Chapter 53 - Echoes of War

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❶ "Rogue One"—Rogue One OST

❷ "Han and Leia"—The Force Awakens OST

Six weeks later, the Senate reconvened in the Senatorial Hall. Although maintenance crews had erased all vestiges of the terrorist attack, senators hurried to their seats while scrutinizing the immediate area. Gone were the proud looks of weeks before. Gone were the shady deals in the Senate antechambers. All that remained were trembling hands, furtive glances, and burly bodyguards. Their heavy footsteps lent a militaristic rhythm to the convening of the Senate.

Han looked around at the rattled faces, waiting with his friend Chewbacca to report on the refugee pre-fab housing project. The captain-turned-contractor gazed at his wife, wiggling his eyebrows.

Leia giggled and blushed a little, dropping her head with a tiny shake. When Mon Mothma called the senators to order and initiated the roll call, Leia covered her smile with her hand and composed herself.

Since this was the first time the Senate had convened since the attack, many dignitaries crowded the hall to present their issues. Many voiced concerns about security in the temporary facilities and when the permanent Senate Hall would be completed. But the more serious constituents beat the war drums.

The Iktochi Senator Zeshkar Ja yelled, "I'm tired of hiding and being afraid of our shadows. Let's take the war back to them and finish them once and for all. Down with the Imps!" His nose flared as his horns tossed side to side as a large number cheered their agreement.

❶ Grand Admiral Ackbar stepped forward to the holotable and thumped the controls, activating a three-dimensional map of the galaxy. "Unless we can destroy their supply line, we will never be successful in freeing the rest of the galaxy from Imperial rule."

Mon Mothma scrutinized the charts. "What are you suggesting, Admiral?"

"An all-out attack on the weapons facility on Jakku." He zoomed the focus of the map to the planet in the Western Reaches of the Inner Rim. As the device hummed and zithered, the yellow planet enlarged, crossfading with the galaxy map until all that remained was a topographical representation of Akbar's target. His lanky digits oscillated the laser pointer over the area of the hidden Imperial research base.

"If all of our forces converge on this site, we should be able to take it out, and we might just take a sizable chunk of the Imperial fleet with us."

"What are their defenses?" General Rieekan asked as he moved in for a closer look.

"General, I delivered a basic layout of the facility a few months ago," Han said from his position in the Visitors' Gallery. "Ensign, could you pull it up? It should be filed with my last report."

The ensign brought up the file, replacing the hologram with a topographical map of Jakku. Han and Chewbacca strutted to the main floor to explain their idea.

"It won't be easy, but I think an advanced assault team could break into the facility here on the north entrance and lower the defensive shielding." Han pointed to a region known as Kelvin Ridge, a rocky expanse with jagged sandstone that jutted through the sand dunes.

Chewie agreed with a roar.

Rieekan asked in his gruff voice, "How heavily guarded is that entrance, Solo?"

While Chewie pointed to the map, Han said, "Not very. The Imperials rely on the planet's terrain to discourage intruders. Rocky buttes here and shifting sands here."

"Then how is a squad expected to get through that?" Rieekan asked.

"A small ship could land in the canyons around those buttes. Salt ridges snake through the quicksand. If we stick to those, we could make it in unseen—especially if their attention was focused elsewhere." Han lifted his eyes to the sky.

Senator Organa glared at Solo and frowned. "What about one of the other bases?"

After clearing his throat, Admiral Ackbar said, "You've seen the reports, Senator. Attacking Kuat would be disastrous, and with Tibanna gas mines springing up across the galaxy, any attack on Bespin would make little difference. Jakku is the only target that can make an impact in the remaining Imperial war machine."

General Rieekan said, "Senator, the plan has merit. We just need someone who knows the terrain to lead the squad." His gaze bored into Solo.

After a quick glance at Leia who was crossing her arms and tapping her foot while glaring at him, Han temporized, "Uh, I'm already working on the pre-fab units for the refugees, General."

General Rieekan said with an outstretched hand, "I have other personnel who can do that. We don't have anyone else who knows that area on Jakku like you do, Solo."

With his hands on his hips, Han thought about it for a moment and then whispered something to Chewie. Not even glancing at Leia, he took a step forward. "Count us in, General."

Leia's eyes hardened as she her crossed arms stiffened and her tapping foot paused. Scrunching her face, she glowered at her husband but did not say a word.

Solo turned his back on Leia and resumed his battle plan. "We'll take the squad in on the Falcon under the guise of trade. Conduct some business here at Cratertown and then leave. Once the Fleet arrives, contrive some means to re-enter the atmosphere further north in the Goazan Badlands."

"Sounds reasonable. I'll have my ground forces attack from the south," Rieekan said while he scratched his chin.

❷ As soon as her meetings had concluded, Leia sped on a hover cart to the Millennium Falcon. Han and Chewie were conducting a pre-flight check of the ship, and the squad was loading supplies for the mission when she arrived.

"Han," she said as he stood on top of the craft, checking the dorsal quad cannon. "You were going to leave without even saying good-bye?"

Han muttered to Chewie who kneeled next to him, "Now I've done it."

Chewie mumbled with a tilt of his head before returning to his adjustments.

"Thanks for all the support." Han grabbed onto the edge of the sub-light engine housing and swung his long legs to the deck where his wife waited. "Leia, I'm sorry, but—"

Leia cut him off by grabbing his head with both hands and locking her lips to his. When she broke off, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "Just come back in one piece, you old fool."

"Who's old?"

"I love you."

"I know." Han winked and turned back to his work to check one last cable while Chewie crawled through the utility hatch on top of the ship.

As the smuggler-turned-rebel traversed the ramp, he turned back to his waiting wife and pointed to her. "I love you, too."

He entered the ship as the ramp closed.

Did you know ...

● I originally wrote both The Jedi Reborn and Rise of Ren as one book. The natural division between the two is when Ben enters the Jedi Academy. 

● I wrote a third book, I Am a Slave, as an AU take on Rey's early life. It can stand on its own, but it also fits in nicely as the third book of a trilogy in this series.

● Empire Day is entirely original and AU, not fitting in with any book. It started from a writing prompt for a book club. I then expanded it for #NaNoWriMo2016.

Tell me what you think ...

● What worries does Leia have as Han leaves for the first time since Ben was born?

● How have both Han and Leia changed in how they are handling commitments outside the home?

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