Chapter 72 - Repercussions

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❶ "Jedha City Ambush"—Rogue One OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "The Secret Wedding"—Braveheart OST

⊘ Silence

The next morning, the Padawan woke Luke bright and early at 0500. Kalder questioned him in his bedroll on the main deck. Rough night last night, master?

He rolled over and squinted at the Padawan. Don't ask. Do me a favor, take them on a long run this morning. Eat at the mess hall. But whatever you do, don't wake Naluma.

Yes, master. Kalder smirked and twinkled his eyes at him. That was the most interesting night I've spied on you guys yet.

Luke groaned before thumping the pillow and rolling over for another hour of sleep.

After the run, Kalder led the group to the mess hall for breakfast.

Tandolleau asked, "What are we doing here, Kalder?"

"Obeying orders." He grabbed his tray and silverware before entering the chow line. Kalder led them to a table on the far side of the mess hall.

The Jedi ate with quiet conversation. Zeke watched the other Padawan with wide eyes. 

Jannah picked up on a conversation from the table next to them. D'Marchetto said, "Did you see her? Pawing him?"

Zepol guffawed. "Cut it out, D'Marchetto. We all know you missed your chance to get in her pants. Whining about it ain't helping."

The larger man clutched his knife and fork in his fists and thumped both arms on the table. "Who's whining?"

Another one said with envy, "Yeah, she was never that friendly with me."

"Well, at least now we know why she never drank with us. Fau can't hold her alcohol at all," another soldier said with a chortle.

"That Jedi gets all the luck—I'm sure he made it with her last night," D'Marchetto continued with his mouth full of food. "Master and Padawan—bet that game was fun. Man, I wish I had been on the receiving end of that."

Jannah stood, addressing the last soldier. "Would you like to retract that statement?"

"Who's going to make me, little girl? You?" the soldier said as he stood and rolled his sleeves.

"You bet." She pushed her sleeves up.

The rest of the table of soldiers stood as one of them said, "Looks like this one needs a lesson in military protocol, boys."

Zeke backed into a corner. The five Padawan stood, slammed their lightsabers down on their table in one movement, and raised their fists.

Wei'ahtt said, "I believe you are the fellows that need a lesson in protocol. A gentleman never speaks about a lady that way."

"Well, I don't know if I would ever call Fau a lady."

❶ In a ripple, the Padawan struck out with their fists. Jannah's fist connected first, sending her opponent stumbling backward. Wei'ahtt blocked another jab and threw his opponent across the room into a table. Kallay blocked her opponent, kicking him to the floor. Tandolleau was all elbows and knees, taking out three opponents in short time. Kalder wrestled an opponent to the ground and then charged another soldier approaching him.

The mêlée continued for a few minutes before the military police arrived, blowing their whistles and pulling combatants off each other. Once the MPs had brought the mess hall under control, General Madine entered with Colonel Kiner. Everyone in the hall stood at attention, blood dripping from cuts and bruises forming before their eyes.

⊘ "What in blazes is going on in here?" Madine asked with a red face.

A short Sullustan with large black eyes and round ears, Corporal Billings, hastened forward. "General, I believe it all started when a few soldiers were discussing the finer points of the ball last night. The Jedi took exception to some of the descriptions."

General Madine asked the Padawan, "Is this true?"

Kalder said, "Yes, General. We were not going to stand by and allow Jedi Fau's name to be dragged through the mud."

General Madine sighed. He said to Colonel Kiner beside him, "Better get Master Skywalker down here."

"Yes, General." The dark-skinned colonel saluted and headed for a communicator panel near the door. His graying hair pushed against the wall as he spoke into the communicator.

Luke woke up when he heard Naluma banging around in their quarters. Kriff, she's hungover. I should have left the portable refresher out last night. How stupid could I have been. He walked over to the door. Should I go in? What if she's not decent? I don't even want to touch her mind right now. That might double her hangover.

After a few more knocks and slam of the gear locker door, he was certain she was decent. He knocked on the hatch. "'Luma?" He received no response. "You okay in there? Need help?"

She said, "I've got a pounding headache, and my leg is killing me. Can you bring me my pain meds?"

He opened the hatch and brought in another tall glass of water with the pain meds. He figured if her leg was killing her, then the alcohol must be out of her system by now.

❷ Naluma leaned back on her bunk, covered up again. "Thank you," she said as she reached for the glass and meds, not opening her eyes.

He sat on the crate.

She frowned. "I take it something happened last night," she said as she adjusted her position on the bed. "Mind filling me in?"

"Someone spiked the azeechidi," he said while scrunching his nose. "Mixing it with your pain meds produced some very interesting results."

Naluma looked at him concerned. "Oh, no, what did I do?"

"You don't remember?"

"Just a few images."

"Well, let's just say you didn't leave anyone at the ball wondering about how you feel about me."

"That bad?" She held her hand to her throbbing head as she took another slurp of water.

"Oh, it gets even better."

"Go on," she said. "Let me know the worst of it."

"Well, I certainly wasn't going to wake the kids up, and you couldn't sleep in your dress ... you were quite amorous last night."

"I'm sorry." She reached out to touch him but brought her hand back with a jerk.

"Don't worry. Nothing a cold shower couldn't cure."

"Do the kids know?"

"Not everything, but they probably will today after the scuttlebutt makes it around base." As tears formed in Naluma's eyes, Luke laid his hand on her arm. "It wasn't your fault. That drink was supposed to be non-alcoholic." 

I've got to show her I trust her, even I'm not sure I do. He transferred to her bunk. As he held her to his chest, he said, "It's not your fault."

He spoke to her mind, And, yes, I still love you. Though, if you ever do those things to me again, you'll send me straight to the dark side. When she laughed, he brushed his lips against hers.

⊘ The shuttle communicator ruined the moment. Luke hit a button on the bulkhead and said, "Master Skywalker here."

Colonel Kiner's voice came over the speaker. "Master Skywalker, Colonel Kiner. Situation in the mess hall. General Madine requests your presence at your earliest convenience."

"Copy that. I'll be there in five." He disconnected the communicator.

Naluma raised her eyebrows at him in question.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Luke said as he grabbed his lightsaber and headed out of the cabin. He turned back to her. "Get some rest. I'll be back soon."

When Luke arrived at the mess hall, the troops and Padawan were still standing at attention in the middle of the cataclysm. Blood oozed from wounds, uniforms hung in shreds, and hostility permeated the air. Luke said, "General, what is going on here?"

"It seems my troops and your Padawan were having a spirited discussion about last night's events."

"I am dreadfully sorry, General. This won't happen again. Where can I discuss the incident with my Padawan?"

As he pointed to his right Madine said, "The kitchen is free right now."

Luke led them back to the kitchen, as Madine started tearing into his troops. The Padawan could hear Madine say, "Who started this?"

When they reached the kitchen, Luke echoed, "Who started this?"

They all looked at each other and swaggered forward. As the Padawan leader, Kalder spoke for the entire group. "We all did."

Jannah thumbed her chest. "But my punch connected first."

Luke shook his head and looked at the ceiling. "This is not how I thought this day was going to go." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Dare I ask why?"

Wei'ahtt gestured with his clenched fist. "They were saying some pretty mean things about Jedi Fau. We weren't going to stand for that."

"Did you ever consider that what they were saying was true?"

Kalder said, "That's the problem. It wasn't all true, Master Luke."

Jannah said, "Master Luke, there are some things I just won't allow to go unpunished. Slandering you and Master Fau is one of them."

"We are supposed to be the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, Jannah."

"Trust me, Master Skywalker, this was justice."

"It may have been, but we are guests on this base. You have embarrassed me and the Order." He paced a bit and then asked, "What were they saying?"

Tandolleau said, "It's not repeatable, Master Luke."

"Well, somebody had better tell me." His voice rose as his eyes widened in frustration.

Kallay said, "They were making obscene comments about you and Jedi Fau, Master. One of the guys was jealous about what he thought had happened between you two—he was proud that he got her drunk, too."

"It wasn't just the spiked drink, Kallay. It didn't mix well with her pain meds. Could you identify the one who spiked the punch?"

"Yeah, no problem," Kallay said. The rest nodded.

"Let's head out and see if I can salvage this situation. You guys keep your mouths shut this time."

When Luke reached Madine, his troops had cleaned up the mess hall and were standing at attention again. "General, my profuse apologies."

"Master Skywalker, I believe it is I who owes you the apology. First, for the spiked azeechidi last night. And, second, for this ..." Madine waved his arm around. "When I find out who spiked the punch, you will be receiving another apology, as well."

Luke thought to Kallay, Who was it?

Kallay looked through the crowd and read his name tag on his uniform. D'Marchetto.

Luke said to Madine, "I think D'Marchetto could shed some light on the spiking, General."

As Luke spoke his name, the man jumped in shock and then stepped forward.

Madine said, "Yes, D'Marchetto?"

"I'm the one who spiked the azeechidi with whiskey, General."

Then Specialist Grey scuffed forward. "And I spiked it with rum, General."

And Specialist Kingston said, "And I spiked it with brandy, General."

Luke's mouth dropped open. It's a wonder that Naluma is still alive with that fatal combination and her meds.

Madine said, "Colonel, please deal with these miscreants. I'm sure you can find a suitable punishment for them. And, in response to this utter lack of self-control by base personnel, this base is dry for the next three months. All troops present are restricted to base during that time with extra duty details assigned as well."

The mess hall sighed as a group in response.

Luke said, "Padawan, for your part in this brawl, you will be under the same restrictions."

Kalder laughed at Master Luke. We don't drink anyway, Master, nor do we ever leave base.

With a smile, Luke said, Yeah, but they don't know that.

Did you know ...

● My inspiration for this scene was the old World War II movies with mess hall brawls. I thought it would be fun to put former military brats and scavengers in this situation and see what their characters would do. I had no idea Jannah would be the instigator. I always though it would be Wei'ahtt.

● A nod to Claudia Gray when I named Specialist Grey. I love her Lost Stars.

Tell me what you think ...

● What is Luke thinking when he deals both with Naluma and the altercation in the Mess Hall?

● How will this brawl affect the reputation of the Jedi Order?

● Do you think Luke was angry with the Padawan or was he glad that they had responded by upholding Naluma's honor? Why?

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