Ch. 10 - Soba Slut

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"Just order already." Katsuki groaned, sliding down in his seat in the booth. They had gotten their drinks, but Shouto was still deciding on what he wanted to eat. "We're gonna miss our movie."

"I'm still deciding." Shouto replied, eyes scanning the menu for the fourth time intently. They had so many different types of soba since the last time he'd been there, and his soba-loving heart was torn.

Katsuki already knew what he wanted, and he was slowly losing patience. He leaned forward this time, and rested his elbows on the table, before resting his head in his hands.

"You are the worst boyfriend ever."

"Be supportive of your boyfriend's eating habits." Shouto scowled at the the blonde over the menu.

"I would be if he would hurry the Hell up." Katsuki responded. "If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna leave and watch the movie without you." His tone was serious, but they both knew that was a lie. He was also having fun with the looks they were getting; most were curious and amused.

Shouto sighed dramatically, lowering his menu. "Fine. I'm done."

"Finally." Katsuki sighed in relief, before flagging down a waitress. "We're ready."

She nodded once with a smile. "Alright." She pulled out her pad and poised her pen to write.

Katsuki just ordered some hot soba, with extra spicy sauce.

Shouto, however, ordered cold soba, cold soba with extra spicy sauce, and a cold soba that he'd never even seen before. He paused, before adding, "and also-"

"Oh my GOSH!" Katsuki interrupted loudly, rolling his eyes. "You're not gonna be able to eat all that!"

"We'll see." Shouto sassed, before turning to the waitress with a smile. "And also a plate of rice balls please." He handed her the menus. "That'll be it." He turned back to the blonde as the woman left with an odd look. "Happy?"

Katsuki rubbed his temples, looking pained. "Why are you like this."

"You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to date me."

"Yeah, well, I didn't know you'd attempt to order half the menu at a restaurant."

"Hey." Shouto scowled, lightly kicking his fake-lover's shin under the table. "I am a growing boy."

Katsuki gave the dual-haired male a deadpan look. "... You are a twenty-year-old, 6'0" foot pain in the ass, is what you are."

Shouto stuck his tongue out at the man across from him childishly. He was about to say something else, when the waitress returned.

"Alright," She started, before placing the dishes down. "Cold soba, spicy cold soba, all-in-all cold soba, and rice balls." The all-in-all looked like it had everything but the kitchen sink, yet somehow managed to look absolutely delicious. "And," She placed the hot soba in front of Katsuki. "Hot soba, with extra spice."

Katsuki stared at Shouto's bowls, wondering how in the Hell he was going to eat all of that.

Before either of them could speak, the waitress placed a fairly large cupcake in between everything. "And we noticed that you were having a bit of an argument, and a couple shouldn't fight over silly things like food. So," She smiled. "A cupcake. Enjoy your meal!" And then left.

Both boys watched her leave, before looking at each other.



"We should fight in public more often." Katsuki said after a moment, pulling the cupcake towards himself. "Because ca- Ow!"

Shouto had smacked Katsuki's hand with his fork, and tugged the pastry back to the middle. "Food first."

Katsuki glared, cradling his hand against his chest. "Fine, Mom."

"That's 'Daddy' to you, thank you very much." Shouto said casually, picking up his water and taking a drink.

"Excuse you?"


"You can't-" Katsuki scoffed quietly, shaking his head as he grabbed his spoon and chopsticks to begin eating. He would not admit to having a slight flush on his cheeks. "You can't just say weird shit like that. At least without a damn warning." He then started to eat.

"Sorry." Shouto said with faux sincerity, smirking slightly to himself as he began to eat.


Shouto did, in fact, finish everything he ordered. His stomach was a bit upset with him, but he wasn't about to let Katsuki know that. That would mean the blonde would have been right, and in turn, would have won. Shouto was not about to let that happen.

The two approached the theater, and Katsuki went to look at all of the 'now playing' posters on the walls. "What are we watching?" There were a lot of Disney movies. "Horror? Action?.. One of these Disney movies?" The blonde gestured to The Lion King. "If we watch a Disney one, it's gonna be The Lion King. No exceptions."

A small smile appeared on Shouto's face, as he looked to The Lion King movie poster. "The Lion King is fine. I sort of wanted to watch that too. Finally came here- It was in America for the longest time."

"They had to Dub it in Japanese, Dunce." Katsuki rolled his eyes, as he walked to the entrance of the theater, making sure to snag Shouto's jacket sleeve on the way. "Of course it's gonna take awhile." Shouto didn't respond, but did snicker. "And we're not getting snacks." The blonde added.

Shouto thanked whatever deity was out there. If they had gotten snacks, he would have had to eat some to prove he wasn't too full, which probably would have ended with vomit all over himself. Gross.

"Fine with me."


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