Chapter 13 - Induction Flight

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❶ "The Rebellion Is Born"—The Last Jedi OST

Tascama awoke before her Fleet escort did. She quickly showered and prepped her hair into a tight bun at the base of her neck as the induction manual had instructed.

By the time Tascama had dressed, Ensign Zofa had already dressed and packed her small kit bag. "Get a move on it. We're supposed to meet the rest of the Padawan in the lobby in five minutes."

Tascama threw her toiletries and dirty clothing back in her bag before following Ensign Zofa to the lobby. When the girl arrived, the crowd overwhelmed her. Fifteen Padawan had assembled with their Fleet escorts in the small reception area, bringing the number to thirty.

Strange smells assaulted her nose. Padawan of many different species ranged in age from twelve to twenty. Realizing she was the youngest, Tascama felt small and insignificant amid the older students.

The chronometer struck 0700 as two Jedi Knights dressed in black entered the hostel door. One was tall and lanky with a shock of messy black hair, and the other was enormous and strong with brown hair.

The enormous one yelled out with a drawl, "Hush up, Padawan. Attention! I am Jedi Knight Wei'ahtt Ahhzteen, and this is Jedi Knight Tandolleau Duwamba. You will refer to us as 'Sir.'"

The Padawan stood in silence with their arms at their sides and their bags on the floor. "Fleet escorts, dismissed. Thank you for your service. The Jedi Order greatly appreciates it."

After the ensigns departed the hostel, Jedi Wei'ahtt Ahhzteen said, "Now, I count sixteen of you. Where are the other four? Ah, there come those lolly-gaggers right now. You four—front and center. Right here. Can you explain why you are late?"

One of the younger boys whined, "Well, it took so long for the turbovater to get to our floor ..."

"Jedi Duwamba, do you hear what I hear?" Wei'ahtt asked. "Which of you Padawan can tell me what is the only answer in this situation?"

No one raised their hands at first. After a few seconds, Tascama slowly raised her hand.


"Padawan Tascama Yagus, sir."

"Well, what is it?"

"No excuse, sir," Tascama mumbled.

"I can't hear you."

"No excuse, sir," Tascama shouted.

"That is correct, Padawan. I suggest the rest of you review your induction manuals as soon as we are aboard the shuttle. Collect your belongings and follow Jedi Duwamba," Wei'ahtt said.

Aboard the shuttle, Wei'ahtt said, "Each of you grab a seat. Those in jump seats, shove your bags under the seat. Those in the bench seats, stow your gear in the compartment above you. Then fasten your safety restraints." He entered the cockpit to assist Jedi Duwamba with the launch.

As soon as Jedi Ahhzteen had left the main cabin, the Padawan engaged in nervous chatter, exchanging names and getting to know each other.

All except Tascama.

She was shy by nature, but she also knew they had not been given permission to talk.

One of the girls introduced herself to Tascama. "I'm Admah Bealial from Rhommamool. Who are you?"

Tascama held her fingers to her lips. She turned her indoctrination manual to the front cover and showed Admah her name. Tascama showed her in the manual where they were not supposed to talk unless given permission to. Then Tascama pantomimed reading their manuals.

Admah dug in her bag for her manual and then elbowed her neighbor to do the same. Eventually, the entire cabin followed suit and studied their manuals.

By the time Jedi Ahhzteen returned, Tascama had stowed her manual and memorized every detail about the main cabin instead. "Padawan, good, you're reading your manuals."

When his eyes fell on Tascama, he leaned over her and said, "Except you, Padawan Yagus. Why are you disobeying orders?"

"Sir, permission to speak candidly?"

"Permission granted."

"Respectfully, sir, you ordered us to review our manuals. I have finished reviewing my manual, sir."

"Really? Can you tell me what it says in the fifth point on page eight of your manual?" Wei'ahtt crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned his weight backward, rocking on his heels.

"Point five on page eight is in reference to movements outside of the main campus. It states, 'A Padawan is never to leave the main campus by themselves. Even during exercises, Padawan must stick together in pairs or be under the supervision of a Jedi. No exceptions,'" Tascama recited with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Hmm, give me that," he said as he took another Padawan's manual from him and turned to page eight. "Guess you're right. You do know your manual. What are you? Some sort of smarty pants or something?"

"Sir, no, sir. My fleet escort ordered me to memorize the book during our transition to the rendezvous point, sir."

"Wow! I didn't know Padawan knew how to obey orders," Wei'ahtt said with dripping sarcasm.

Tascama thought she saw a small upturn of Jedi Ahhzteen's mouth for a brief second.

Wei'ahht place his hands on his hips. "Padawan, we usually don't make this decision until a few weeks into training, but I am promoting Padawan Tascama Yagus to Year Group Leader. If she gives you an order, obey it," Wei'ahtt said. "And another thing, even if she doesn't give you an order, follow her lead. Good job, Padawan Yagus. Master Fau will be pleased to hear we've got a Padawan with a brain for once."

Tascama grew nervous at once. Giving orders was far outside of her comfort zone. She could not even tell her baby brother what to do. When she felt her nerves rising, she remembered her father's words once again. Suck it up, Tascama.

An hour later, both Jedi Knights entered the main cabin. Wei'ahtt said, "Put your manuals away. Jedi Duwamba will be distributing datapads to each of you. This is your datapad for the rest of your life or until you get an upgrade. If you lose it or damage it, a new one will be taken out of your pocket money."

As Jedi Duwamba handed each a datapad from a shipping crate at the rear of the cabin, Jedi Ahhzteen continued with the instructions. "When you boot it, it will take a retinal scan of your left eye and ask you some personal information. When you are done with the start-up process, look at me."

After a few minutes, he said, "All right, the test over your induction manual is on your screen. Check your work before you hit 'finish.' Twenty minutes."

Tascama finished in five minutes and sat bored, staring at Jedi Ahhzteen. She discerned he was not as scary as she first thought. The more she studied him, the more he reminded her of her daddy—big and tough on the outside, compassionate plushy wampa on the inside.

Wei'ahtt caught Tascama staring at him. He nodded his head toward the datapad. She waved her hand to indicate she was finished and then smiled at him.

After clenching his lips together with strain, he broke out in a wide grin.

Plushy wampa. Just like I thought.

After the remaining fifteen minutes passed, Wei'ahtt said, "Test over. Deactivate your datapads and pay attention to this vid. Expect a test after."

❶ The vid commenced with the Jedi logo and upbeat music.

Welcome to the Jedi Academy.

You have taken your first step into a larger universe.

The vid cut to a formal picture of Naluma dressed in her blacks with her hair pulled back in her signature flat bun. She greeted them with a smile.

I am Jedi Master Naluma Fau, Head of the Jedi Academy.

This is our largest incoming class of Padawan,

and this is the first year all incoming Padawan

will begin schooling at the same time.

Welcome to our family.

Here at the Jedi Academy,

you will continue your traditional education

as well as learn how to use the Force

to serve others for the good of the galaxy.

Some of you may have already been using the Force subconsciously,

while others of you may have only been identified

as sensitive to the Force during the last few weeks.

What the Force is not—

It's not magic, it's not mumbo jumbo, it's not a myth,

nor is it not limited to use by the Jedi.

It is an energy field the surrounds us

and penetrates us

and binds the universe together.

The Jedi Code,

which you should have already memorized,

lays out our beliefs and our mission.

Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy.

Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.

Jedi respect all life, in any form.

Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.

Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

By attending the Jedi Academy,

you have agreed to abide by all rules

and to fulfill this code.

What you can expect at the Jedi Academy:

An environment that is going to push you beyond your boundaries

to make you the best that you can be:

Upper-class Padawan who will lead you in your journey

Middle-class Padawan who will befriend you in your journey

Year-mates who will join you in your journey

Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters who will push you through your journey,

showing you an unconditional love and belonging known nowhere else

What the Jedi Order expects from you:

● Your absolute best

● Punctuality

● Integrity

● Being teachable

● Being compassionate

Now, we will introduce the Jedi Order

in order of seniority

First, Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker,

the founder of the New Jedi Order.

A picture faded in of Luke addressing the Senate in his formal robes.

He is the ultimate authority for the Jedi Order,

and as such, he spends most of his time on missions or reporting to the Senate.

I am next in seniority

I run the academy,

but occasionally I get a day off or two, in which case ...

I'm Jedi Master Kalder Flo'et.

I was one of the first Padawan of the academy,

and I am usually out on missions.

Every once in a while I get to return to the academy

and teach a few classes or even act as administrator.

I'm Jedi Knight Kallay ...

The list continued, including the Padawan at the Academy before the vid ended with a group shot of all personnel available in the courtyard saying, "Welcome to the Jedi Family."

Wei'ahtt turned off the vid as he said, "All right, you five right here, enter the starboard cabin. Everyone else, open your datapads and review the faces and names. The program is now active on your datapad."

Tandolleau followed the first five into the quarters. "Padawan, at the end of each bunk, you'll find a set of bedding. Make your bunk with hospital corners and tight blankets. Go now."

Tascama chose the hardest to make, the top bunk. She climbed the racks and quickly made her bunk, grateful she had practiced this skill at home during the last few weeks with her daddy inspecting her work. He had seen action at Jakku, too, and knew how to make a tight bunk. In two minutes, she had finished making her bunk.

When Tascama helped another Padawan with his bunk, Jedi Duwamba said, "No, let him figure it out on his own. He'll have to make his own bunk at the academy."

Tascama said, "Sir, yes, sir."

Did you know . . . 

● With a strong core of Jedi originating from the military and the Republic growing out of a military enterprise, the Rebellion, it is only natural that the Jedi Order would take some aspects of military service and weave them into the academy.

● Here were my ideas for the Padawan: Kalder and Kallay are Filipino, Jannah is Germanic, Tandolleau is Asian Indian, Wei'ahht is African American, Naluma is Korean but transplanted to a Vietnamese culture on Felucia, Tascama is Central American Hispanic. Many of the other Jedi will be a variety of sentient species. I'm trying to keep the gender ratio 50:50.

Tell me what you think . . .

● Who would you have been on that induction flight? Tascama or Admah? Why?

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