Chapter 52 - Jedi Rites

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❶ "Anakin's Betrayal"—Revenge of the Sith OST

A few days later, Lor San Tekka, cleric of the Church of the Force and one of the last surviving Alderaanians, arrived from Kira in the Expansion Area.

He was a middle-aged gentleman with a close-cut beard that contrasted against his tanned skin. Streaks of gray marked his dark hair, but his body betrayed a certain youthfulness to it. He wore the beads and gown of his office regally.

As he strolled off the transport, Leia ran to meet him and hugged him. "Lor San Tekka, I'm so glad you could come."

"My pleasure, Your Highness. My pleasure. I've been meaning to introduce myself to Master Skywalker for some time now. There aren't many of us clerics left, and I believe the Jedi and the church could both aid each other in the re-establishment of their orders."

Leia led him to their suite where Luke, Han, Chewie, and Naluma awaited them. Luke rose when the door opened. He greeted him with a formal bow. "Lor San Tekka, a pleasure to meet you."

"And you, too, Master Skywalker. And this must be your Padawan I've heard so much about," he said, motioning to Naluma.

She bowed with respect. "Naluma Fau."

Leia introduced, "And this is my husband Han and our dear friend Chewbacca."

"A pleasure to meet all of you," the priest said as he extended both arms before him. "Let's not waste time. Have a seat, and I will tell you what I remember from the graduation rites of the Old Jedi Order."

Naluma remained standing as they all took seats, in preference to the elders. "Lor San Tekka, would you care for refreshment?"

"Please. Saft if you have it, water if not."

She brought a crystal tumbler of clear water to the table.

"Well, from what I remember of the Jedi Rites, first was the preparation. The master and the Padawan would engage in ablutions and silence for six hours preceding the ceremony. Then the master and Padawan stood side-by-side in front of the cleric."

The older man scratched his ear before continuing. "The master confirmed that the Padawan had passed the five trials."

Luke cleared his throat. "In the Telti action, Padawan Fau demonstrated skill in Force-work by constructing a Force-shield dome to contain a radiation blast. Courage against agents of evil both on Telti and here on Hosnian. Flesh." His eyes watered. "Flesh with injuries sustained in such actions, yet persevering through the pain to serve justice and restore peace. Spirit—in a cave filled with darkness on Zaxyn, she overcame the darkness within her, as she continues to each day. Insight." He shuddered briefly. "Without her insight, I would not stand here. The Jedi Order would not exist. It is only through her insight that I am whole today. She learned what I could not teach her—how to heal with the light of the Force."

San Tekka nodded. "Very well. Has she created a lightsaber yet?"

Naluma said, "I have." She drew her weapon and ignited it. It snapped and hissed to life, casting a purple glow on everything around her.

"A perfect color to match your Force-signature, Padawan. Excellent choice," Lor San Tekka said.

"The Padawan then had to confirm the same and spend the entire evening in a vigil of silence, being attended upon by her master only. In the morning the priest or the Grand Master returned to receive the Padawan's vows. The sponsoring master would strip off the Padawan robes, cut the Padawan's braid with her lightsaber, and place the robes of a Jedi Knight on her."

Luke looked at the cleric, overwhelmed by the formality of the ceremony. "What is the most important part of the ceremony? New Jedi Order, new rules." He smiled at Naluma and then at Han.

"The vigil of silence and the vows. I see you have foregone the Padawan braid, so that part could be removed from the ceremony," he said. "When would you like to begin this ceremony?"

Luke smiled at his Padawan. "Tonight, 2300."

The cleric asked, "Where? There is no Jedi Temple anymore, and I don't believe there is a Church of the Force here on Hosnian."

"Would the terrace do?" Luke asked, pointing out the glass doors.

"It should, but it might get very cold tonight," San Tekka said.

Naluma said, "That's all right. I can handle the cold."

Lor San Tekka said with a glint in his eyes, "I wasn't concerned about you, Padawan, but your master."

❶ When Naluma and Luke arrived at the suite at 2245, Leia let them in. Naluma had spent the rest of the day in the prescribed ablutions and silence, allowing the Force to cleanse and fill her.

She had changed into her silk Padawan uniform, which consisted of wide trousers and a tunic with wide shoulders and flowing sleeves all in steel gray.

An embroidered silk tabard covered the tunic and was belted with a fringed sash. The hem of the tunic reached just above her knees, with the tabard falling to mid-calf.

Naluma had brushed her long, black hair until it gleamed and shimmered, leaving it to glide down her back. Her lightsaber jostled at her hip.

Master Skywalker had prepared for this evening with his own silence and ablutions. He, too, dressed in his most formal black silks embroidered with blue, green, and yellow symbols of power. He carried the the black wool cassock of a Jedi Knight to place on Naluma during the ceremony. 

Lor San Tekka arrived from his temporary quarters on the other side of the complex and looked at everyone. Ben slept in his crib and Threepio charged in the kitchen, but the rest were there.

"Shall we?" the priest said with his gravelly voice. He noticed their lightsabers hanging from their belts. "Leave those here. You will not need the weapons until later."

Luke and Naluma removed their sabers, placing them on the table before moving to the terrace.

Lor San Tekka moved in front of them. Luke stood behind Naluma but to her left side, facing the cleric.

The temperature had dropped ten degrees in the last hour, making Han and Leia shiver. Han removed his jacket, wrapping it and his arms around Leia to warm her up.

He kept her close to him, hugging her from behind. Han whispered in her ear, "Too bad this isn't a wedding. You could cut the tension between those two with a knife."

Leia elbowed him.

As Chewbacca's fur ruffled in the cool breeze, he bared his teeth enjoying the cooler weather.

Lor San Tekka took a container with a powder in it. He sprinkled some on Naluma's head, leaving streaks of white in her dark tresses. "Master Skywalker, do you confirm that Padawan Naluma Fau has passed all of the trials to become a Jedi Knight, with no reservations?"

"I solemnly swear that the Padawan Naluma Fau has passed all of the trials and is ready to become a Jedi Knight, with no reservations," Luke said with a slight nod.

"Padawan Fau, upon your self-evaluation, do you confirm that you are ready to take on the burden of Knighthood?"

"I swear that I am ready to become a Jedi Knight—to be a guardian of peace and justice in the galaxy, serving the galaxy in self-sacrifice," she said with a short bow.

"Kneel, child." San Tekka pulled out a bottle of holy water from his robes. He emptied the contents on her head, allowing it to stream down her face and back. He waved his hands over her as he said a few words in an ancient unknown tongue.

Then he motioned to the rest to leave. "Until the day dawns."

Throughout the night, Naluma maintained her kneeling posture, using the Force to sustain her back and ease the pressure on her knees.

When she wavered due to the strain, Master Skywalker brought a wooden bowl of water to her. She drank it and handed it back, never once leaving her position nor communicating.

The sun's first rays cut through the clouds on the horizon, bathing their backs in amber light. With both sabers in hand, Lor San Tekka eased onto the terrace, followed by Han, Leia, and Chewie.

"Well done, Padawan. Are you ready to take your vows?"

"Yes, Lor San Tekka," she said with a quiet voice without rising.

"Repeat after me. I, Naluma Fau, Padawan of the Jedi Order," he began.

She repeated, "I, Naluma Fau, Padawan of the Jedi Order,"

Lor San Tekka said, "Do solemnly swear to serve others with the Force, always to the greater good ..."

The ritual continued with Naluma repeating each phrase as she took her vows.

"Do solemnly swear to serve others with the Force, always to the greater good ..."

"Forsaking all evil and selfishness ..."

"Defending the innocent and delivering justice ..."

"Eschewing all attachments—"

Luke cleared his throat and corrected the priest. "Eschewing all attachments outside the Jedi Order."

San Tekka nodded and repeated the phrase. "Eschewing all attachments outside the Jedi Order ..."

Naluma concluded with a glance to Luke. "Eschewing all attachments outside the Jedi Order."

San Tekka ignited her purple blade and held it close to her right shoulder. "By the rite of the High Council." He lifted the blade to the left shoulder. "By the will of the Force." He moved the blade to the top of her head. "Naluma Fau."

He stepped back and pointed the blade to the floor. "Rise, Jedi Knight, and receive the cloak of your office." He extinguished the saber while Luke placed the silk cassock around her shoulders, making sure it covered her gray Padawan uniform.

On a prearranged cue, Naluma knelt on one knee before Lor San Tekka. The cleric handed Luke his lightsaber as he stepped to Naluma's left with her in hand. On the priest's cue, they ignited the sabers once again. Raising the sabers over Naluma's head, the sabers crackled as they formed a diagonal cross.

"Ladies and gentlemen, whereas Naluma Fau has shown excellence in her feats on the field of honor, rendering high and noble service to the Jedi Order in war and in peace, as well as passed the arduous Jedi Trials, I am minded to elevate her to the rank of Knight of the Jedi Order. I present to you Jedi Knight Naluma Fau. May the Force be with you always."

He finished with a flourish of the saber before deactivating it and handing it to Naluma. Luke extinguished his saber and offered his hand to help Naluma up. The Jedi Master retreated as she turned to face her guests and smiled with pride.

Did you know ...

● There was not a lot of information on the Jedi graduation ceremonies of old. I researched medieval knighthood ceremonies, as well, and incorporated aspects from both with a twist to include the lightsabers.

● The line about the lightsabers kept away until the end is important to the end of the next book. Remember it.

● Lor San Tekka was a cleric of the Force in canon, who was also a traveler.

Tell me what you think ... 

● How do you think Naluma and Luke's relationship will change now that she is a knight and no longer a Padawan?

● What turning point does this knighthood ceremony represent for the New Jedi Order?

● Do you think the Senate would have insisted on her knighthood if Luke had genuine reservations about her promotion?

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