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I'll work on Homeward Bound later today,

And there will definitely be a few chapters of BoaF, Sorry for not updating, School has kept me busy.

With that said,  I might do another rant later today

Funny thing, I didn't realize that topic was bothering me that much. I couldn't sleep.....

Which probably explains why it was at 2 a.m.



I think I'm going to take a nap...

You know what?

I just realize that these updates basically say the same things.

"Solo ensemble, BoaF, Rant blah blah blah"


How about I spice things up...


I'm not that spicy really---


Ok, I did something pretty cool yesterday, but before I can show you what, I have to do some explaining.

I might of talked about  this before, but I can't exactly remember.

Under House Bill 5 (HB5 for convenience) All High schoolers in Texas must have an endorsement.

An endorsement is like a college major, But for high school.

There are five endorsements.

Now, These endorsements are made up of career clusters, which are separate categories to the specific endorsement.

The endorsements:

Business and Industry
Public Services
Arts & Humanities
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)

Now, I explain which Endorsements contain which career clusters. Please note that a career cluster will may fall under more than one endorsement.

Business and Industry:

Agriculture, Food, Natural resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts/AV Technology and communications

Business management and administration


Hospitality and Tourism

Information Technology


Marketing, sales and service

Transportation/ distribution

Public Services:

Education and Training

Health science

Human services

Government and public administration

Law, Public safety, Corrections and security.

Arts and Humanities:

Arts, AV technology and communications


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Health science


Pick courses from multiple endorsement areas.

With that in mind,

Our Exploring Careers teacher (The one who loves TØP)

Made us take this quiz, And the results would match us to the career cluster we were most interested in.

The quiz took all 16 clusters and ranked them, 15-0 on how interested we were in them.

My highest one was Health Science, with a score of 13

My second highest was Science, Technology, Engineering, Math with a score of 12

My third was Agriculture, Food, Natural resources with a score of 10

For some reason,

This helps me relax a lot

When I posted that rant a while back about me now knowing what to do with my life, it got me thinking a lot.

I didn't quite choose my career, But I was highly considering Biomedical Engineering, or going somewhere into the Diagnostic Medical field.

This quiz really did ease my stress, and... I guess I know which endorsement i'm picking.

With that said and done, I hope I didn't bore you to death,

That was a lot of information to take in

And, If your still alive from that boring lesson,


I just thought that the whole endorsement thing was kinda cool.

And now...

Nap time.

"But Madison.. it's 10 A.m--"


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