Chapter 54 - The High Command

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❶ "The Battle of Hoth" 0.01-0.52—The Empire Strikes Back Extended ST

⊘ Silence

Not long after Han and Chewie lifted off to procure food supplies for their mission, General Rieekan called a briefing of the High Command and the New Jedi Order in the Situation Room on Zaxyn.

As the shuttle Elenium began the short hyperspace jump to Zaxyn, Luke said over the comm from the pilot's seat, "Service uniforms today."

Naluma poked her head out of her quarters. "What will it be like?"

"Nothing to worry about. Just keep your eyes and ears open and don't speak unless questioned."

"Regular SOP. Got it, master." She sighed. Force, let me not make a fool of myself today.

Luke nodded. "You'd better get moving. ETA five minutes."

"On it." She shut the hatch and stripped off her black PT sweats. She still had to look twice when she opened her gear locker to make sure she that wasn't imaging things and that Master Luke's uniforms hadn't been switched with hers.

In less than a minute, she was sliding her boots on over the wool trousers and running a brush through her hair. With a few twists and a wooden hair slide, she was ready for duty once more.

❶ When they arrived at the military headquarters on D'Qar, Naluma ran through the names on her datapad to match them to familiar faces. Mon Mothma, Grand Admiral Gial Ackbar, Field Marshal Jan Dodonna, General Crix Madine, General Carlist Rieekan. She recognized most of the major players from her military service and the Senate meetings, but their aides were another story. She found herself ignoring the names and concentrating on their Force-signatures. Strange that I can identify those differences so quickly but I can't seem to put names to faces as well.

Luke interrupted her thoughts. :Be at peace. It doesn't matter. We are no longer part of the military. The only hierarchy you should care about is within our order.:

She lowered her eyes and frowned. :Yes, master.:

A burst of emotion buffeted her shields. She let his comforting concern flood her, inducing a warm flush on her face.

Mon Mothma smiled at the group gathered around the holotable. "Field Marshal Dodonna will oversee the joint forces on the attack. Field Marshal, would you please explain your battle plan?" The graceful Chancellor slide out of the way and observed from a darkened corner.

The elderly Dodonna's long gray bear shimmied as he stepped into the light shining at the head of the table. "Welcome." He brought up a holomap of the terrain of Jakku once more. It flickered and spun until he was satisfied with its orientation. "General Solo and Chewbacca are headed to Jakku in advance of the fleet. Our forces are already assembling throughout the galaxy, waiting for our signal to converge."

The aged strategist pointed to the Imperial facility. "Our primary goal will be to cause a diversion so that General Solo's squad can take out the facility."

The generals and admirals around the table murmured in agreement.

As the hologram shifted from the Imperial facility to the endless sand dunes, Dodonna said, "After reviewing the terrain, I propose that we deploy a two-pronged attack from the southwest and southeast, spreading out our infantry one hundred kilometers along this perimeter. Using the sand dunes as cover, we will use a strike-and-retreat strategy to entice them out of their fort."

When Ackbar cleared his throat, Dodonna acknowledged him with a nod. The Grand Admiral interjected, "At the same time, the fleet will start an all-out attack from the air with bombardments and fighter runs on the surface. This action should draw the remaining Imperial fleet to Jakku so that we can finish them once and for all."

General Madine pointed out the different insertion zones on the map. "We have divided the troops between the special forces units on the east and the mobile infantry units on the west." He flicked a few switches on the holotable, zooming in on the eastern landing zone.

"Spearheading the eastern units will be our toughest forces—the Pulsars—under the leadership of Captain Peotra Jaré."

As the holotable changed views to the western landing zone, Naluma gasped. :No. Not the Pulsars. Not my old company.:

Luke grabbed her hand under the holotable. :You don't have to. You go with the western assault. I'll take the east.:

Madine droned on. "Twilight Company will attack on the west under the leadership of Captain Hazram Namir. Master Skywalker, we request that you and Jedi Fau accompany the spearhead units and assist in whatever manner possible."

Luke frowned. "The Jedi Order is willing to assist, General. However, while we both have military experience, we aren't military commanders. We will not lead the assaults."

General Madine said, "We did not expect you to lead the attacks. In fact, our senior officers on the ground will be in charge of the actual battle—with guidance from the High Command."

Luke placed his hand on his chin and cocked his head. Then he pointed at the general. "The Jedi Order will cooperate with the military in this situation, but we will not be constrained by military orders. We will not place innocents in danger, even if it means not achieving the military objective. Also, we need freedom to act on our instincts and not wait for a chain-of-command approval."

General Madine spluttered. "That's not how the Jedi—"

Dodonna raised his hand, silencing Madine. "Rightly so, Master Skywalker. We are only seeking assistance and observation from the Jedi Order, not conscripting you into the army." The Grand General spun his neck around the room at the assembled leaders. "Any questions? Good. Then get to your transports."

Did you know ...

● After reading Battlefront: Twilight Company, I was inspired to insert the company into the Battle of Jakku. One of the best militaristic-style Star Wars books I've read.

Tell me what you think ...

● Why is Naluma more nervous now than her earlier strategy meeting with the High Command?  

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