9 - Fear

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"Alright, now that you've familiarized yourselves with the outpost, I suggest that you find a means of fixing your ship." Esther said. "Because you'll be traveling to various solar systems, and planets to get the artifacts." She finished. "Wasn't there a pirate dude back there with a ton of penguins?" Ren asked. "Penguin Pete?" Yumi asked.

(WaffleCake: Penguin Pete has a peg leg. I shit you not. :D)

"Yeah... The guy that fixes vehicles and stuff." Ren nodded. "Floran like penguinss! They are good meatss!" Aeris said happily. "I bet he'll fix your ship." Esther smiled. "Alrighty then! I suppose that we should get goin!" I said happily. "Calm. I agree." Zero said. "Penguinsss!!!!" Aeris ran ahead of us. "..." I facepalmed. "Meats...? Her grammar couldn't be any better..." Ren sighed, then followed her, as well as the others. "Wait up!" I ran after them. "Ah, so you want me to fix yer ship." Penguin Pete said. "Yes. Please." Yumi said. "Well, I'm gonna need an Erchius Crystal." He said. "And... Where do we find that?" Ren asked. "At the Erchius mining facility of course!" He said, with a laugh. "I've acquired the coordinates of the facility. I've sent them to your ships computer." S.A.I.L. Said. "Awesome! Let's go get that ship fixed!" Ren said happily. "Right." We nodded.

An Hour Later...

"Whoa..." We all said, as we saw an ominous looking building. The sign out front read: "Erchius Mining Facility.". "This place looks abandoned..." I said. "Yeah, it does..." Yumi said. "It looks really scary...!" She said. "Pffft. It's jussst dark. Nothing to be ssscared of." Aeris said, walking inside. "Yeah... Okay..." Yumi said, sticking her tongue out at Aeris. "Sssilly Hylotl. Look at it thisss way. Monssters equal to preys. Kill preyss to get meats." Aeris said, trying to explain. "..." She raised an eyebrow. "Sigh..." Aeris sighed. "Ssstab preys fasster than preys ssstab you." She said. "Huh?" Yumi said. "Here, let me translate. Kill shit before it kills you." Ren said. "Neutral. Simple enough." Zero said. "Yumi, just stay behind us if yer that afraid." I sighed. "...no. I'm gonna face my fears, and be brave." She said proudly. "Alrighty then..." I said, as we entered the facility. "I am getting readings of life deep within the mine. They are... Difficult to define... I commend your bravery..." S.A.I.L. Said. "It appears lockdown has been instigated. You should try and find a breaker and restore power." It said again. "Good idea..." Ren said.


I'm playing Starbound rn, and to write some of this chapter, I had to go all the way back to the first mission XD

So expect the next few chapters to come out a little sooner than usual lol

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, because there's more to come! Bye bye!~

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