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That's when the horror struck...

That night I awoke to soft chattering behind the den. Concerned, I left the warm nest and peeked around the corner. 

I recognised a firm black warrior hissing to my brother and Thornstrike. 

"I told you tonight you mouse~brain!" Fenneslcar swung his head in frustration. 

Breezeclaw retorted sharply, flattening his ears against his head. "Well, I don't remember these things! I have patrols to complete." The dark furred tom flicked his tail. 

"Fennelscar was going to kill Hailstar and take over you dung!" Thornstrike fermented, knocking Breezeclaw over the head.

I pricked my ears, trying to maintain my gasp. My mentor was evil. Fear charged within my veins. Was this actually happening? 

"Shut your squirrel~hole!" Fennelscar's orbs suddenly discovered mine. I exhaled sharply. The fur on my neck ruffled. 

Fennelscar cleared his throat, a vicious expression expanding across his face. "Looks like we have company." 

Thornstrike and Breezeclaw examined me. 

"You know what to do." 

In an agile movement, the two toms held me tackled on the ground, slashing their claws into my flesh. I howled out for help but a powerful blow knocked me out. The forest began spinning and I closed my eyes... The darkness swallowing me.

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