Chapter 10 - Intermediate Saber Trials

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❶ "Jessica's Theme"—The Man from Snowy River OST

❷ "Rogue One"—Rogue One OST

⊘ Silence

❸ "Holmes and Elizabeth"—Young Sherlock Holmes OST

❶ A week later, Naluma peered out the window of the electronics lab, monitoring the Millennium Falcon as it landed. When Luke's Force-signature grazed Naluma's cheek from the distant freighter, she couldn't contain an anxious smile.

Pepin caught Master Fau's smile and whispered to Canoord, "Master Luke's back."

"How do you know? I can't feel him," Canoord said trying to look out the window.

"I can't either, but look at Master Naluma's face." Pepin pointed at the Jedi Master whose eyes were focused on the Falcon. "I think they're using mindspeech."

"Well, maybe she'll be a little easier on us now."

Pepin and Canoord chattered at the back of the room. Naluma coursed around the class, observing the Padawan working on their assignments. She hushed the pair when passing, but her gaze remained drawn outside to the landing pad.


Welcome home. A dreamy smile blazed across her face. I didn't expect you on the Falcon.

We've got a fast turn-around. Only half of the shipment fit. Need some help.

On it. Naluma said, "Class, secure your stations. Shipment to unload on the double."

When they boarded the Falcon, Master Skywalker was unfastening the last cable that secured the cargo crates to the bunks and gear units. While the others grabbed crates, Ben looked around the Falcon. His Force-signature broadcasted that he was searching for something familiar, something of home. A pang shot through Naluma's heart for a moment.

Han barreled around the corner from the cockpit and stopped when he saw his son. Ben looked at him, for the first time not glaring or running away. "Hi, Ben."

Ben grunted, "Huh." After a tense moment, Ben returned to his work, levitating two gear lockers and transporting them off the Falcon. 

She found Luke supervising the unload, snuck up behind him, covered his eyes, and pecked him on the back of his neck.

Luke smiled as he turned to Naluma, his eyes roaming over the lithe figure of his wife. No one could make him smile like she could. "Han, think you can handle this on your own while Naluma and I handle the cargo in the crew quarters?" Luke asked.

"No problem. Chewie should be done shutting down the ship any minute, too."

Luke wrapped his arm around Naluma's shoulder and led her down the passageway. When they were beyond the sight of the Padawan and Han, Luke took Naluma in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

Their Force-bond awakened to full capacity with the touch of their lips. Words were not necessary between them. The contact for now was enough. Luke entwined his fingers in Naluma's as he raised her arms above his head and kissed her on the back of her neck.

Chewbacca entered the passageway from the cockpit, interrupting their reunion. He growled as he tried to pass them.

As he slid out of the way, Luke said, "Sorry, Chewie."

Chewie growled back with frustration.

Luke grabbed Naluma again after the Wookiee had passed. He nibble on her earlobe while his hands explored her hips, sending shivers up her spine.

"Luke, sto-o-op." Naluma breathed in ecstasy. "Don't start something we can't finish."

He shuffled away. "Bad timing again?"

"Not entirely," Naluma said with vagueness. "But shouldn't we unload the ship first? Don't want to anger Han." And I really don't think the Falcon's the best place for a romantic rendezvous.

Luke pulled in the Force and commenced his relaxation exercises. "You're right, but it's been so long, Naluma."

"The quicker we unload this cabin, the sooner we can resume this conversation," Naluma said as she moved toward the hatch, running her finger across Luke's jawline. She reached back and kissed him one more time. "Coming?"

An hour later when they had finished unloading the Falcon, Han said, "Chewie and I are heading back to Zaxyn. I'll meet with a crew in five days. Don't be late."

"We're leaving first thing in the morning," Luke said with a nod of promise.

"Hey, don't forget that food you have in the cooler." Han pointed toward the galley while smirking at his brother-in-law. "Otherwise, Chewie and I may just have to sample it ourselves."

Naluma raised her eyebrows at Luke. He smiled back and said one word, "Chinot's."

She grabbed the containers from Luke as he retrieved the food from the cooler.

As Luke and Naluma transported the cargo crates and frozen dinners to the academy, a few Padawan raced to meet them. A couple of the younger ones hugged Master Luke as he carried the meals. "Where are you guys supposed to be?" Luke asked.

"Nowhere. It's class change," a first-year boy named Apstal said.

"All right, then, you just volunteered. Each of you take a crate from Master Fau and then get to class."

Naluma handed her bundles to the Padawan. "Take these to the new dorm rooms on the third floor. Put a set of sheets at the foot of each bunk in the four rooms. Then take the rest of the sheets and uniforms to supply in the basement."

"Yes, Master Fau," Apstal and Rosya said in unison.

Luke put his arm around Naluma's shoulder and escorted her through the lobby doors. "Which class do you teach next?"

"Intermediate saber. They're testing for promotion to advanced today."

"I'll take it for you."

"Thank you." She kissed him chastely on the cheek before assuming a more professional demeanor. But inside, under both of their Force-signatures, a tempest of desire stirred. Four months was too long apart.

Luke tried to focus on the task at hand, asking, "Anything I should know about saber?"

"Only one or two are ready for promotion. I have two of the lower advanced students coming by to work with them," Naluma said, attempting to maintain a straight face and shut down her longing.

Luke looked at her with his intense eyes and asked, "How long do we have until class?"

Naluma looked at her chronometer, "Twenty."

"Long enough." Luke grabbed her hand, and they sprinted to their quarters.

❷ Naluma entered the combat arena as Intermediate Saber was finishing. She hung back near the hatch as the pairs sparred across the arena.

Luke did not notice her at first as he evaluated Ben's fighting style with Eschkohl and Canoord's fighting style with Jabeorn. Jaeborn overwhelmed Canoord with ease, but Ben held his own.

A wave of Dalsa perfume distracted the Jedi Master. He smiled in pleasure as he took in a deep breath. Out of the corner of his eye, Luke glimpsed Naluma's hair flowing around her shoulders—just the way he liked it. Luke's eyes grew larger.

She grinned back. Ready for round two?

Don't distract me.

Luke returned to the job at hand. "Canoord's not ready, but Ben is doing extremely well."

Naluma stepped beside him and frowned as she inspected Ben's opponent. "Has Eschkohl been fighting like this all hour?"

"No," Luke said. "I figured he was tired after his previous opponents."

Naluma sighed. "Did you let Ben choose his own opponent?"


Naluma scowled. Canoord's done. Pull him out and switch Ben's opponent.

Luke called a halt to the examination. "Canoord, you need at least one more year, maybe more. Go shower. Eschkohl, if I hadn't seen you in the earlier rounds, I would highly doubt you are an advanced student. Go shower. Jaebeorn, I want you to face off with Ben. Begin."

Ben was in trouble from the beginning. His new opponent had his same reach, but Jaebeorn was better with footwork and strategy. Ben allowed his anger overtake him. Jaebeorn disarmed him within two minutes.

Luke said with his arms crossed and his legs spread, "Again."

It took a few minutes longer this time, but the result was the same. During the last half of his evaluation, Jaebeorn not only disarmed Ben, but he also physically overpowered Ben.

Luke said, "I've seen enough. Excellent work, Jaebeorn, but you could work on finishing the duel sooner. Both of you, hit the showers."

"When will the results be posted?" Ben asked between staggered breaths.

"It's not going to be," Master Skywalker said with raised eyebrows and a slight shake of his head. "None of you are ready to be promoted."

"But I was able to defeat Eschkohl," Ben said with a whine.

"I might just demote him back to intermediate for how poorly he dueled against you," Luke said as he waved his arms around. "Ben, you are depending on your long reach. Your footwork is lousy, your strategy is non-existent, and the only Force-work I noticed was when you got angry. Work harder at your lessons in the future."

"You're holding me back. I am ready. Jaebeorn, tell him I'm ready."

"Padawan, modulate your tone. You are on sanitation duties for the rest of the day for insubordination. One more word, and it will be the rest of the week," Master Skywalker commanded with his full authority. "Is that understood, Padawan Solo?"

"Yes, Master Skywalker," Ben said with hostility and a sneer.

Once Ben had departed, Luke led Naluma toward the chapel. Naluma said, "It's lunch time, Luke, not chapel."

"Since when was lunch before chapel?"

"Since the second-year Padawan were taking extra long getting ready after saber and missing chapel altogether. It's unbelievable how much more quickly they shower now that they would miss their lunch," Naluma said with a mischievous grin.

"Great idea. But what about meal prep?"

"We double the kitchen crew in the morning—one preps breakfast and the other lunch. During the fifteen-minute break between fourth hour and lunch, another crew sets the food out."

Luke smiled at her. "Brilliant." He then stole a quick kiss before they entered the dining hall.

⊘ Luke led Naluma to the instructor's table at the head of the room. He sat in the Grand Master's seat, with Naluma next to him. After setting down his tray, he said to Naluma and Jedi Kallay, "Excuse me for a moment."

Luke spotted Eschkohl sitting with his some of his friends in the third and fourth year groups. "Padawan Eschkohl," Luke said in a firm voice from behind the student.

Eschkohl stood to attention. "Yes, Master Skywalker."

"Please come with me."

Eschkohl visibly paled. "Yes, Master Skywalker."

Luke led Eschkohl to a corner of the room. "What can you tell me about the duel today?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Master Skywalker," Eschkohl said as his eyes darted to the ceiling.

"Did you make an agreement with Padawan Solo about today's testing?"

"I gave my word not to tell, Master Skywalker."

"Well, you just answered that question. Padawan Eschkohl, you have just failed the Trial of Insight and the Trial of Courage. Never ever put yourself into a position of blackmail. Is that understood, Padawan?"

"Yes, Master Skywalker." Eschkohl lowered his head in shame.

"Look. You're a good kid and a strong student. I can see the makings of a good leader if you just listen to your heart and don't let others steer you down the wrong path. Cheating is a serious offense. You're demoted to intermediate saber. Don't let there be a next time," Luke said. "Dismissed."

Eschkohl left the dining hall, struggling to hold in his tears, not even returning for his tray. 

After lunch, Master Skywalker delivered a chapel message on courage and integrity. He concluded his sermon with a few announcements.

"Listen. The concepts of cheating and lying are not up for debate. The galaxy places the Jedi on a pedestal so every flaw can and will be seen. It's not that you can't have flaws. Everyone does. It's just that integrity and honor are essential concepts to master. Along with justice, a solid moral code is the foundation of our Order. So, to this end, the Jedi Masters have agreed upon the following rewards and consequences. Learn them, love them, live them.

"First, Padawan have now been promoted a year group. Please make sure your insignia reflects your transition in year group on all uniforms by the end of this evening.

"Second, Padawan dormitory rotations are canceled this year, since we have no graduates.

"Third, second-year Padawan will be assigned as mentors to incoming Padawan in a few weeks. Your mission will be to welcome them and show them the ropes.

"Fourth, the following Padawan will accompany me on a two-week mission that leaves tomorrow morning right after breakfast. Please pack a kit bag with a week's worth of service and combat uniforms: Zoarta, Lekoh, Roskolox, Gam-Kaloor, and Fraynal.

"Fifth, any insubordination will result in extreme disciplinary measures, including confinement , additional work details, and MREs.

"Sixth, I want everyone to pay strict attention—if anyone asks you to do them a favor and promise that you will not tell anyone, you will be censured. Both parties will have failed the Trial of Courage and the Trial of Insight. Both parties will be demoted an entire year group plus have additional disciplinary measures administered. A second occurrence will result in probation. A third occurrence will result in permanent exile. Am I making myself entirely clear?"

"Yes, Master Skywalker," the entire academy replied in unison.

❸ A half-hour recess followed chapel. Luke and Naluma returned to their suite for a few minutes. When they entered the hatch, Luke grabbed her shoulders, massaging the knots from her tense muscles.

"I didn't realize what was going on with Ben, Naluma," Luke said with remorse. "I'm sorry."

"You witnessed only a fraction of what Ben has been doing. I deal with this on a daily basis, and he's beginning to influence the whole academy." Naluma winced when Luke hit a tender spot. "Ah."

"Should I lighten up?"

"No, just work those knots out," Naluma said. "Back to Ben. He only does right when it gets him something he wants, and usually he's doing something behind our backs at the same time. Luke I'm not sure we're doing him any good, and I'm pretty sure we're damaging the others."

"You think we should exile him right now? At the age of twelve?"

After some thought, Naluma said with hesitance, "I'm not sure."

"Well, what do you want?" Luke asked as he turned her around, a little frustrated.

"A break."

"From what?"


"He has to be with one of us or Kalder, Naluma. He's not ready for a mission yet. Think what would happen."

"You asked what I wanted. I didn't say what I wanted was realistic," Naluma said as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Some days, though, I'm just so tired of it all. Before Ben came, running the academy was much easier."

Luke sat beside her and held her to his chest, smoothing her hair. "I know. But you're the only one strong enough and with the right skills to do this, Naluma."

She bit her lip and breathed for a few moments before she asked, "How about we switch places. I take this mission. You fill in here?"

"That's a great idea. But, unfortunately, we can't this time. A special committee of senators requested me specifically."

The warning bell for fifth hour rang, pulling them apart. Naluma moved to grab her datapad from the mantel.

Luke levitated it from her hand. "What's your next class?"

"Senate Reporting fifth hour with the fourth-year students and then Galactic Cultures with the third-years sixth hour."

"I'll take them both. Why don't you take a nap, try to relax?" Luke said with a twinkle in his eye. "Meet me in the arena at 1600?"

"Deal," Naluma said. Before Luke exited, she grabbed him from behind and kissed him with tenderness.

"Just don't cut my hand off again."

Naluma laughed, extremely glad Luke was home, even if it were only for eighteen hours.

After their sparring workout in the arena, Luke prepared the study for an intimate supper. Naluma dressed in her formal purple gown and amethyst necklace that Luke loved. She made sure there would be a surprise or two later that evening as well.

Dinner was a success. Luke had chosen two different meals for them to share from Chinot's. The flavors were rich, the textures were perfect, and the company beyond compare. Most of the evening passed with few words, but both enjoyed the Force flowing between them, strengthening them both.

The next morning, Luke awoke to Naluma staring at him. "Good morning, my love," Luke greeted.

"Not that good." Naluma sighed as she ran her fingers through his hair. "You're leaving in a few hours."

"I'll be back in two weeks."

"Two long weeks." Naluma kissed him lightly.

Luke took her head in his hands and kissed her tenderly.

"I wish you were around to handle some of these problems. I don't always feel up to it, and I think I fail more often than not."

"You don't. Stop thinking that way," Luke said with a slight frown. "You are doing something important here that no one else is capable of. I couldn't handle it. Neither could Kalder. At least not the way you can."

"But, Luke, I can't handle Ben. He's running the academy, not I." 

"You can handle him." He pulled her into an embrace, her back resting against his chest.

"Look at me. Someone sneezes out of line, and I want to demote them to first-year status. And I'm even harder on Ben since he's my nephew." He stared into her eyes. "You're the strong one. And your patience is fathoms deeper than my own."

"You're wrong. You have no idea how many times I've had to restrain my instincts with him, Luke." The tears flowed down Naluma's face, moistening Luke's fingers as she sobbed. "I see how he's corrupting the others, and I just go all mama-wampa with him. We have so many others we have a responsibility to protect, to train, Luke. I don't want to ever lose a student, not even Ben, but we may regret this decision in the future."

Luke pulled her against his chest and kissed her hair. "Tell you what, I'll take Ben with me."

"You're taking him on a mission? He's not ready for that, Luke."

"Yeah, but you're right. You do need a break from him. Maybe the rest will reset their moral compass if he's out of the way for a few weeks. Besides," Luke said with a grin, "He may think he's joining us on the mission, but he will be doing every single chore, every single day, every single hour."

Naluma twisted in his arms to face him, her face alight with relief. "Really? Oh, Luke, I think I could handle two more weeks without you if I didn't have to deal with Ben."

"If this will make things easier for you, I will gladly do it." Luke kissed her forehead. "I love you, Luma. I hurt when you hurt."

"I don't deserve you," she murmured as she nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck.

"No, my dear, I don't deserve you." 

Luke made sure Naluma would be longing for his return. The shuttle launch was delayed a few hours that morning.

Did you know . . . 

● There are about twenty Padawan currently at the academy at all different levels of experience.

● Kallay is the Jedi Knight currently teaching with Naluma at the academy, but the assignment varies based on the expertise requirements for missions. Kallay teaches electronics and espionage, as well as the core courses, including beginning saber, levitation, and meditation.

Tell me what you think . . .

● Will Luke's ultimatum make any difference with Ben?

● What do you think will happen with Ben on the mission? 

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