Chapter 11 - First Mission

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❶ "We Go Together"—The Rise of Skywalker OST 

⊘ Silence

Ben beamed when Master Luke informed him he would be joining the older Padawan on the mission. He boasted to his year-group about the mission in the common room. "See, Master Skywalker believes I'm ready."

After flicking Ben's ear, Canoord said with a lofty tone, "Yeah, right. He's only taking you so he can monitor you."

"You just watch yourself, Canoord," Ben said in threat as he poked the boy in the shoulder. "Say anything else like that, and I'll make sure you pay the next time we're in saber class together. Master Luke won't be the only one with a mechanical hand."

Canoord's eyes grew large in fear, but he took a deep breath and found courage to retort. "Yeah, do so, and I'll let Master Fau read my thoughts about this conversation."

Master Skywalker poked his head inside the common room. "Padawan Solo, the kit bags and supplies are in the lobby. Please load the shuttle quickly. We depart in a few minutes."

Ben trudged out of the room with his head hung down while Canoord stuck his tongue out at him behind his back. 

Canoord twisted the screw into Ben once more. ""See? He's just bringing you along so you can carry their baggage and take out the trash."

The sullen boy's eyes shot arrows at his tormentor. Just you wait.

The five older Padawan sat in the command seats in the cockpit, with Ben relegated to the main cabin by himself.

As Master Luke launched the shuttle, Fraynal asked, "Where are we headed, Master Luke?"

"First stop is Hosnian Prime. We have some shipments to pick up and new IDs to collect for the incoming Padawan. I have a few special purchases to make, and I'll let you guys do some personal shopping."

The Padawan cheered. Many of them had never been to Hosnian Prime. 

Luke smiled at their enthusiasm. "In the afternoon, you will accompany me to the Senate. Please refresh your Senate protocol before we arrive in four days."

Not even the command to study tedious Senate protocol could dampen their spirits.

Ben's countenance radiated when he learned they would be returning to Hosnian Prime, his home planet. He had not seen his mom in over two years, and he could not wait to surprise her.

However, while the other Padawan's spirits were bright with anticipation, within two hours aboard the shuttle Ben's were clogged somewhere in the bowels of Huttese sewer. It took him less than a day to realize he was only on this mission to be chaperoned, just as Canoord had said. He grumbled with every task—make the bunks, scrub the shuttle, and cook the meals.

He moaned, "I bet no other Padawan ever had to do all this."

"You're wrong. Master Fau did all this and more, without complaint, without my even asking her."

"Only because she was in love with you."

"No, trust me, she didn't like me at first. She just knew what was expected of an apprentice," Luke said as he placed his hand on Ben's shoulder. "Ben, you are under observation right now. One step out of line, and we will be talking demotion."

"Yes, Master Skywalker." Ben pulled away from him, crossing his arms and hanging his head low.

After retrieving a few crates from a shipping warehouse on Hosnian Prime, handling some personal shopping of their own at City Center, and dealing with the Bureau of Identification for the incoming Padawan, Master Skywalker led the group to the Jedi box in the Senate.

❶ Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah, Jedi liason to the Senate, greeted them when they arrived. The Senate Hall had been rebuilt to its former glory over the last few years, complete with floating pods for each system. 

"Master Skywalker." After Luke and Jannah hugged, she looked at the different Padawan. She spoke into Luke's mind, Isn't Ben a little young for a Senate visit?

Not his first trip to the Senate, Jannah. His mom was a senator. But keep your eyes on him. Just don't look like you're keeping your eyes on him.

Yes, Master. Then Jannah asked, "How's Master Naluma?"

"She's doing well," Luke said with a grin. "She misses you guys all the time."

"Any little Skywalkers on the way yet?" Jannah asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Luke shook his head.

Jannah looked away and bit her lip.

As the session came to order, Ben craned his neck, looking for his mom. When he finally found the Alderaanian pod, he was astonished to find an elderly man holding the seat. He bit his lip to hold back the tears as the boring Senate meeting dragged on.

After the session concluded, Ben lingered behind to talk to the bailiff. "Excuse me, ma'am, but could you tell me where Senator Leia Organa of Alderaan is?"

"I'm sorry, but Senator Organa resigned her seat two years ago, young man," the bailiff said. "Did you know her?"

"Family friend," Ben said on the verge of tears again.

Padawan Lekoh ran back to Ben. "Ben, what are you doing? Master Skywalker wants you to stay with the group."

"I was only asking a question. Don't get so hyper," Ben said in anger as he wiped his face.

When Ben and Lekoh rejoined the group, Ben asked, "Master Skywalker, do we have time to visit my mom while we're here? Please?"

"I'm sorry, Ben, but she doesn't live here anymore."

"What?" Ben asked, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. "Where is she?"

"I can't tell you," Luke said without looking at the boy, leading them back to the shuttle.

The boy lobbed a bolt of the Force at Luke's mental shields, trying to retrieve the information his master hid. He barely contained his frustration and own mental pain when the shields bounced it back at himself.

Luke stopped and turned to him. "Don't try that ever again, Ben. You hear me?"

"Yes master." The sulky boy challenged his uncle with his tone but nevertheless obeyed.

On Zaxyn, the Padawan helped Han and Chewie load the Falcon to the overhead, as well as the shuttle's main cabin. It was tricky moving around, but they eventually got everything to fit.

As Chewbacca supervised the loading of the Falcon, Ben cornered Han in the passageway. "Dad, I just found out Mom's not on Hosnian anymore. Do you know where she is?"

"No, I don't, and trust me, I've searched for her."

"I really miss her," Ben said with tears in his eyes.

"You and me both, Son." Han tousled his son's hair in a gesture of compassion before he moved back to the hold. 

"Why did she leave?" He bit his lip as a tear escaped his eye. "Did she leave because of me?"

Han inhaled and looked away. "I don't know."

Ben shrugged off his dad's hand, biting back the tears until Han had left. The twelve-year old scrunched down between two shipping crates, letting the tears flow.

⊘ Han ran into Luke speaking to Chewie about the loading. Once they had finished, Han asked, "Luke, got a moment?"

"Sure, Han." Luke followed his brother-in-law to the cockpit. "What's up?"

"Ben's asking about Leia."

"Yeah, he just found out she moved."

Han placed his hands on his hips and leaned toward Luke. "Well, where is she?"

"I can't tell you that, Han." Luke shook his head.

"Can't or won't?"



"Han ... how can I put this ... Leia is on a top-secret mission. She is protecting something extremely valuable. This isn't just about you and Leia."

"I've got top clearance, Luke. Why not just tell me where she is?" Han's arms waved in emphasis.

Luke stood silent with his arms crossed.

"Or don't you know?"

Luke opened his mouth a fraction.

"So, you do know where she is."

"Yes, I know, but I can't tell you," Luke said. "Han, remember why you brought Ben to the academy? Well, his powers are even stronger now. If I tell you, then he will know. And he can't."

Han glared at Luke.

Ben jumped when he heard his name. He ranged out with the Force and found his father and uncle conversing in the cock-pit. Ben crept down the passageway, hugging the bulkhead. He held his breath when he was a few meters away, listening for any information about his mom.

He knew they were talking about her. The Force resonated that fact within him.

"What's so important? What's she protecting?" Ben heard his father ask.


"Well, how long until this mission is over?"

"A few years."

"What? What is so vital that I can't see my wife for years? Is it another guy? Because, when I find him, I'll ..."

Ben adjusted his position, trying to peer into the cockpit.

"Relax, Han, it's not another guy. But it is someone close to her," Luke said as he put his hand on Han's shoulder. "Han, do you trust me?"

"Yes. You know I do, Luke."

"Well, trust me on this. If you knew who she is protecting, you would agree to this and any other sacrifice involved."

"I don't care if it's Mon Mothma herself, Luke—no political figure is worth this."

"She's not a political figure, Han."

"Ha—so, it's a female," Han said.

"Trust me, Han, this is vitally necessary."

"Luke, it's so hard going on without Leia. Think about it. Last week ... you and Naluma hadn't been with each other for what three, maybe four, months ... For me and Leia, it's been over two years already ..."

"Is that all you miss, Han? The physical?" Luke asked. 

Han shrugged. "Hey, I have needs too. Look at me. I. Need. Her."

"What about all the times she needed you, and you weren't there? How many times did she have to deal with your son without your help? How many times did she cry herself to sleep, only to get up a few hours later, to cry over Ben's bed, fearing he was turning to the dark side?"

"Don't you dare talk to me about my marriage."

"Why? Because it's true? First sign of trouble you ran away. Every. Single. Time."

Ben eased back, afraid of the anger welling in his uncle. He had never seen the Jedi Master angry before. It scared him. Ben saw the darkness encompassing his uncle as he spoke, squelching his brilliant blue aura until it was no more than a tiny speck.

"Leaving my sister heartbroken and alone, without the protection she needed, without the love that she craved."

"I loved her. She can't complain about—"

"There's more to love than sex, Han. She needs a husband, not a playboy." Luke huffed and bit his hand, preventing more angry words from spewing out. 

The blue speck parted like an opening seed. From it, a single blue tendril squiggled out and grew. It brightened as it stretched and branched out. It spilt again and again. Ben's breath hitched, watching his uncle beat the darkness away, the Force growing right in front of his eyes. Soon the peaceful calm was all that remained.

Han opened his mouth in retort but closed it and hung his head. After a few tense moments between the two, he said, "All right, things will be different this time. Just tell me where she is so I can bring her home."

"Han, I can't tell you where Leia is or who she's protecting. And she can't come home."

"It's that serious?"

Luke nodded. "The galaxy depends on it."

"She's all right, though? Not in any danger?"

"No more danger than if she were here."

"I have your word on it?"

"Yes. I'll let you know if anything happens to her."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Did you know . . .

● Luke is always tempted by the dark side. Occasionally, when he's around his family, he succumbs to it. Don't we always hurt the ones we love?

● Many people have said that Kylo Ren is a spoiled brat in The Force Awakens. I would like to put forth that he is a vulnerable, neglected, hurting boy who has made some very bad decisions in his life looking for the love and acceptance that has always eluded him.

Tell me what you think . . .

● What would have happened had Luke told Han about Breha right now?

● Does Luke know Ben is in the corridor listening in?

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