Chapter 14 - Fresh Meat

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❶ "In Orbit"—Space Camp OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "Marion's Theme"—Raiders of the Lost Ark OST

❶ By the time the shuttle arrived on Khalkha, the Padawan had learned all the names of the Jedi Order, as well as how to make a bunk, clean a refresher, and clean a galley. They now wore a Padawan service uniform of steel gray with a single, first-year stripe on the shoulder for insignia.

Jedi Ahhzteen said with his hands on his hips, "When the shuttle lands, you will fall out and assemble single file in front of the shuttle, bag in right hand. Follow the Year Group Leader in an orderly manner."

"Sir, yes, sir," the Padawan said in unison.

Tascama followed Jedi Ahhzteen down the ramp with the rest of the Padawan behind her. Before them stood a grand building of stacked stone and picture windows that glinted a warm amber in the dark night. He led them into the lobby of the academy, a room filled with a gigantic fireplace, dark beams, couches, and chairs. Other Padawan stood at attention as the group entered the room.

Jedi Ahhzteen made them wait. After a few minutes, Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Master Naluma Fau entered from the wing on the right. Luke wrapped his arm around Naluma's shoulder as they entered the lobby.

"Welcome, Padawan, to the Jedi Academy. I am Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, leader of the Jedi Order. You can call me 'Master Luke.'" His warm smile set most of them at ease.

Tascama focused on the bulging biceps under the uniform and the deep-blue eyes. He's not scary at all. I hope I can make him proud. His eyes made contact with hers, and for a moment she was elated. But her face quickly grew warm, and she averted her eyes from.

Master Naluma said, "I am Jedi Master Naluma Fau, the head of the Jedi Academy. You can call me 'Master Naluma.' If you have any problems or questions your mentors can't answer, come to one of us, and we'll gladly help you. Welcome to the family."

She tilted her head as she gazed into their weary eyes. "Now, I know you're tired. After you call your parents, we'll get you to your dorms right away. Each of you will have an upper Padawan as a dorm prefect. What your prefect says goes. Understood? Good."

She motioned to the prefects who stood at the other end of the room. "En route to the dorms, the prefects will take you to a supply room where you will grab a kit bag of uniforms for the week. Take them to the dorm, store your gear in your gear locker, make your bunk, use the refresher, and get some rack time. Morning run is at 0500. Good night. Dismissed."

⊘ The prefects called out the names of their Padawan and led them to the study to make their calls. Because the study could handle four calls at once, it took about fifteen minutes for the Padawan to complete their calls.

Tascama spoke to her mom, whom she had awoken in the middle of the night. "Mama, I'm here at the academy ... No, it's really late here, too, after 2200. I love you, Mama, and miss you already. Give my love to daddy and Keegan. Oh, I got to meet Master Skywalker! He's just the best! And I made Year Group Leader already." The secure-call beeper activated. "Time's up. Talk to you in six weeks."

The prefects led the Padawan to the third-floor dormitories. The girls were divided into two groups of four with a prefect in each room. The boys were divided into two groups of six with a prefect in each room as well.

As they ventured down the corridor, one of the boys asked, "When's dinner? All we ate on the shuttle was survival rations."

Prefect Dane said, "That was your dinner. Don't worry, breakfast will be really good tomorrow, but we all eat emergency rations for the first meal. It reminds us what our predecessors endured as they fought the Empire for freedom. Food was scarce. Emergency rations were welcomed. Starvation was the only other option."

"But I'm starving."

"Use the Force to concentrate on something else. You won't die from one missed meal," the prefect said with encouragement.

Later that night, Luke held Naluma in his arms as they fell asleep. It did not seem like they had slept more than an hour when the hatch intercom rang. "Master Naluma! Master Naluma!" The Padawan on the other side of the hatch pounded on it as well.

Naluma rolled out of bed and activated the intercom. "This is Master Naluma."

"Master Naluma, this is Prefect Maja. One of the new Padawan in my dorm is sick. Could you come, please?" Maja asked.

"Just a minute." Naluma crawled out of bed and donned her uniform that was on floor.

Luke stirred. "What's going on?"

"Sick Padawan—one of the new ones." Naluma pulled on a boot in the dim lighting.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Go back to sleep. I can handle this."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Nothing new," Naluma said. "Besides, I got a nap this afternoon, and you didn't." She kissed him and then exited the hatch.

Padawan Admah sat on her bunk, heaving into a bin. Padawan Tascama had climbed down from the bed above her to comfort her during the ordeal. The other girls tried to sleep.

"What's your name?" Naluma asked as she crouched next to the girl's bunk.

"Admah," she said with a gasp. Her breathing was ragged, and her face was ashen.

"What did you eat?"

"Only the ration bar they gave us on the shuttle," Admah said, taking staggered breaths. "I was feeling fine until right after we landed."

Naluma took her pulse and counted her respirations. She used her glow lamp to check the dilation of her eyes. Admah closed her eyes as the light hit them. "Let me guess, you have a headache, right?"

"Yes, it's a killer." The girl massaged her forehead and then ran her hand across the back of her neck. "I'm dizzy, too."

Naluma checked her forehead for fever but felt nothing. Naluma said to Maja, "Run to the medbay and get me the med scanner, the oxygen kit, and the altitude sickness meds."

"Master, I haven't taken Field Medicine III yet. I wouldn't know what they looked like."

"Get her some water then." Naluma sent a thought out, Luke, can you come here? Luke, wake up. Realizing he was still asleep, she looked at the Padawan next to Admah. "You, what's your name?"

"Tascama Yagus, Master Naluma."

"Get the prefect from next door. Tell her to wake up Master Luke."

"Yes, Master," Tascama said as she ran into the other room.

"Am I going to die?" Admah asked as she heaved again.

"No. Your body requires more time to adjust to the altitude here than the others do. In a couple of days you'll be fine."

Prefect Maja returned with the water.

Naluma handed it to Admah. "Sip this slowly."

Naluma, what's up? Luke asked in her head with drowsiness.

Altitude sickness. Can you run by the medbay and bring me the med scanner, the oxygen kit, and the altitude meds?

On it. Where are you?

Third floor. Only dorm with the hatch open. Kitchen wing.

The med scanner verified Naluma's diagnosis of high altitude sickness. After administering the oxygen and meds, Admah was able to breathe better, and her stomach stopped churning.

"All right, you are exempted from PT for the rest of the week. I'll re-evaluate you at the end of the week and determine if you are ready for physical activity. This means no playing around in the courtyard, no combat practice, etc. Nothing physical. Understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"Now, all of you, get some sleep. Morning run is in two hours."

Luke escorted Naluma out of the dorm, his arm around her. As they left the room he stole a kiss. "You are extraordinary. I would not have been able to have handled that."

"Yeah, right." Naluma ran her fingers through his hair as she nuzzled his grizzled chin.

The next morning after their five-click run around the compound, the Padawan sampled an expansive breakfast buffet. Since their meal the night before was scanty, most gorged themselves on breakfast, except Admah, who still was not hungry. Tascama insisted she eat two pieces of dry toast and put a piece of cheese in her pocket for later in the day when she got hungry.

After breakfast, the Padawan assembled in the chapel for class assignments and the opening ceremony of the academic year. Master Luke ran the ceremonial portions, while Master Naluma oversaw the administrative details—duty rotations, class schedules, expectations. Tascama loved every minute of it.

Luke was able to stay at the academy for a full six weeks to help with the twenty new Padawan. He picked up the Intermediate and Advanced Saber classes to give Naluma a break at midday, and they both sparred together every day late in the afternoon.

❷ It was during one of these sparring sessions that Luke said, "Bad news."

"You're leaving?" Naluma's posture slumped at his nod. "How long this time?"

"Not sure. Headed to Skynara for a treaty resolution in the morning—or to assist in a war if the parties won't agree. The Senate has taken sides in this one."

Naluma extinguished her saber. "I can spar with Wei'ahtt tomorrow, Luke. Let's not waste any more time together." She moved in and kissed him first on his lips but then trailed them down his throat.

He extinguished his saber and threw her over his shoulder in one move, carrying her to their suite as she giggled.

Two Padawan at the end of the passageway caught them. "What's Master Luke doing?"

Luke hollered, "Practicing field medicine technique. Removal of the incapacitated from the battle field."

Naluma giggled some more as his hand tickled her side. "Luke, put me down."

As he entered their suite, he threw her down on their bed. "As you wish."

The next morning, Naluma accompanied Luke to his X-wing to complete a thorough pre-flight inspection. As Luke flipped switches in the cockpit, Naluma verified the different apparatus operated without incident. 

Luke hopped down from the cockpit as the engines warmed. He took her in his arms and kissed her with tenderness. "This has been the best six weeks since our honeymoon."


"I just hope next time I'm back, you will have some favorable news for me."

"If I am, I should know next week at the latest. If I'm not, it's not because we weren't trying," Naluma said with a smile.

She kissed him again and then ran her fingers across his brow. "Sometimes, it's harder to say good-bye when we're together for so long. I get used to having you around all the time. When you leave, the pain is unbearable."

"For me, too." Luke pressed soft kisses on her face from the top of her brow down her jaw line moving to her lips. "'Luma, I love you."

"Love you more," Naluma said with a gasp as her desire grew once more. She pushed away, knowing Luke would never leave on his mission if they went much further. "Wish you were taking Artoo with you."

"I don't need him this time, but Zeke does. Just a routine treaty negotiation," Luke said, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hang in there with Ben. He's been pretty good for me these past few weeks. Think he's finally settling down."

"I hope you're right," Naluma said before kissing him again. "Now, get out of here."

Luke gave her one last kiss and climbed the ladder to the cockpit. Naluma scurried away as the X-wing launched.

Did you know . . . 

● Not having enough astromech droids indicates some of the supply issues with the Jedi Order and the Republic.

● The fact that Luke is going alone with no other Padawan or Jedi Knight tells you how thin they are spread.

Tell me what you think . . .

● With twenty more Padawan, how will Naluma handle them?

● What do you think is Ben's next move? What are Ben's goals?

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