Chapter 36 - Dinner with the Senator

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❶ "Luke and Leia"—Return of the Jedi OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "Marion's Theme"—Raiders of the Lost Ark OST

❶ The situation room door opened, revealing Senator Organa among a dozen others. The image at the holo table flickered off as General Rieekan gave a confident nod to those around him. 

When Master Luke took the senator in his arms and kissed her on her forehead, Naluma clenched her teeth and looked away.

The senator murmured, "When do you leave on your mission?"

"Not for a few days."

Naluma did not want to butt in, but something burned inside her. I just hope he's not the father of the senator's child. So much for those lofty words about a Jedi Mandate. She glared at them. Hypocrite.

The Padawan closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead in an attempt to control the headache that accompanied her disgust.

"Please, come stay with me," the woman said with her arms around Luke's waist. "There's lots of room."

Luke checked back to Naluma.

The senator followed his gaze. "Oh, you're both invited. Please."

Luke wrapped his right arm around Leia's shoulder and turned to face Naluma. "Oh, okay. Twist my arm, why don't you? Naluma, you all right with that?"

"As you wish, master." Her back and face stiffened to hide the turmoil within. 

Naluma followed a few paces behind as the senator led Luke to her quarters, his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist. Naluma seethed.

When they reached the suite, a golden protocol droid met them at the door. "Master Luke! Please come in."

"Hello, Threepio," Luke said as he smiled at the protocol droid while the party entered the suite.

"Princ—Senator Organa, I didn't know we were expecting guests tonight." The flustered droid lifted his arms in exaggeration and tottered unsteadily.

"Relax, Threepio. Why don't you order us dinner while I show Luke and Naluma the place?"

"Excellent idea, Senator." The protocol droid waddled in his staggered motions to the kitchen located to the left of the entryway.

Leia showed Luke and Naluma to separate rooms to the right of the entrance. "It's not much, but it's home."

Naluma was astonished at the opulence. The suite was expansive, with the main living area larger than the entire house she had grown up in. The apartment boasted three large bedrooms with en-suite refresher units, a massive kitchen and dining area, and a lavish reception lounge.

Behind the four-meter-tall plastiglass slider lay a terrace that overlooked the Hosnian landscape and the burgeoning skyline. Tall pines spiked into the mauve evening, and a serene roar from rushing river reached up to the patio. White stucco and chrome trim engulfed the apartment, giving off an aura of a spaceship rather than a home.

If this isn't much, I wonder what she's used to. Spoiled princess indeed.

Luke asked Naluma, "Would you mind getting our things from the shuttle?"

"Gladly, Master." Anything to get out of this tense situation. There is so much electricity in the air, I can hardly breathe. "Do you want me to bring Artoo or leave him there?"

The golden droid in the kitchen tilted his head at the mention of Artoo. 

"Bring him along and seal the shuttle." Luke flashed his lustrous teeth in a warm smile that melted through her hastily built wall. "And, Naluma ... thanks."

She nodded before exiting the apartment. I wish he would stop smiling at me like that. If we're not supposed to have attachments for anyone, he sure is making it hard.

When Naluma returned to the suite with their bags, Master Skywalker and Senator Organa stood on the terrace watching the sunset, still with arms wrapped around the other.

I wonder where he met her. Oh, I don't stand a chance. If he ever were going to do anything with a woman, it would be with her and not with me. She quietly took the bags into their rooms and unpacked.

The protocol droid served the dinner on the terrace. Naluma found the spices enchanting in the dish from the Mimbanite restaurant. Chunks of parranda floated in a citrusy sauce ladled on top of a pungent, puréed grain called jagung. The difference in textures between the grains and the chewy meat caressed her palate in wonder.

The stars peeked out from the black canvas of space on this beautiful evening. Naluma remained unusually quiet during dinner, observing both Luke and Leia as they conversed about a variety of topics.

Skating around a particular topic created a tense environment again—someone named "Han," Naluma picked up from Luke's surface thoughts. Embarrassed that she broke the Jedi honor code, she excused herself.

Luke frowned as she left. "Excuse me. Be right back. Take your plate?"

Leia handed Luke the plate. "Thanks." The senator placed her hand on her protruding belly as she gazed through the slider window while Luke entered the kitchen.

⊘ As Naluma rinsed her dishes, Luke set the plates in the sink and hopped on the counter. "What's up, Naluma?"

"The tension out there, Master." She kept her eyes on the plates, washing them with vigor. "I wanted to get out of your way, so you could reignite your old flame." Her attempt to mask the jealousy failed miserably.

"Old flame? Leia?"

She turned off the faucet and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. "Well, you two certainly have been inseparable since we arrived." She lowered her head, willing the tears to stay in her eyes.

He hopped off the counter and grabbed her by the arms. "Naluma, look at me. I want you to get this clear. She's my sister." He opened his mind to her, sharing memories with her.

Naluma blanched. "Darth Vader's your father?" She pulled away from his grasp. "That ghost that's been teaching me healing's—?"

"No, Anakin Skywalker was my father."

"Oh, stop splitting hairs. Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, same person." Something else reached her thoughts. "Your sister kissed you like that—twice!"

Luke turned brilliant red. "We didn't know we were related yet."

"And yet it is still on your surface thoughts, Master." Another thought hit her. "Four times? Are you sure you're not in love with her?" Naluma's voice quivered as she realized what she had asked.

❷ With a bright-red face, Master Luke glared at her. He opened his mouth to reply but then closed it again quickly.

Feeling his shame and his heartache across their Force-bond, Naluma's jealousy transformed into compassion. She stroked her fingers on his silk sleeve. With a low voice, she asked, "You were in love with her, weren't you?"

Luke admitted with a reluctant nod. "Not anymore though. But she is my sister, and I will do anything to prevent her from being hurt—"

Her face turned from concern to outrage as she picked up something else from him. "You almost turned to the dark side to protect her from the Emperor. Master!"

He looked down in shame and said in a dark tone, "You don't know the power of the dark side, Naluma, and I hope you never learn of it."

She peered at his contorted face. She could feel through the Force how raw he was inside. "Master, when was this?"

He weighed his words. "Endor."

Seven months ago. No wonder he's ... well, the way he is about training me. He's not even sure of himself. After a few moments of silence, Naluma said in a muted voice, "I should leave."

"Please. And please don't tell anyone." Luke's voice cracked as he bowed his head in shame. "Not even Leia knows about my temptation to turn. Please." He bit his lip and closed his eyes.

"I'll grab my things and stay on the shuttle until we deploy."

His eyes bore into her as he whispered, "Thank you, Naluma."

Luke returned to Leia and dragged his chair next to hers. When he put his arm around her shoulder, she leaned her head on him. They remained in that position for most of the evening, following the space traffic as it flitted around the stars.

Did you know ...

● When creating this world, I had no background on Hosnian Prime. The reference books had not been released. Bloodline had yet to be written. Wookieepedia's entry was only two lines. So I built it from scratch. Modern conveniences would come, but slowly. Entertainment would not be anybody's priority. Restaurants would take time to build.

● Luke had to come to terms with his previous feelings for Leia. He's been ignoring them out of embarrassment for these past seven months. 

Tell me what you think ...

● What does Naluma's jealousy tell about her maturity level and progression as a Jedi?

●How has Luke's turning to the dark side for that brief moment in the throne room affected the way he's been training Naluma? How has it affected him personally?

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