Chapter 35 - Call to Action

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❶ "He's Here for Us"—Rogue One OST

⊘ Silence

Naluma applied herself to training as she applied herself to everything—wholeheartedly. Luke had taken her back up in the shuttle many times since, but her piloting skills were barely adequate.

She took out her frustration in the gym and on the trail. She vowed to master something of the Jedi arts, even if she couldn't conquer the skies. Yet, Padawan training was not without risk. A few times, Master Skywalker almost struck her with his live blade. If he hadn't Force-pushed her out of the way or pulled his weapon in time, she would be missing a limb right now.

As she buttoned up her gray Padawan tunic in front of the mirror, she smiled while remembering the time he grazed her. They had been dueling in concert together, side-by-side against multiple training remotes when she had stumbled over a cable on the flight deck and moved into his sword circle.

The saber struck swiftly, burning into Naluma's uniform. "Ow!" The left sleeve smoldered as her skin burned red.

Luke shoved the training remotes to the ground with one Force-push, deactivating them as he rushed to her side. "Here, let me look at it." He grabbed on the cuff of her sleeve, yanking it from the bodice of her tunic, exposing her arm.

She winced, the burn throbbing, but her master's eyes were all she could focus on. His voice. Him.

With the Force, he pulled the medkit over and grabbed the bacta salve. He scooped out some gel with two fingers and smoothed it onto the wound. "How does that feel?"

Naluma was not sure if it were the bacta salve or the way Master Luke moved his fingers on her bicep, but the sensation reduced her answer to "Ah."

"That ought to teach you to stay out of your partner's saber range," he said with a grin as he lifted his eyes to hers for a brief moment.

"If that stupid cable—"

"You must always be aware of your surroundings in the Force, Naluma. Never let your mind wander in combat." He sealed the bacta salve container and tossed it back into the medkit. "The Force not only energizes and controls us, but it also informs."

"I was—"

Luke sighed as he lowered his head in admonishment. "Come on. With awareness this time." He activated his saber again and motioned to the remotes, bringing them back to position.

That was weeks earlier, but Naluma never forgot the way he looked at her or the way his fingers had rubbed the salve on her arm. Sometimes she wished they could stay like this forever.

Luke poked his head into her quarters, pulling her out of her reverie. "Stow your gear. We have orders to move out."


"Hosnian to report to the Senate."

A short hop divided Hosnian Prime from Zaxyn. While in hyperspace, Luke changed into his dress blacks.

When he entered the cockpit, he found her still wearing her service grays. "Formal attire, please, Naluma."

"I'm going with you?" she asked with her mouth hanging open. He nodded as she returned to her quarters to don her silk robes and trousers.

Naluma's heart raced in anticipation of her first Senate session. She would never have rubbed noses with senators if she were still in the military. Now I see why Luke drilled me on those protocol lessons so much. Hope I don't embarrass him.

Once the shuttle Elenium had docked in Landing Bay 925, Luke said, "Don't let anyone aboard but us, Artoo."

R2 beeped a query at him as the loading ramp lowered.

He stopped halfway down the ramp and looked back. "Okay, Threepio can come aboard."

A few more beeps emanated from the squat droid as he spun his dome slightly.

He grinned at his little friend. "All right, Chewie, too."

Naluma raised her eyebrows at Luke.

"Old friends."

He flashed his smile—the smile she never tired of—his teeth a mesmerizing and brilliant white. The Force at its finest, she dared to admit.

Naluma followed Luke when he stepped off the shuttle with a spring in his step. Their silk uniforms swished with every step.

Master Skywalker led Naluma through the corridor of the governmental complex to the Senatorial Hall. After six months, the Senate still met in the temporary buildings.

At the Galactic Governmental Complex site, construction workers poured the foundation slab twenty meters below the soil, but they would not finish the building for many years still.

When the Jedi attempted to enter the Visitors' Gallery in the current hall, the Besalisk guard at the door stopped them. He stood over two meters tall and extended his four arms to prevent entrance to the hall. A bony headcrest surmounted his inflatable waffle chin as he huffed, "Identification."

Luke flashed his badge. "Jedi Master Luke Skywalker." He jerked his thumb toward Naluma. "She's my apprentice, Naluma Fau."

She held out her expired military ID, which they had not had time to replace since her discharge three months earlier.

The Besalisk's headcrest scrunched as he leaned forward, hand on his hips. He gestured with his stone-cast chin, then shook his head. With this right upper hand, he waved Naluma's ID in Luke's face. "This ID is no good, Jedi." The guard's thick, gray skin gained rosy splotches as he grew more irate. "You can enter, but she cannot."

Luke stared at him. "She is my Padawan and under my authority. She goes where I go."

"I cannot permit you to pass."

The Jedi Master raised his hand. "You've made a mistake."

Confused, the guard said, "I've made a mistake."

"Of course, we may both enter."

The guard continued, "You may both enter."

Luke said, "Move along."

"Move along. Move along."

Luke grabbed the identification card from the guard as they both entered the gallery.

Once they were inside, Naluma poked his side. "You need to teach me that someday, master."

"What we really need to do is to get your ID sorted out while we're here on Hosnian," Luke said with a twinkle in his eye and his lips upturned at the corners.

The Senate had not yet convened, but many of the senators milled around the foyer, patting each other on the back and making give-and-take motions with their hands that Luke recognized all too well as favors in the making. A tiny representative with chestnut hair coiffed in elaborate braids approached Luke and Naluma.

The woman wore a deep-blue dress and strolled across the floor toward them as if she were a queen. When the young woman reached the pair, she drew the Jedi Master into a familiar hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Luke, I'm glad you're here. It's been too long."

Naluma bit her lips but knew better than to confront her Master in such company.

He clenched the newcomer in a warm embrace. "Oh, Leia, I've missed you. How are you feeling?" While placing his hand on her belly, he smiled at the senator.

Against every clause of the Jedi Code, Naluma could not prevent jealousy overcoming her at the sight of Luke and the senator. So much for the Jedi Mandate—he is obviously in love with her. Look at them together.

She scowled at the young legislator. Foolish girl. She was not sure if she had aimed that last thought at herself or the official.

Leia pulled back from Luke, smiling at him. "Much better. Morning sickness is pretty much gone." She turned her attention to the Jedi's companion. "And, who's this?" The senator's mouth had transformed from a warm smile to one of mischief.

"Senator Leia Organa of Alderaan, I'd like to introduce you to Jedi Padawan Naluma Fau from Felucia." He extended his arms formally toward the two women.

"Delighted to meet you." Leia took Naluma's hand with gentleness, shaking it with formality. "I look forward to getting acquainted better. Luke has barely mentioned anything about you."

Something passed between Luke and Leia, but Naluma was not sure what. She recognized a wicked smile when she saw one, though. Master Skywalker's expression grew sheepish, and his cheeks sported a crimson blush.

What was that all about? How could a senator make him blush without saying a word?

"An honor, Senator," she said, masking her emotions and bowing low as Felucian customs required.

"Where's Han?" Luke searched around the hall for familiar faces.

Leia averted her eyes and looked over Luke's shoulder. "On a trading mission to some of the Outer Rim Worlds."

Between her tone and body language, Naluma knew that Leia hid something in her answer. The Force around Leia muted her amber and red Force-signatures with a slight aura of foreboding.

❶ When the Speaker of the Senate called the assembly to order, Luke and Naluma moved to the Visitors' Gallery while Leia moved to the Alderaanian section. 

General Rieekan addressed the Senate. "Senators, we have disturbing reports from some of the outlying systems on the Ring."

The veteran and hero of the evacuation of Hoth displayed the holographic map and pointed out the affected systems. "The remnants of the Empire have attacked systems in the New Territories region. Tangrene recently fell, and now we have reports Orinda will be the next target."

Lights flashed on the display board chaotically. A leathery Weequay acknowledged each of them in turn.

The senator from Ord Mantell asked, "How are they taking an entire planet? They don't have the firepower left."

Because of the distance between the Visitor's Gallery and the senator, Naluma could not determine the features of the representative or whether the representative was male or female.

"Apparently, the Empire has been able to utilize a single destroyer each time. Either the planet surrenders, or the Empire releases a biological agent that kills off all lifeforms. Some die instantly, others take weeks, but they all die," Rieekan said in a somber tone. His graying brown hair fell across the ridges of his brows as they furrowed in anguish.

The senator from Umbara asked as he stood on his bleacher, "How are we going to fight that? Our troops are just as susceptible to biological agents. We don't have battle droids."

"Our goal is not to fight the Empire at the site but at the biological warfare plant—destroy the place." Rieekan pointed with a laser to the hologram map of the galaxy.

"You've got to be kidding? That will spread the agent throughout the manufacturing planet," the senator from Onderon said.

Naluma jostled forward, concerned. Luke put his arm on hers, motioning her to relax.

General Rieekan jolted his head toward the Onderonian senator. The general's deep blue eyes glared in response. "I have a plan that could create a containment field and limit the affected area. Master Skywalker, would you be willing to assist on this mission?"

On that cue, Luke transitioned from the Visitors' Gallery to the floor. Naluma followed a step behind him. "Technically, it could be done, but I've never contained anything that big before. I'm not sure how much of the contaminant might get through to the population. Can we evacuate them, first?"

Leia tilted her head, clearly analyzing the situation. After the speaker acknowledged her, she said, "Too many in too little time. We may be looking at a difficult decision—sacrifice one planet to save many."

General Rieekan turned to Luke. "What supplies would you need? Do you need a squad?"

The Jedi Master thought about it for a moment, resting his hand on his chin. "Clean ship. Something to trade. No squad, but I will take Padawan Fau with me." He paused for a moment and then nodded his head. "It can be done, General."

The Chancellor called for a vote which passed almost unanimously. A few more days, and they would be off to Telti in The Slice. 

Naluma crinkled her brow. If Republic Intelligence is correct, Telti houses the biological weapons plant. If wrong, this mission will be the beginning of a protracted war—which nobody wants. But what does Master Luke expect us to do? Two Jedi against a star destroyer?

⊘ Luke and Naluma moved into a briefing room with Rieekan, going over the intelligence reports and maps. Naluma was key to showing them their route into the facility.

"Weren't you with us at Thila?"

"Yes, General. I was fresh meat back then," she said with a wink.

"If I'd known you were this good at tactics, I would have promoted you then and there."

Naluma smiled with embarrassment, lowering her face. She knew the general was not serious. However, having him praise her in front of Luke sent a shiver up her spine.

"General, we're going to need some armament—maybe some protective clothing. I'm not quite sure what this biological agent is, but we'd better assume it's radiation or worse." Luke pointed to one of the details in the report on vid screen.

"You know, there's no guarantee you will come out alive, Master Skywalker," Rieekan said.

"I know. Naluma, if you would rather not ..." Luke's eyes penetrated the darkened room, boring into her soul.

She leaned on the holotable. "Master, I'm going with you, and you cannot persuade me otherwise."

He stared back at her, his mouth open a few centimeters, as if he were about to object. But he clenched his teeth and nodded in reluctant agreement.

"Now that that's settled," Rieekan said, "let's look at the terrain."

The group focused their attention on the topographical holo of the landing zone, sentry towers, and trade roads blocking any easy infiltration.

Naluma approached the map slowly spinning in the air and pointed a finger at a creek running through a narrow valley. "Here. This is where we should make our drop."

Did you know ...

● This book is littered with Easter Eggs from the films. (Which are actually considered the literary device "allusion," so I guess that makes for better writing.) The part with the security guard is a mirror of the "These aren't the droids you're looking for" scene from A New Hope. Besides, we all like a good Jedi mindtrick once in a while, right?

● Wattpad has a copy/paste glitch. It doesn't always appear, thankfully. When it does appear, it is not apparent until after you hit "Publish Changes." If you ever see two words shoved together or a space missing after a punctuation mark, please tell me. That's the glitch making our lives miserable again. Sometimes it will even insert a string of odd characters.

Tell me what you think ...

● What does Naluma's determination to accompany Luke on this mission say about her growth as a Jedi?

● What other challenges could the Republic face to avoid having another Death Star? (#1 was amazing, #2 was trite, #3 was two too many)

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