Chapter 18 - Consequences

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❶ "Rebels at Bay"—The Empire Strikes Back OST

⊘ Silence

❶ Luke focused his concentration on evading the Republic fighters while laboring to patch into the Republic frequencies. After a few minutes and a couple of glancing shots, he made contact. "This is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker trying to reach Captain Wedge Antilles." Silence filled the channel as a tight formation of TIEs dropped onto radar.

The Jedi juked the controls and swung his fighter into a tight turn. He opened his turbolasers on any ship not Republic, energy bolts striking their targets with uncanny efficiency. Circling back to the friendly Republic battle cruiser, Luke locked on to a pair of stray TIEs and jabbed the firing studs. His laser-fire streaked toward their objectives and blasted them into white and gold sparks. He corkscrewed through the explosions, hollering in celebration.

Wedge's voice distorted over the cockpit speakers. "Luke, where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm on a TIE trying not to get shot. The only TIE waggling its wings. I'm almost to the Freedom's auxiliary landing bay. Can you open up the energy field?" Luke buzzed the bridge of the Republic vessel, so close that when he did, Wedge's heart rate stammered under his keen outreach with the Force.

"Tell me one thing, Luke," Wedge said. "What was the last gift I gave you?"

"Skywalker's Biscuits from Pamarthe—and that was 12 years ago. You've missed a few birthdays, buddy. Now open it up, or I'm going to bounce right off of it." The ray shield dissipated as Luke's TIE fighter touched its plane.

⊘ When Luke had exited the TIE fighter, he was greeted by ship patrol troops. Luke raised his hands in surrender and waited for Captain Antilles.

Wedge hurried into the landing bay with his first officer.

The first officer announced, "Captain on deck."

The troopers did not move, maintaining coverage on Luke.

Wedge advanced through the ring of troops and hugged Luke. "Luke! Boy, am I glad to see you."

"Wedge!" Luke yelled as he hugged his old friend.

"We'll get you settled and then get you home."

Wedge turned to his first officer. "Commander Negrap, plot a course for the Alzoc System. Have the fighters meet us there immediately."

As Wedge led his friend through the passageways to the bridge, Luke said, "I didn't think the Senate was going to approve a military action against the First Order."

"They didn't," Wedge said with somberness. "I'm scheduled for court martial. When I received your distress signal, I overstepped my authority under the Relief Efforts Clause. I couldn't leave you, Luke."

Luke looked around him. The nearest serviceman was a few meters away from them. "If you want to escape, you will always have a place with the Jedi," he whispered.

"No. I took action understanding the consequences." Wedge clenched his teeth together, shaking his head. "Maybe it will wake up the stupid Senate to realize the First Order is not interested in maintaining peace with us but all-out conquest. Confinement is a small price to pay if that happens." Wedge stopped in the middle of the corridor. With his hands on his hips, he asked, "Where do you want to go? Back to Hosnian or elsewhere?"

"I don't know yet. Can I make a secured call?"

"Yes, as soon as we're out of hyperspace."

In the middle of first hour, the secure line rang. Naluma maundered to the study, expecting the Senate to be on the other end, requesting extradition of Jannah yet again. They had called each day, demanding just that. Today, if anyone called, it would the Chancellor herself.

Naluma cleared her throat before picking up the receiver. "Jedi Master Naluma Fau, Jedi Academy."

"Naluma," Luke uttered with longing.

"Oh, Luke," Naluma said with a sniff "I thought you—" She broke off in tears.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Headed back right now."

"Don't go to Hosnian."

"Meet you at Koda Station in two days. Bring me a lightsaber. Lost mine again." The broken link alarm sounded. "I love you."

"Love you mor—"

Two days later Jannah and Naluma flew to Koda Station. Naluma felt nervous leaving Ben without a master's supervision, but it would only be for a few hours. She had to take the risk.

The cruiser Freedom orbited a few thousand kilometers away from Koda Station.

Jannah asked, "Are we landing on station or doing something else?"

"Open up communications with the Freedom. I think we're docking on it," Naluma said as she nodded to the landing bay of the cruiser.

Jannah opened up the link. "Freedom this is the Shuttle Elenium, requesting docking permission."

"Shuttle Elenium, this is Freedom. Who is piloting that vessel?"

Naluma nodded approval. 

"Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah."

"Verify your passenger manifest."

"Only one, Jedi Master Naluma Fau."

"Very well. Docking permission granted. Primary bay. Your party is waiting for you on the deck."

Jannah brought the shuttle in and docked her in the main bay. Naluma waited with impatience as the ramp lowered. She scurried off the ramp before it was fully extended, running into Luke's arms.

Luke and Naluma embraced each other and kissed, their Force-bond reconnecting with a jolt. He pushed her back to look at her face.

She grabbed his face, running her fingers down his cheeks and through his hair, not believing he was real. They held each other for a long time, not wanting to release. Tears streamed down their cheeks.

"I thought you were dead." Naluma stroked his face. "I couldn't reach you with the Force."

"Snoke was blocking me." He wiped her tears before kissing her again.  Neither would release their embrace, even when Captain Antilles approached.

A few days later, Luke reported to the Senate. He went alone, refusing to extradite Jannah.

A contingent of armed Senate guards met his shuttle. The squad captain said, "We will take the traitor into custody now."

Luke strode past him with confident steps, ignoring the man. As the squad rushed up the shuttle ramp, Luke smiled. "She's not here. And she's not a traitor."

The captain stepped in front of the Jedi, barring his passage. "I have orders to bring in the Jedi."

"Well, bring me in then. Jedi Witerspah is not here. I'm the only Jedi they have. And I have a few words for them."

Once inside the complex, the guard captain led Luke down an unknown corridor.

"Where are we headed?"

"To the defendant's box."

Luke stopped in the corridor. "No. Take me to the Jedi box, or I'll go there on my own."

"I have orders—"

"What are your loyalties? To the Senate or to your vows?"


"You take an oath when joined the military. What was that oath? To the Senate or to the Republic?"

"Aren't they the same?"

"Not always."

"My oath was to defend the Republic Charter."

"Then let me go. I am not the one who committed treason." Neither is Jannah.

"What if I don't? Will you use your Jedi powers on me? Overpower me to get your way? I hear that's what the other Jedi did."

Luke shook his head. "Don't believe everything you hear. Most of it's embellished. The rest of it's a lie. This is politics, remember."

The man stared at Luke for a minute, considering the options and the facts. He turned down a corridor that led to a grand staircase. "Well, are you coming or not, Master Skywalker?"

After the opening proceedings, the Speaker of the Senate, a blue Toydarian named Raglo hovered over the central pod. The insect-like humanoid hissed as he announced the meeting. "First order of business, the trial of Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah, Jedi Senatorial liaison, for treason. The prosecution may proceed."

Chancellor Mon Mothma in ceremonial gown of office looked on the proceedings with a stony face. As one of a panel of three judges, she had very little say in these proceedings. Her influence extended only to the trial technicalities, not the judgment. At the end of the trial, the Senate would cast their votes to determine the Jedi's guilt.

That the Jedi had not appeared at her own trial may have already predestined the outcome. Mon folded her arms in front of her chest and sat back on her throne as the proceedings initiated.

A female Shistavanen named Dis Drov flew her pod forward. Her heavy blue cloak covered her gray fur, but her wolfish snout and ears drew back in aggression. "I give to you, Gentle Beings, a traitor. One of our own, no less. One who chose her loyalty to the Jedi Order over the direct orders of the Galactic Senate."

A video image of Jannah in the Jedi Order pod from a previous session appeared on the three-stories-high vid screen. "Now, it's no secret that none of us agree with every decision this governing body makes, but we all abide by them. Well, all except the Jedi."

Another image popped on the screen, this one a document. "I present to you Exhibit A—Order 42421786-Dorn-Kresh. You will see that on Republic Date 424217, Order 86 for that date sealed the information presented to the Senate. The information presented included a classified location of a First Order star destroyer as well as information on a captured or killed operative."

A distorted recording resounded through the gargantuan hall. "I present this audio recording as Exhibit B. A female who identifies herself as Jannah—whom we can only assume is Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah—transmitted this call on 421417."

On cue, the recording volume increased.

"Master Naluma, this is Jannah."


"Naluma ... Master Skywalker ..."

"Where is he, Jannah?"

"We don't have confirmation. He's either captured or—"

Dis Drove ordered, "Stop the recording there. As you heard, Senators, the caller has identified herself. The recipient is Master Naluma Fau of the Jedi Order. But there's more. I propose to you that Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah knew exactly what she was doing when she countermanded the Senate Order. Continue you with the recording, please."

Naluma's voice cut in. "How long?"

"The Senate has known for a week. The distress signal came in on sublight. Maybe another week before that. I am disobeying direct orders to inform you. I'll be charged with treason, Master."

"Jannah, I—come home." The secure link alarm activated.

"Yes, Mast—,"Jannah said as the link broke.

The chamber broke out in yells of "traitor" and "treason." The roar of the delegates rose above the loudspeakers volume.

Senator Div Dros smiled in anticipation as the Senate jockeyed in outrage. When the Senators had calmed enough to be heard over the sound system, Dros said with a grand sweep of her paws, "Since the defendant has failed to appear, I move that we vote on the judgment."

Mon Mothma stepped to her lectern. "Silence. A vote has been ca—"

Luke, who had been watching the proceedings silently, interrupted. "Your Excellency, I object."

Mon glanced at the Grand Jedi Master, imposing in his formal master's robes. "I'm sorry, Master Skywalker, but the Jedi Order has no voting privileges and cannot object."

Luke tapped a few controls on the pod, positioning it across from Div Dros. "I object not as a jury member but as the defense, Your Excellency." Luke observed as Dros dropped her snout in shock.

"Very well, what is your defense, Master Skywalker? And, tread carefully. Jedi Witerspah also is in contempt of court for not appearing at this trial."

Luke sensed that Mon wanted to side with the Jedi Order, but out of fairness she could not. Not with the case the way it stood.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. Gentle Beings of the Court, I ask you one question. What is the definition of treason? Is it not a violation of vows and loyalty to a governing body?"

Div Dros interjected, "Where are you going with this, Master Skywalker? We all know the definition of treason."

"As the illustrious Senator has pointed out, the Senate and its members were ordered not to release information. However, I claim that the Senate has no jurisdiction over Jedi Knight Jannah Witerspah nor over the Jedi Order. May I remind you, Senators, the Jedi Order is independent of this governing body."

Hushed conversations erupted all over the chamber. "As such, she was honoring her vows and loyalty to the Jedi Order, which precedes any other edicts. She followed standing orders in reporting to her superior."

Div Dros growled as saliva dripped from her fangs. "Very well, then I propose we exile the entire Order out of our jurisdiction. We don't need you or your credit-draining Order any more, Master Skywalker."

"You're wrong, but I will be happy to oblige. The Jedi Order's mission is to serve all beings for the good of the galaxy. I am sure there are plenty of New Republic citizens who would be grateful for our assistance—those who are imprisoned without trial, those who are extorted beyond their ability for tax surpluses lining their region government's pockets, those who are prevented from exercising their basic rights this Republic was established to provide. I believe our first mission will be to right the wrongs on Uvena Prime."

Turmoil broke out again among the Senators. Div Dros murmured something to her aide and flicked some switches on her pod.

As the pod did not move, Luke assumed she was contacting someone. He scanned the chamber with the Force, looking for the conspirator.

"Senators, did you notice that the recording provided was of a secured communication? The tell-tale alert at the end proves it. Jedi Witerspah initiated this call from her secured line in her private quarters. I wonder how Senator Dros obtained it. Aren't all of our secured lines supposed to be espionage-proof?"

Dros sputtered as the Senate glared.

"Senators, as a gesture of good will to this body and the people of the Republic, the Jedi Order will investigate these discrepancies—not only the breached secured communication lines, but also the complaints we've received from Uvena Prime."

"You have no right." Dros fumed, her eyes shifting from yellow to red, as her species was wont to do in extreme anger.

Mon Mothma spoke with a serene smile. "Master Skywalker, please proceed. Republic law requires all violations of the Senate Security Act to be investigated. Your assistance will be appreciated. However, before we can approve an investigation on Uvena Prime, we will need more information."

"Senators, Your Excellency, members of the court, while incarcerated aboard the Finalizer, I communicated with Supreme Leader Snoke frequently. Skynara was a trap—a trap that was not of the First Order's making only. Snoke said he had allies in the Senate, allies who had influenced the mission."

Senators looked around, glaring at their enemies. Each had enemies, most for petty reasons. However, Luke had faith the true gems of the Senate could discern the danger.

"So, which members here are colluding with Supreme Leader Snoke? Which members have the most to gain? There is your treason, Senators. I guarantee you it is not in the Jedi Order."

Mon Mothma pursed her lips in consideration. "Your statements are taken under advisement, Master Skywalker. However, without more than a vague hint from one of our enemies, we are unable to authorize an investigation of that nature against one of our loyal systems."

"Very well, Chancellor. You have been warned."

Luke floated his pod back to its position and left before a judgment was voted upon. As he strode back to his shuttle, he only hoped that Mon Mothma could steer the Senate back on course before they doomed the entire Republic.

Did you know . . .

● Shistavanens are the creatures that look like werewolves. They come from Uvena Prime. Their first appearance was in the cantina scene of A New Hope. [canon]

● Wedge is court-martialed in backstory. The Fleet dishonorably discharges him and confines him for five years. After his confinement, he settles on Nal Hutta, hanging around Pablo's cantina and flying cargo shipments of questionable virtue around the galaxy.  [non-canon]

Tell me what you think . . .

● How long will it take the Republic to seek the Jedi's help again?

● How will the relationship between the Jedi Order and the Republic change?

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