Chapter 37 - Training Accident

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*** Tissues Advised***


❶ "Alliance Assembly"—Return of the Jedi EST

❷ "Jessica's Theme"—The Man from Snowy River OST

❸ "The Battle of Hoth Medley" 00.01–00.53—The Empire Strikes Back EST

❹ "Into the Trap"—Return of the Jedi OST

❶ During the next four months, every Jedi Knight remained busy on missions for the Senate except for Naluma and the two knights assigned to the academy. Luke's plan to keep either Kalder or himself at the academy collapsed as the Republic demanded both Jedi Masters on non-stop missions.

As the First Order grew in strength, more systems defected from the Republic. Some systems believed that a more structured governing body would solve their problems, while others succumbed to their fears.

More children disappeared, stolen from Outer Rim worlds. Sometimes even entire planets were enslaved. And the Republic couldn't stop them. The Jedi rescued a few, but many slipped through their fingers.

As a result, Luke spent more hours in his T-65 X-wing chasing shadows than he had in the past five years combined. After six weeks of travel, he was home but distracted. His mind focused on the number of systems pulling out of the Republic, the military resources the First Order was amassing, the children they couldn't save, and the growing animosity toward the Jedi Order.

As Naluma and Luke snuggled up on the leather couch in their study,  they prowled through the reports from the various Jedi knights. Luke asked, "Have you got the one from Zeke? About the Denon System? I can't find it."

Naluma scrolled through her folders looking for the report. "It's here. Someone filed it under the Corellian trade route."

"Does it mention anything about occupation of the system?"

"No, just that First Order representatives have been making overtures to the governing body on planet." Naluma shook her head.

"Any reports of children missing?"

She shook her head. "Not anything more than usual for a planet." She set her datapad aside and ran her hand through his hair gently. "Luke, do you have to do this now?" 

Luke shrugged her off. "Yes, I do. I think I'm onto something. Can you check out the rest of that trade route?"

Naluma picked up her datapad again, looking for the rest of the systems on that trade route. "Tinnel, Loronar, and Byblos never became Republican systems. They are actually still under the old Imperial charters. Seno is under attack. Denon is in negotiations. Spirana has received overtures from the First Order. So has Rhommamool."

Luke pulled up the galaxy map on his datapad, highlighting each system. "Do you see what I see? Trace that arc, Naluma."

Naluma followed his finger down the screen.

"The First Order is advancing one system at a time down this route, no doubt to take over the entire hyperspace lane and upset supply runs across the galaxy."

"I don't like how close they are to Zaxyn and Hosnian, either, Luke. Byblos would be an excellent launch pad for an attack on the Republic's governmental center." Naluma peered over the 3D map. She glanced over as Luke pulled in the Force, looking for answers. "What is it?"

"The dark side is clouding the future." He shook his head. "But I still think we're missing something—something crucial."

She leaned in and shut off his datapad, setting it on the coffee table. "Enough for tonight, Luke. You know how these things work. It will come to you when you least expect it."

"I can't stop thinking about it, Naluma." Luke's frustration rose. 

"Hush." She brushed her lips softly across his and ran her hand down his back.

❷ Before dawn the next morning, Luke awoke with a start. "Naluma," he said, shaking her arm and waking her up.

"What is it?" Naluma slowly sat up in bed.

"I've got it."

She climbed out of bed with a groan and headed toward the refresher, her head reeling and her stomach upset. She thought to herself, I hope the nausea won't last all day today. I don't think I can take another day of it. She shut the hatch to the refresher.

Luke interrupted her thoughts with mindspeech. The First Order is tying us up. I don't think taking over the Corellian Route is their primary goal—I think they want us occupied over here so we don't realize what they're doing.

She exited the refresher. "And what's that?"

He sat on the bed and looked at her. "I haven't figured that out yet—but the missing children are the key." He smiled at her and raised his eyebrows at her. "Want to help me remember?"

"What time is it?" She asked with weariness.

"0200," Luke said with energy.

"I'm so tired, Luke," she said with a yawn. "Morning run is only three hours away."

"Let's skip the run today, and I'll take your first-hour class," Luke said as he ran his hand up her arm to her face and kissed her.

She smiled and reciprocated the caress. At least the nausea has passed.

❸ Later that day while Naluma taught the Advanced Basic language class, she perceived Luke in the corridor. She hoped he had figured out the problem that had been bothering him so they could enjoy this evening together. Their nocturnal activities had not provided an answer to the dilemma, and she did not think she could survive another late night.

She also hoped he would turn his deductive reasoning to her instead of the galaxy's problems.

"Students, work on grammar exercises 125 through 139. They're under the review link on the home screen. We will grade them in a few minutes."

She hurried outside and asked, "What is it, Luke?"

He kissed her tenderly, without saying a word.

"How long will you be gone this time?" Naluma asked, resigned to live with the situation but not thrilled about it.

"A few weeks."

"A few weeks? You only got back yesterday, and it was a month out the last time. Are you sure it has to be you?"

"I'm sorry. Duty calls." He kissed her again on the forehead. "I'll make it up to you when I return. I promise. We can take a little break, just the two of us."

"Really?" Naluma shook her head with a sigh. "Until the Senate calls again."

"Sh." Luke took her in his arms for a warm embrace.

Naluma could not prevent the tears from racing to her eyes. Everything was making her cry today. "Luke, I need to tell you s—"

"Sh. When I get back." Luke kissed her one more time and gazed at her as she returned to class.

❹ Naluma held the fort down while Luke was away, as always. And, as always, a couple of weeks turned into three.

At least he'll be home tonight. I can finally tell him. And we can start preparing for our hope. She had ordered a fancy dinner in the study for them and had cleared both of their schedules for the next few days.

Naluma brought her mind back to the present—advanced saber—this time one-on-one with Ben. Today marked Ben's second sparring session with Master Fau, sparring sessions every Padawan dreaded for good reason.

When Master Fau had first told him he was being promoted, Ben had boasted around the academy. Unfortunately, Ben quickly discovered he had to work on his technique, as well as learning advanced strategy in a duel.

As Ben and Master Fau engaged their sabers, Ben tripped with every step. Moreover, his strikes were off balance. When his parries connected at all, they were out of true placement.

"Your footwork is sloppy, Padawan." Naluma shifted her own feet and parried. "You overreach because you aren't in true position."

The bout continued, with Ben becoming more flustered.

"You're using too much arm action, and your wrists are weak. Strengthen them."

"I am," Ben yelled in anger.

"Then why aren't you connecting?" Naluma said with another swipe.

Ben lunged forward, forgetting to drag his rear foot forward, which caused him to lose his balance.

"Not like that. You're going to hurt yourself. Again, the proper way."

The anger swelled in Ben as he advanced on her. This time he connected, pushing her back a few paces.

Master Fau parried and caused Ben to retreat a safe distance away. "You are wasting your strength, spending it in anger. Be at peace. Use the Force when you fight." Naluma stood calmly, waiting for Ben.

The teen started the next pass, with slight improvement.

"Good, now think through your strategy. Look your opponent in the eyes. Read my body language. Am I telegraphing my next move? Check yours—are you telegraphing?"

Ben held his blue saber low, observing Master Fau. After a nearly imperceptible nod, he ran through the next pass without error. The bout continued. First Ben would have the advantage and then Master Fau.

However, after a few passes, Master Fau increased her intensity. With his teeth clenched and nostrils flared, Ben struck back, pushing her back into a wall.

While they stood with blades crossed, Ben's anger swelled within him. In contrast, Master Fau remained at peace, calmly holding his saber off her face with his.

"Ben, calm down. Anger leads to the dark side."

"You're afraid I'm going to beat you."

"You're delusional, Padawan," Naluma said with a slight laugh. "You know that's not true. If you were truly reading my mind, you would recognize how much danger you are currently in."

This taunt provoked Ben even further. He lashed out with no control, flailing his saber every which way and battered her mental shields to read her thoughts. He hit a block wall.

"Use the Force, Padawan."

He growled at her and used his Force-sight on her. He shuddered when he scanned her, before tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. With his grimace transforming into an evil grin, he reached out his left hand and grasped it in the air, clenching it.

Naluma gasped in pain. She shuffled a few paces, parrying his saber. The Jedi Master collapsed to the floor of the arena, writhing and clutching her abdomen.

Ben stood over her, saber held low. He uttered with a dark sneer, "I win, Master Fau."

The rest of the Padawan raced over to their master, pushing Ben out of the way. Geryl asked, "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing." Ben extinguished his saber. "She has finally met her match."

Barrad, a short alien with blue skin, said, "Ben, give place to your betters. Now."

Naahah, a Twi'lek female, bent down beside Master Fau. "Master Fau! Master Fau! Can you hear me?"

Naluma continued to shake in pain, holding her knees to her chest.

Naahah examined her body and took her pulse. "I don't think we have any broken bones. Let's move her to her quarters. Barrad, try to reach Master Skywalker on the secured comm system. He might be in hyperspace already, though. Damlag, help us move her."

Damlag the Besalisk picked up Master Fau with two of his four arms and carried her to her quarters. Naahah and Geryl followed behind him.

Geryl said, "Master Fau. Can you hear me? We need you to open the hatch."

Naluma murmured, "Master Naluma Fau. Open."

Damlag laid her on the bed, as Naahah rummaged through the suite's refresher unit for pain meds. "Master Fau, I need you to drink this. It will help ease the pain. Easy now, sit up."

Naluma leaned over the edge of the bed. She swallowed the pills dry and then sipped on the water. After a few minutes the pain subsided. "Thank you," Naluma wheezed. "I think I'll be all right now. Head back to class."

Geryl said, "I think one of us should stay with you."

"No, I'm fine. I'm cancelling my classes today, but attend the others. Get going," Naluma said with her eyes closed. "That's an order, Padawan."

After the Padawan left, Naluma closed the hatch with the Force and put it on voice recognition. Then she passed out.

Ben ran out to the forest. "Grandfather! Please, I need you."

The shadowy form of his grandfather Vader in his melted helmet appeared before Ben in the grove. "Yes?"

"Grandfather, I've killed someone. It didn't feel good, like you said it would."

"The more you do it, the more pleasure it will bring you—the more power."

"I don't want to be a killer, Grandfather. It sickens me."

"You are weak." The mask disappeared.

Ben collapsed in tears on a bed of kedari needles.

Did you know . . .

● While writing lightsaber combat, I studied the principles of Kendo, lightsaber lore, and traditional fencing, as well as stage combat.

● I spent hours analyzing Kylo Ren's lightsaber battle versus Rey and Finn in The Force Awakens to determine what was so wrong with it. 

Tell me what you think . . .

● Why does Ben think he's killed someone?

● What did Naluma want to tell Luke?

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