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"Don't." Frostfall meowed very firmly. Tears appeared in her elegant sky blue eyes. "I-I love you. I'm sorry." She sputtered, her words collapsing in a huge mess. "I should've helped you. P-Please-" Frostfall bit her lower lip, quivering slightly. "Don't leave."

I didn't respond right away. I studied her up and down. The wind whistled between us. I made up my mind.

She gazed at me intensely.

I shook my head ever so slowly. "They say every particle in our bodies was once part of a star... maybe I'm not leaving. Maybe I'm going home." It barely came out as a whisper. Deliberately, I leaned back and let myself fall. I plummeted towards the bottom, seeing the cloud-furred she-cat fade out of sight.

"EAGLEDUST!" Frostfall screeched deafeningly. My name echoed down to the bottom of the gorge where my body crashed into the rushing water. 

Pain erupted in the back of my head. The clear water changed into a reddish-brown colour. My eyes faintly stayed open. And then they shut. I fell into peaceful blackness.

So much peace and silence.

My pained soul was finally in relief.

I was dead.


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