Chapter 35 - Secrets of Theed

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While Luke continued Leia's training, Lor San Tekka kept a watchful eye on the rambunctious Breha. Uncle Luke enjoyed their interactions, although every time he saw the girl, he still longed for a child of his own with Naluma.

The elderly cleric had Breha on his knee and was playing "We have a Bantha, yes we do" with her, like every granddad should. Breha looked up and pulled on San Tekka's beard before sliding down his leg again. While not related by blood, Luke was grateful the two had each other.

Luke stared at Breha again, remembering the image of his mother. "Leia, have you ever visited our mother's tomb?"

Leia shook her head. "I tried once, but they wouldn't let me in. Family and the Royal Court only. I couldn't risk blowing my cover."

Luke could perceive her longing. She wanted to know as much about Padmé as Luke did. "May I use your communicator?"

"Sure. Go right ahead," Leia said. "That one's not secured, though, if you're calling Naluma."

"No, not Naluma. I have an old friend I want you to introduce to you," Luke said as he punched in the code for the call.

"Hello, Cordé? ... this is Jed Darklighter ... Yes, the man you met on the ship on Kattada ... Yes, that's the one ... I was glad to hear that you and Sabé had made it back safely ... No, I had to get Cami to a med center. You saw how she was ... She's doing fine now ... Well, I'm actually on Naboo right now ... Yes ... I was wondering if I could meet up with you and Sabé for tea ..."

Luke heard Sabé in the background. "Cordé, give me that communicator. Cordé, I want to talk to Padmé's boy."

"Lady Sabé," Luke said with a warm smile. "Yes, I'm here. In the Lake Country visiting a family member ... no, not the Naberries."

Luke listened with patience as Sabé related a story about his mother's family.

When she started another story, Luke cut her off. "I don't have much time. Leaving in a few days. I was hoping I could meet you for tea. I have someone I want you to meet ... I have a favor to ask ... Can you get us into the palace to visit her tomb? ... Yes, she's family, Sabé. Thank you. We'll meet you at 1400. Thank you again, Sabé."

"So, who's this mysterious Sabé?"

"One of our mother's handmaidens and decoys. I ran into her about a year ago. If anyone can get is in, she will," Luke said. "We'll need to leave in an hour if we're going to make it in time for tea."

High afternoon tea at Sabé's estate outside of Theed was even more sumptuous than the tea served aboard the Empress. The entire household staff stood at attention on the gravel walk.

After the Clone Wars, Lady Sabé refused to employ any droids on her property.

The mansion rose into the clear blue sky behind them, three stories of granite facades held up by classical colonnades and sprawling balconies that overlooked a glistening pool as big as a small lake. The fragrant scents of the flowers dotting the rolling hills mingled perfectly with the lemon tea being steaming from the crystal vat on the tray.

Lady Sabé sat in her hover chair inside the main door. "Welcome, Master Skywalker, welcome. This is a wonderful surprise for a grouchy old lady."

Luke bounded the steps and kissed the old woman on her forehead. "You are not grouchy."

"Come in, please, and introduce your guests."

Leia carried Breha in her arms. A cloak covered the little girl who squirmed to break free from her mother's grasp. "Mommy, look at those trees. They'd be perfect for climbing."

"Hush, darling. Best behavior today. No climbing trees."

Luke reached over and rubbed his hand on Breha's back, sending peace to her through the Force.

Once inside the ornate parlor with delicate china cups of tea in their hands and Breha munching on a hard cookie, Luke asked, "Is this parlor secure?"

Cordé sat beside her grandmother on the settee. She leaned forward before whispering, "It can be."

Luke nodded. "Make it so."

Cordé's formal afternoon gown of pink with white flowers rustled as she stood. After pressing a few buttons on the console by the desk, thick hatches slid shut over the doors and tall windows. "Clear."

When Leia removed her hood and Breha's, Lady Sabé gasped. "I wasn't aware you had a daughter, Master Skywalker. She looks just like my Padmé."

"I don't. Lady Sabé Jamella, I present to you my niece, Breha Solo, and her mother, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan."

Sabé jostled her cup, spilling her tea in the saucer, at the announcement.

Cordé took the cup from her grandmother before the elderly lady maneuvered her hover chair closer.

"Well, I'll be hornswaggled. Never would have guessed. Hiding you in plain sight. Oh, my old friend Bail was a sly one. But now I see it. You have her drive."

"Well, let's finish up these refreshments, and you'll see what an grouchy old lady can do about getting a tomb opened. The Queen won't know what hit her."

Sabé maneuvered her chair back to her tea cup. After sipping at the warm liquid, she said, "And if they won't let us in, I think it's time for what Padmé and Anakin used to call aggressive negotiations, young man." She winked at Luke.

He laughed and smiled.

At 1530, Sabé ordered her luxury speeder brought around to the front of the estate. Luke and Leia assumed they would join the public palace tour at 1600 and then break off from the group to visit the tomb, but Sabé had arranged a private audience with the Queen.

At the security desk, they met resistance.

"Lady Sabé, Cordé, welcome back. Please scan your IDs."

Cordé removed their identification chips from her handbag and handed them to the guard.

"Clear. Clear." He handed back the chips. "Now, let's see, Jed Darklighter, Urza Keanzu, and Rheana Keanzu."

Luke looked at Leia and then at Sabé.

The security guard raised his eyebrows. "Are we done with this charade now, Master Skywalker and Senator Organa?"

Luke handed his ID. "Keep it under wraps, okay?"


Leia pulled out her own chip. "Here's mine. I don't have one for the girl yet. She's only three."

Captain Kyrell rumbled his disapproval. He rubbed the back of his cap, where it chafed against his dark skin.

"Please. Just register me under the name Lady Sabé gave you. Please."

The man glanced at each of the party before nodding. "Clear. Clear. Clear. Master Skywalker, what is the Jedi Order's business with the Queen of Naboo?"


"Senator Organa, is this an official visit from the Senate? I don't recall seeing you in any sessions recently. In fact, you disappeared from the public four years ago." The captain nodded at the girl in her arms. He sighed. "Come with me."

A security team formed up around the party as he escorted them to a small office behind the formal entry. The team remained outside, guarding the doors. When the door was shut and a privacy shield activated, the captain asked, "What is going on?"

Leia looked at Luke, and he nodded to her. She asked, "Do you know who Padmé Amidala's husband was?"

"The official story is she was not married and that she never revealed the father of her child," Kyrell said. "I take it you know more than that."

Luke could sense through the Force that Kyrell knew who his father was. "As do you, Captain Kyrell. If you know that I am Luke Skywalker, then you must know that Anakin Skywalker was my father . . . and Padmé Amidala was my mother."

Kyrell looked at Organa and asked, "Senator Organa are you here as a close friend of the family? Records show a close alliance between Alderaan and Naboo during the Clone Wars . . ."

"This does not leave this room, Captain." He nodded. "I'm Luke's twin sister. Bail and Breha Organa adopted me—"

"To hide from your father and the Emperor."

"How do you know that?"

"My father was chief security officer for your mother. He knew," Kyrell said. "I should inform the Queen."

Placing a hand on the man's desk, Luke said, "I'm sorry, but you can't. Leia's safety depends on her anonymity here on Naboo. If the Queen were to know, the wrong people would find out as well. Please, we only want to visit our mother's tomb. Pay our respects."

"Very well," Kyrell said with a huff as they exited the little room. His eyes alighted on little Breha as she clung to her mommy while they glissaded through the marble halls. "She looks exactly like her," Kyrell said. "Wait until you see."

Kyrell led them through another hall with windows that stretched ten meters high before escorting them into a courtyard. After they traversed three terraces, he stopped on the fourth and led them to a large mausoleum. Taking the ornate key from his belt, he opened the heavy doors.

The chill of the air hit them as they entered. Kyrell waved his hand over the infrared switch to activate the recessed lights. The tomb stood at least four meters tall and stretched as many wide and long. Padmé's casket rested on a bier in the center of the room. Fresh flowers surrounded the coffin. Holos of Padmé and a young man with dark-blond hair wearing Jedi robes speckled the chamber.

Kyrell smiled. "They may have thought they were hiding their relationship, but many knew. Come over here. I want you to see her younger pictures when she joined the Apprentice Legislators."

Leia looked at the holo and then at Breha. "What was she like?"

"We have some official holovids you can view in that alcove."

Sabé said, "I want them to view her personal vids."

"The Queen would have to approve that," Kyrell said.

At that moment the light from the doorway was blocked. "What must we approve?" the figure asked with two guards behind her.

"Your Majesty," Kyrell said as he bowed low to the monarch.

"You were supposed to bring the visitors to my audience chamber first, Kyrell," Queen Malwoola said. A long gown of bright red with an embroidered tabard down the middle swayed slightly as she spoke. She maintained perfect balance with her ornate headdress of black horns, and white panels bobbed above her. "Lady Sabé, it is always a pleasure to have you visit."

"I apologize, Your Majesty. It was my fault," Sabé said.

"And who are your guests? Wait, I know you. I know you, too. I can guess why you are here, Master Skywalker. I'm actually surprised this is your first visit," the Queen said.

"But, Senator Organa, you've been missing for years. And now you show up here of all places. Why?"

"I can't tell you, Your Majesty. Forgive me," Leia said. "And, please, don't let anyone know I was here."

"Are you a fugitive?"

"No, it's a family matter."

The Queen's sharp eyes alighted on Breha. She looked at the holo of the young Padmé and then back at Breha. "In more ways than one, I see. There is another Skywalker, isn't there?"

Leia nodded as she bit back tears.

"Your secrets are safe with me. If the security situation ever changes, let me know. You are both entitled to an inheritance."

Queen Malwoola turned to the security chief. "Kyrell, make sure they receive everything on file, including the personal vids."

She pointed her finger at him. "And, Kyrell, when you're done, please make sure you secure the tomb and then attend me. We have something to discuss."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Kyrell said with a perfunctory nod.

Luke and Leia turned to the holovids and viewed each one in turn.

Half way through the first one, Luke sensed a presence and turned. The Force-ghost of Anakin Skywalker stood beside the tomb of his wife, gazing at his children and grandchild. Luke nudged Leia and pointed behind them.

Luke witnessed tears in their father's eyes as he watched his wife and then his children and grandchild. Luke felt the anguish in the man, the regrets.

"You'll be staying for dinner, of course, won't you?" Lady Sabé informed them. It wasn't quite a question, and Luke was sure the only acceptable answer was "yes."

Leia chimed, "Of course, we will. Thank you for the wonderful day."

The old lady smiled at her. "It has been my honor. And I hope you like Nabooan cuisine. My chef is preparing an exquisite meal for you."

The butler opened the front door as Cordé wheeled Sabé in the house. He whispered something into Sabé's ear. 

"Already?" She beamed. "Come, children. Now it's my turn to surprise you."

The double doors to the terrace swung open to reveal an elderly man on his own hover chair with an equally elderly woman standing beside it. The woman dapped a handkerchief to her eyes before hobbling forward, her arms extended. Without so much as an introduction, she pulled Leia to her chest and smoothed her hair. "At last, you're here. My Padmé's children."

Luke asked, "Are you another handmaiden, ma'am?"

The elderly woman laughed and drew him into a hug. "No, I'm your grandmother."

Leia's mouth opened in surprise. "Grandmother? I had no idea we still had relatives."

The older man coughed and propelled his chair to the group. "You also have an Aunt Sola and some cousins on the other side of the planet, but they couldn't make it on such short notice."

He picked up Breha and placed her on his lap. "And who is this little one?"

"Breha!" she said. "And who are you?"

He winked at her. "Ryoo, your great-grandfather. But you can call me 'Pop-Pop.'"

"Pop-Pop?" she snuggled into his chest. 

"Yes, Brey-Brey?"

"If you're my great-grandfather, who's my grandfather?"

Ryoo shot a glance at this wife and Leia. "I think your mother will tell you when you're a little older. Just know, he loved your grandma very much. I never saw her happier than when she was with him."

The butler rang the dining gong and pronounced, "Dinner is served."

Did you know . . .

● I subscribe to the Darth Jar Jar theory. Other than that, I think the Gungans should stay in Otoh Gunga.

● Thanks to HighQueenP on ff.n for inspiring me to invite the Naberries to dinner.

Tell me what you think . . .

● I didn't give you everything that happened in the tomb. Luke was there for a purpose greater than seeing vids of his mother. What do you think it was?

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