Chapter 19 - Demotion and Dark Thoughts

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❶ "Revisiting Snoke"—The Last Jedi OST

After a month of watching Tascama suffer constant harassment, Naluma took matters into her own hands. She tailed Ben for an entire day, catching him in a classroom by himself when Tascama passed by, tripping over nothing.

Naluma observed Ben use his levitation powers and heard him laugh at the girl. She remained in the classroom, observing the scene.

Ben lumbered out into the corridor. "Klutzy Tascama. It's a wonder you haven't broken any bones yet. Did you ever get a new datapad? How much are they taking out of your stipend for that? I should have made it unusable, not just cracked it. If Master Fau knew how much you messed up, you'd be sent back home. Can't believe they made you Year Group Leader. What were they thinking?"

Tascama trudged through the hallway, ignoring Ben Solo. 

"Hey, I'm talking to you, Rookie. I'm a third-year, and as such, you are required to answer to me," Ben said as he seized her by the shoulders and spun her around.

Tascama, upon the physical contact, kicked him in the shins and ran away. That was enough for Naluma. She ventured into the passageway.

Ben bent over in pain, as blood flowed down his pant legs. "Did you see that, Master Fau? That little first-year kicked me in the shins. I demand you reprimand her."

Naluma sized him up, using the Force to analyze whatever he would let slip in his moment of weakness and pain.

He squirmed under her intense gaze, his face transforming from faked outrage to fear.

"From what I can tell it was self-defense, and long overdue, Ben. Come with me." Naluma grabbed him by the ear and dragged him down the corridor.

Dragging him by the arm, Naluma escorted Ben to the study and threw him into a chair. She paced the room, deciding what to do with him.

"Master F—"

"Silence. You do not have permission to speak." Naluma rubbed her neck as the knot bunched up again. "I've had it up to here with you, Padawan Solo." She motioned beside her head. "If it were up to me, you'd start your exile today."

Ben sat far back in his chair, seeking to escape her wrath. "But, we will begin with a demotion. You are now in the second-year group again. Move your things to their dormitory today and alter the insignia on your uniforms directly. And, if I hear of even one more report that you've stepped out of line, you will start your exile that moment."

Ben opened his mouth to reply.

"And don't even think of telling me that everyone is against you and that no one likes you. You don't give anyone a chance to like you, Ben. You spend your entire time trying to dominate, manipulate, and incapacitate everyone around you. You will either shape up or be shipped out. I don't care who your parents are. Am I making myself perfectly clear, Padawan?" Naluma leaned over him with her hands on her hips.

"And another thing, you can bring me your datapad? I'll have it re-coded for Tascama. You can work with the cracked screen you created. Maybe looking at that screen everyday will serve as a reminder of your inexcusable behavior."

He shrunk back further.

"Furthermore, you no longer have free time or study time. Since you'll be repeating last year's classes, you will not require the extra study time. I'm assigning you to every laundry and sanitation duty I can squeeze into your schedule. If you run out of things to do, see me. Dismissed."

Ben marched back to his dorm to switch his belongings before the rest of the academy found out about his demotion. 

Canoord was in the dorm when Ben arrived. "What's up, Ben?"

"None of your business," Ben said in anger as he shoved his gear into his kit bag and stripped his bunk.

Ben stomped out of the dorm into the second-year dorm. Only one lower bunk remained, which provoked Ben even further. He hated the lower bunk. He made his bed, tucking and pulling on the sheets so hard that a tear started. After he stored his gear in the one empty locker, he slammed the doors.

Then he grabbed scissors and removed the third-year insignia stripe from his uniform tunics and shirts. When he realized he could still see where the third stripe was—the fabric was darker and the stitch holes outlined the space—he grew angry and threw everything across the room with the Force.

He yelled, "Master Fau, this is not over. I will pay you back when you least expect it. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!"

❶ After Ben left, Naluma collapsed in her desk chair, wishing she could talk to Luke. It was not only Ben this time, but knowing she still was not pregnant after years of trying that weighed on her mind, sending her over the edge. She worried if she might have something seriously wrong but didn't want to deal with it. Days like this made her want to turn her back on it all.

If only he were here, things would be much better. He can control Ben so much better than I can. Clenching her fist, she grunted. I'm no Jedi Master. I can't even control myself.

Naluma sat, immobile, glued to her chair, incapable of movement. She thought back to each failure she had experienced with Ben. She thought back through this encounter, hating the darkness that had consumed her.

How can I teach the Padawan when I can't even control my own temper? Can't even control a Padawan?

She hunted through the desk drawer but could not find anything that would do the job. She fingered her lightsaber, flicking from training to combat power level. As she lifted the purple blade in front of her, she bit her lip. Not daring to stand, she focused on the energy vibrating in front of her as she contemplated her next action.

"Naluma!" an echoing voice commanded. Anakin Skywalker materialized in front of the desk, his blue aura burning brightly. The energy hummed and spiked, sending voltage across the desk toward her. He popped out of existence as quickly as he appeared. 

Her arm frozen to the chair, she tensed until the power dissipated. After a few moments, she deactivated the humming blade and slammed the saber hilt onto the desk. Her rage turned into despair. Breaking down in tears, she cried out with the Force, sending her desperation through their bond.

I need you, Luke. I need you now—here. I can't do this on my own.


She locked the study's blastdoor with her hand and instituted a security call to the shuttle. The general vox activated—he was either in hyperspace or away from the shuttle. Naluma took a deep breath and then disconnected the call.

What could he do? Race back here? To do what? This is never going to change until Ben is gone.

Naluma controlled her thoughts with the Force, preventing herself from dwelling on the unthinkable. But deep down, she just wanted Ben out of her life—whatever it took.

Did you know . . .

● Ben's harassment of the Padawan is only surface maneuvering. He's working on something much deeper.

● Feelings of inadequacy are par for the course with every human being. We all have our trying times. Don't give into them. Press on. You're here for a reason.

Tell me what you think . . .

● What would have been the consequences had Naluma followed through?

● What do you think Naluma is planning at the end of the chapter?

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