some would even say the Jedi were slaves to the Jedi Order.

Tell me what you think ...

● How do you think Luke would do what is best for the galaxy when Ben turned to the dark side?

● What factors from Ben's upbringing contributed to his current situation?

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