Ch. 9 - Fake Dates and Stupidity

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//Pic because they're holding hands, but obviously they're not wearing those clothes.


"Sooo.. How far can I go?" Katsuki asked Shouto as they both exited the coffee shop. Hanta decided to close early, seeing as no one seemed to be around. Katsuki was excited, and didn't stop to question- he just switched his work stuff for his personal stuff in his locker, then rushed out, pulling Shouto with him.

"What do you mean?" Shouto asked, putting his hands in his pockets when they exited the building.

"How far can I go with the Gay." Katsuki clarified, releasing Shouto, and walking over to his motorcycle, knowing full well the other was following. "Like, are kisses on the cheek okay? Or neck?.. Obviously hand holding is okay, and hugging and shit." He handed the helmet he was holding under his arm to Shouto, before grabbing the extra from under the seat. "What's off limits?"

Shouto thought a moment, wrapping his arms around the helmet in his arms. What was off limits? ".. Hm. Well, as far as kissing goes, as long as it's not on the lips, I think that's okay. But.. I don't want you touching too close to my crotch. Like.. You can touch up to," He placed his hand about halfway up his thigh. "Here. Other than that? Literally anywhere else is fair game, within reason." Katsuki nodded, sitting on the seat of his motorcycle as he listened. "And.. I'd rather you not touch the left side of my face-"

"Is it because of that scar?" Katsuki interrupted, vaguely gesturing to Shouto's face. The latter blinked. "I assumed that was off limits, but it's good to know."

"..." Shouto lightly touched the edge of the scarred tissue. "You see it?" It had lightened up considerably over the years, both from time, as well as several medical treatments, though if you looked closely, you could see all of the rough, scarred tissue still. Sometimes, when feeling particularly self-conscious, he would use makeup to cover it up, but usually he was fine. Most people could barely see it, nowadays.

"Uh, yeah?" Katsuki said, brow raised. "To be honest, I only noticed it recently in these last couple of months, since I started actually looking at you."

"Oh." Shouto said dumbly, lowering his hand.

".. So I assume that the glasses are actually legit, and not just a hipster thing, then."

Shouto furrowed his brow, a soft frown on his lips. "You thought my glasses were fake?"

"I mean, you're sort of a hipster, especially with that man-bun." He shrugged. "You can't blame me."

Shouto supposed that that was fair.

"Can I ask a couple questions I've had about the scar?" Katsuki asked. "Since we're already talking about it."

"Sure. No promises that I'll answer them though."

And Katsuki supposed that was fair.

"I only have a few, and they're not too personal."

Shouto nodded once, sitting beside Katsuki.

"Firstly," The blonde said, scooting away a little so he could turn and properly look at the other. "How long have you had it?"

"About.. Fifteen years, I think?" Shouto answered. "Or thereabouts. Some pieces of my childhood are sort of.." He gestured vaguely. "Fuzzy."

Katsuki's eyes widened, lips parted the slightest bit- enough to count as a jaw drop for Katsuki Bakugou. "You were five? How on Earth did a five-year-old manage to burn himself that bad?"

"... Next question."

Katsuki frowned softly. "..Alright. Uhm.. Oh, how bad is your vision in that eye?"

"I don't recall the exact numbers, but I'm mostly blind." He answered. "I don't think it's ever going to get better, but I'm fairly sure it's not gonna get worse."

"How is it with the glasses?"

"Definitely a lot better, but sometimes it's a little.. I don't know how to describe it, but it's not always as clear as my right." He shrugged, looking down at the leather of the seat they were sitting on. "I'm confident in walking around and doing stuff without my glasses in my own apartment, but anywhere else, I need my glasses."

"That's fair." Katsuki hummed. "I need glasses too, you know."

"Really?" Shouto looked back up, his head tilted to the side slightly.


"Yup. I wear contacts when I'm out because it's easier than having to mess with glasses when I'm super busy. But I wear my glasses at home."

Shouto made a soft 'hm' noise, nodding a bit. "It's cool to learn something new about you." Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully. "Got anymore questions?"

"Hmm.. No, I think that's it." He paused, then nodded once. "I'll let you know if I think of anymore. Ready to go?"

Shouto nodded, moving to properly sit on the motorcycle as he put his helmet on. Katsuki nodded once, situating himself properly as well, before putting his helmet on too.

"Hold on tight, halfie."


About fifteen minutes, and curse-out of a pedestrian later ("He was being a dumbass!", Katsuki had said), the two arrived at the Mall. Thankfully, the closest Mall was the biggest one in their area, and it had basically everything; shops, restaurants, arcades, and of course, a small movie theater.

That place probably cost entirely too much money, but they seemed to be doing well for themselves.

"This place is overkill." Katsuki said as they entered. He frowned, looking around briefly. "Like way fucking overkill."

"To be fair, most malls are." Shouto said, shrugging a shoulder. "Have you not been here before?"

"Obviously not," The blonde scoffed, walking over to the first map he could see. "Now where to first? Movie, or food?" He looked back to Shouto. "Did you even think that far ahead?"

"I was thinking food first." Shouto replied, nodding his head to the right. "Soba place is this way."

"You're addicted." Katsuki commented seriously with a nod. In the short time he'd properly known Shouto, he had discovered that the man had an obsession with soba- cold soba in particular.

"Yup." Shouto nodded once, then raised his arm. "And I have no intention of changing!" He said a little too loud, and Katsuki sped up to his side, and pulled his arm down.

"Stop being embarrassing." Katsuki rolled his eyes. As they approached a small group of people who were, thanks to Shouto, watching them, Katsuki looked straight again, and grabbed Shouto's hand. The latter hummed a soft response as he casually intertwined his fingers with the blonde.

"You love it when everyone's eyes are on you." Shouto rolled his eyes playfully.

"Shut up." Katsuki rolled his eyes, a wry smile on his lips. A couple of those people looked like a cross between judgemental, and curious. He got up a bit on his tiptoes- He was, infuriatingly, a couple inches shorter than Shouto- and kissed Shouto's cheek. "Loser."

Shouto smiled fondly and lifted their intertwined to place a kiss to the top of Katsuki's hand. "Jerk."

"You love it." Katsuki blushed lightly, though rolled his eyes.

Shouto just chuckled in response. As they both got close enough to pass the group of strangers, Shouto smiled politely, and Katsuki scowled at them. "Staring is rude, you homophobic piece of-"

"Babe." Shouto hit Katsuki's bicep lightly, feigning the slightest bit of irritation. "Be nice."

"But they're-!"

"Katsuki." Shouto reprimanded, tugging the other faster passed them. After they were far enough away, Katsuki glanced back and flipped them off just to complete his aggression, before turning to Shouto. Who was smiling like a dork.

Katsuki resisted the urge to smile back, but allowed a look of amusement.

"How was that?"

"Gay." Shouto replied with a grin. "You did good."

"Of course I did." Katsuki said proudly. "Wanna know why?"

"Because you are Gay?"

"Well, I mean, that and the fact that I'm just an all around total badass."

Shouto snorted softly, nodding once. "Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. Total sense."

"Shut up, it does." Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully, nudging the other. He gently pulled his hand from Shouto's and put his hands in his jacket pockets. Shouto didn't object, and put his own hands in his pockets. "What's the closest showtime for the movie?" He asked, looking to Shouto.

Shouto shrugged. "I don't know."

"You didn't CHECK?" Katsuki scowled, looking to the other. "You're supposed to be in charge of this 'date'." He shoved the other, though not hard. "You're such an idiot."

"Gee, thanks." Shouto replied sarcastically.

"I only speak the truth."



"Nerd for understanding that Marvel reference."

"Dork for even saying it."

Shouto snorted softly in amusement. This evening was going to be an experience for sure.

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