Chapter 102 - Still Good In Him

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❶ "Qui-Gon's Noble End"—The Phantom Menace OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "The Abduction"—The Force Awakens OST

⊘ Silence

❸ "The Supremacy"—The Last Jedi OST

⊘ Silence

After the secured call ended, Luke studied the still form of his nephew lying on the sofa. The youth's chest rose in a set rhythm, as if a machine controlled his respiration.

Vader. A chill ran up Luke's spine.

As the lanky youth tossed, the Jedi Master pivoted toward the couch. Taking one step toward the boy, he focused his gaze on Ben's face. He saw Han. He even saw Leia. But mostly, he saw Anakin.

Anakin, the man who had trained him. Anakin, the greatest Jedi who had ever lived. Anakin, the Chosen One who had fallen so far. Anakin, trapped and hurting. Anakin, his father who still had good in him

Luke skirted the sofa to the picture window. Holding his hand behind his back, he stared out at the puffy white clouds drifting above the courtyard and the stacked-stone buildings. What if I fail? What if it's too late? What if I'm wrong? He wiped his hand across his forehead and inhaled deeply. Leia's trusting me. I can't let her down. 

Luke cried out via the Force. "Master Yoda! What am I supposed to do?"

He stared out the window for a long time, waiting for a response. Ben tossed again, almost falling off the couch. He's waking.

Luke cried again. "Father, help me. Please!"

While Ben struggled to breach his coma, Force-ghost Anakin wavered in front of Luke. The Jedi Master swung his head from the apparition to the boy.

"There is still good in him, Luke, like there was in me." Anakin's soft baritone reverberated throughout the study. "Just love him. Your love is what saved me. It will save him, too." As he spoke the last word, Anakin's ghostly form disappeared.

Luke sent out a thought to Naluma who was still teaching PuHa. When you're done with that class, can you join me in the study? We have a situation.

On it.

As Luke waited the intervening minutes, Ben tossed and turned on the couch. Two times, he caught the boy before he tumbled to the floor. Come on, Naluma, he's about to wake up.


❶ Naluma dashed through the door as Ben's eyes popped open.

He convulsed on the couch once, twice, three times before jerking to a seated position, his dark hair ruffling as he tossed his head. His breaths became ragged, eyes widened and full of fear, as he screamed. Using the Force, the frightened boy hurled holocrons and metal sculptures at Luke. And then he let out a terrifying wail full of fear.

Kriff! The Jedi Master ducked to the left and hopped to the right to avoid the deadly projectiles. Don't scare him any worse. Just a slight pressure. Don't let him know I'm doing it. Closing his eyes and lifting his hands, Luke reached out through the Force and paralyzed his nephew.

The boy's face froze in mid-scream.

Naluma held out her hands, concentrating on keeping the items in place. They floated in the air, not even teetering, before she lowered them slowly to the surface.

⊘ Tingles erupted along Luke's spine as he radiated peace toward Ben. Maintaining a low, gentle voice, he said, "Ben, I know you're scared. Just relax. You're safe." He released the boy from his paralysis while watching for another attack.

Ben's shoulders hunched over his body as he clutched his arms to his chest. "Go away! Go away! Leave me alone." A scarlet flush raced to Ben's cheeks as his nose scrunched. The boy's eyes glared at his uncle.

Luke knelt beside him and touched him on the arm. When Ben pulled away and attempted to hit him with the Force, the Jedi Master stopped the attack with an upraised hand. His voice remained unruffled. "I'm here to help you, Ben, but this behavior is unacceptable."

They locked eyes, neither budging an centimeter. After a long minute, Ben released his attack. "Yes, Uncle Luke." He looked around the room with careful flicks of his eyes, holding his head still. "Where am I?"

"My study."

"The academy?"

Luke nodded. "Your father brought you here to be trained in the ways of the Force." He transmitted as much peace as possible toward the boy.

Ben sneered. "My father—if you want to call him that—brought me here because he can't enforce his will on me anymore." He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes at his uncle.

"Your father brought you here because he is worried about you, Ben." Luke laid his hand on top of the boy's, but Ben yanked it back.

"And he thinks you can 'fix' me? Not likely."

Luke looked at Naluma who now leaned against the back of the other couch in the middle of the room. She shook her head.

"Your father cares about you, Ben. We care about you." Luke said.

"Huh. He only cares about himself. Well, he may have abandoned me here, but this is just like all the other times he walked out on us. New place, same deadbeat dad. When I get out of here, he'll wish he was still in carbonite." 

Luke looked again at Naluma for help. Was that a death threat?

Worse. Torture. Are you sure about this?

There is still good in him, Naluma. I know it's not too late.

Ben crossed his arms again and spit on the floor. "I may have to stay here, but I'm not going to like it. I'm not going to cooperate."

Naluma caught his eye. Well, then, it's time for some tough love, Luke. In the military, insubordination is grounds for MREs once a day and solitary.

Lifting his hand to his upper lip and tilting his head down, Luke considered the suggestion for a few moments. That's a punishment? Sounds like my life on Dagobah.

Naluma covered her mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping. Seriously, he needs to be brought under control before he will ever be able to meditate.

Wish I could go meditate right now, Luke transmitted to her as his own emotions escalated inside. I don't think controlling him is going to work. His parents tried that route and failed. 

He ran his eyes across the stony figure. He needs to control himself. And he won't do that until he trusts us, knows that someone loves him.

I don't know, Luke. I'm pretty sure his mother "loved" him into this mess. He's had no boundaries, no rules. Just switched him off like you would a droid. Will he even recognize love? She pointed her head toward the drained hyposprays on the table.

Ben squirmed in the silence. "I mean it, Uncle Luke. Anything you ask me to do, I will do the exact opposite."

That's just it. He's been spoiled and manipulated, and Leia loves him more than anything. Han too. They just didn't know how to deal with him.

And we do?

The power of the Force can help him. Our love can too. Luke rested his hand on her arm. 'Luma, we have to at least try. 

We have a right to protect the rest of the Jedi, Luke, and I'm pretty sure Lord Solo here will do them more harm than good. Naluma nodded her head at the boy. And what if—

Luke cocked his head at her.

What if that vision comes true?  Would you want your own child here with him?

That's just it, Naluma. Now he is ours. We're all he has left, and we can't fail him. He's been through so much already.

So, we're just going to ignore the disrespect and play Uncle Luke and Auntie Naluma? Luke, you wouldn't accept this from any other Padawan. Don't you dare let him get away with it.

Luke let out a long breath and nodded. Stepping directly in front of the boy, he frowned at the spittle on the hardwood floor. After a silent moment, he extended Force-tendrils into Ben's mind gently. The thoughts and emotions bombarded Luke. By the time Ben pushed him out, the Jedi Master had what he needed.

Naluma, he's hurting. He needs love. I don't care about the mucus on the floor, but the attitude behind it. He's never going to submit if we subdue him. You said it yourself—he's been controlled all his life. He needs to learn to control himself.

She shook her head. You can't teach a child until the child submits to authority, Luke. Do you really want the entire academy acting like this? It only takes one bad starblossom to spoil the batch.

There's still good in him, Naluma. I'm not going to toss him away. He remembered the time he held the boy as an infant, changed his diapers, played with him. He held such promise then. I owe it to Leia. I owe it to the Order to help him. 

But, Luke, this boy could destroy the entire Order. I think it's a mistake. She tilted her head at him. What about the Force-visions. The darkness. This is it.

I can save him. I can turn him back to the good side. I have to at least try.  He extended his hands, pleading. Please help me. He needs a family, our love.

He needs a Jedi Master. Uncle Luke can join the party later.

Luke sighed and moved in front of the boy. Instilling authority in his voice but keeping his rhythm calm, he crossed his arms and straightened his back. "Cut the bantha poodoo, Ben. This is how it's going to be. You will address me as 'Master Skywalker.'" 

The boy glanced up.

Luke's voice dropped in volume even further. "That is the only way you will address me from this point forward. The slightest insubordination will reduce you to MREs and additional work details. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master Skywalker," Ben said with a flat tone and scowl.

He stared Ben down until the boy wavered under the glare. His voice carried all the authority of a Jedi Master with all of the love an uncle. "You have a choice to do this the easy way or the hard way, but you will obey. The consequences are your choice."

Ben shoved his chest out and clenched his teeth. "What if I don't want to learn the ways of the Force?"

"It's too late for you, Ben. You know too much already. But you haven't been trained in the ways of a Jedi. It's not just enough to use the Force, but to control yourself, to help others." Luke sat on the couch beside him, placing his hand on the boy's forearm.

Ben yanked it away. "Don't touch me." He turned his back to Luke and crossed his arms, sulking.

"A Jedi must be at peace, not angry, not fearful. Only then can the Force flow through him fully and be his ally." Luke raised his hand but pulled it back before touching his back. He poked his head around the boy's shoulder. "You must let go your conscious self and act on instinct."

Ben clenched his fists beside him, turning to Luke. "But my instinct is to act on anger. Don't you see? It is constantly welling up within me. I receive more power with it daily." His bushy brows scrunched together as blood rushed to his cheeks.

"Ben," Luke said as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Ben tried to shrug it away, but the hand did not move.

"You must overcome your fear. It swallows you like a Sarlacc. You're disintegrating. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering—your own suffering, as well as others'. Can't you feel it?"

"Nope." Ben rolled his eyes and looked away.

"You will learn differently, Ben."

"I refuse." The boy scowled once more while lowering his chin to his chest.

"Then you have made your choice for today." Luke stood.

❷ A strong gust of the Force rippled through the room. It spun the papers on the desk into a whirlwind and swung the cast-iron chandelier violently. Luke turned just in time to avoid a metal shashini sculpture from hitting him in the head. Thrusting his hand at the knickknack, Luke lowered it to the overstuffed chair nearest him.

Ben grabbed a potted kavak and launched  the terracotta pot at Luke's head. Luke sent a Force-push at the plant, sending it to the floor. Soil, fronds, and shards scattered across the hardwood planks.

Next, the boy grabbed the stylus, datapads, and scissors from the desk. Naluma stepped between the items and Ben, pulling the items into stasis over the floor. As she grabbed the two fragile datapads, she allowed the other implements to fall with a clatter.

Luke advanced on Ben, placing a Force-shield around the boy to prevent him from manipulating the Force outside of that bubble. The rays of energy flowed from the floor, intertwining to make a mesh around him. 

Ben struck against it with his own power, making Luke wince.

Kriff, he's strong. This shield isn't going to last long. What's the key? "You'll just wear yourself out, Ben. Anger is power within you, but you limit the Force if you are using anger."

Ben threw himself back on the couch in a fit. The sullen boy gave up and rested his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands, pouting.

⊘ "Jedi Fau, please bring the boy some food. I'm sure he's hungry." Let's start with regular rations. If he causes problems, we'll turn to MREs.

"Yes, master." You sure you'll be okay alone with him?

For a few moments, yes.

While she was gone, Ben tested the Jedi Master with all his powers. From mind control to paralysis to levitation—nothing succeeded. With each test, the boy wore himself down, losing this battle of the Force to Master Skywalker.

"Done yet? You may be strong, but I'm stronger still. Anger burns faster than peace, Ben."

He glared at Luke and pulled his knees up to his chin while he wrapped his arms around his legs. 

When Naluma returned with the food, Ben turned his attention to her. With a flick of his hand, he dumped the tray on the floor, sending the caramel liquid running across the hardwood and seeping into the grooves of the planks.

Luke stopped her as she bent down to clean it up. Leave it. He's either going to pick it up himself or go without. Remaining calm but firm, Luke said to Ben, "Pick it up. Now. And apologize to Jedi Fau."

"Make me." Ben crossed his arms again and leaned back on the couch.

Luke mulled over his options, remembering his previous conversations with Han. He pulled the worst vision from his memory—Naluma's recurring Force-vision, the one that had plagued her soon after they arrived on Khalkha. Ben, you're heading down the wrong path. Is this what you want to become?

The Jedi Master projected the vision of the Knights of Ren into Ben's consciousness. There is no peace here. There is no satisfaction down the dark path. You will always crave more power. Vader discovered that too late. Don't make the same mistakes. 

Ben sat up, rubbing his temples, as Luke sent the words into his brain. He stiffened his body and clenched his teeth. His dark-brown locks tossed from side to side as the boy squirmed under the gaze of the Jedi Master. He looked around the room, the glint of Jedi Fau's lightsaber swinging at his hips capturing his attention.

❸ The boy extended his hand and pulled the lightsaber to him before either Jedi could respond. He ignited the weapon and swung at Jedi Fau's head. As she ducked and rolled out of the way, Luke's green blade met Naluma's purple blade, clashing with a loud hiss. 


Ben stood, pushing his weight against his uncle and pulling in his anger with the dark tendrils of the Force.

The blades vibrated, bathing Naluma's neck and face in an eerie combination of green and purple hues. Sweat beaded on Luke's forehead as he clenched his teeth and pushed against the boy with both the Force and his saber.

Naluma pushed her neck against the floor, unable to shift a centimeter.

With an evil grin and scrunched face, Ben adjusted his weight, the purple blade glancing off the green.

Did you know ...

● PuHa is based on Tai Chi Chuan. The word PuHa means power in the Comanche language.

● This isn't the first time Luke's had a reluctant Padawan (Naluma), but it is the first time he has dealt with a rebellious one.

● Ben's speech patterns and vocabulary are slightly higher than the average ten-year-old boy on purpose. They reflect the following background: tutored by C-3PO for the last three years instead of attending school, having to behave like an adult while escorting his mother to State functions, associating only with highly intelligent adults and a fussy protocol droid for years, and escaping his life with books. There is also the influence of the dark presence that has haunted him since his childhood.

Tell me what you think ...

● What other methods could Luke have used to subdue Ben without crossing over to the dark side?

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