Today... (technically part 5)

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(If you don't understand the chapter title, then.. well... it's a reference from over a year ago in Updates and Abouts. Don't. Read. My. Old. Books.)

Since I was getting a little over zealous with the updating,

How about I tell you my day in it's entirety?

How bouh dah


My school day started with me booking it to a math teacher's room to help with tutoring. (Every other Friday, I go and help tutor students in math)

And boy oh boy.

It was packed today.

Almost a full class.

And so I just started helping as many people as I could.

Now, this is what makes me smile.

Remember when I showed you how I got all of those Broken Hero swords and I mentioned about how my Death Sickle was stolen?


I had to help the thief solve a math problem.

How crazy is that!!?

Anyways, after the bell,

I went to my history class, where we watched a documentary about events leading to The Civil War

Pretty interesting

Gym class

First, had to dress out in our clothes, warm up jog, and then the coach let us sit in the bleachers and play on our phones??!





Sure... I'd roll with it...

But honestly, I'd much rather go outside and do something...

You know...


Doing physical stuff in a physical education class???




Then, the next class was English.

Just reviewing Ethos Pathos and Logos

And we were heading into our persuasive unit, so we were looking for debatable topics,

And so the topic of school lunches was born.

(I'm skipping this for now...
Honestly, I could fill up a whole chapter on this topic)

Then, after the bell rang,

I started jogging towards science.

Now, You know that Ki and I race to science class almost every day,

I thought I had beat him today....


Instead, I see him, walking towards the closest (I have a story for that) when our science journals are, a grin on his face.

Did I try to walk right back out of the room?


Did I get pushed back in my the stream of students??


Instead, to cope,

I threw my books and folder on the ground.

And then I instantly regretted it.

As I picked up all of my stuff, the science teacher says, in the most chill tone "Having a meltdown over there?"

And then Ki explained.

So..  not much else happened in that class, besides the things previously stated...


(But I made a 100 on my science quiz!!)


Not much else,

Sang in Choir class

(Memorized two out of three contest songs!!)

Researched my theory in Mysteries in History.

Reviewed in Algebra...

And worked on Financial Literacy in Exploring Careers.

I guess the beginning of my day was more eventful than the rest..


I should actually do this more often...

(But not too often.... I get burnt out on telling the same stuff over again..)


Bye bye Brudunskies


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