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Third Person POV

Camden's pencil moves quickly on the white-lined paper as he taps his foot to a random beat that has been stuck in his head for days. It isn't like he thought of it on his own. He isn't that creative. He heard it from a girl messing around on the piano after hours at their school. She was smiling to herself as her fingers moved swiftly across the keys, nodding her head to keep the beat before she softly sang. He almost didn't hear her, but he was glad he did. Camden didn't want to write this down and steal it from her, but he couldn't help it. One minute, he was contemplating all the possibilities of stealing it, and the next, a pencil was in his hand as he was writing it down without a second thought. He didn't want to risk losing the melody. 

"Hey bud," his best friend calls out, an apple in his hand. He takes a bite of the fruit before shutting his bedroom door with his foot. He nodded to the piece of paper in Camden's hand, "what you looking at?"

Camden read it over for the second time, making sure it was exactly how he heard it, but something was missing. It didn't seem like it was enough to get him well known, even if the lyrics were amazing. "It's a song."

Zander narrowed his eyes at him in confusion, "That you wrote?" He asked, not letting him speak before words were spilling out of his mouth once again, "I thought you couldn't write songs because you are incapable of creativity."

He gave him a blank stare, "Thanks Z."

Zander took another bite of the apple, smiling brightly at him, "You're welcome."

Camden then rolled his eyes at his idiot of a best friend before his eyes landed on the piece of paper once again, "No, I, um...I overheard this girl singing it a couple of days ago in the music room after school. She seemed like she was just messing around, but it was amazing. Her voice was amazing."

"Uh-oh," Zander mumbled. He's only seen him like this one other time. And that was with Melanie Maple in the seventh grade. He was obsessed with the girl. She would use him and he wouldn't mind, but Zander did, and soon he went off on her for not treating his best friend with respect. Zander and Camden stopped being friends for a while after that, all because Melanie told Camden that it came down to her or Zander. Camden, being a stupid little kid, chose Melanie, but after a day, Camden was calling Zander up, hoping for him to answer just so he could apologize and hear his voice. Melanie found out and dumped him, leaving him heartbroken, but Zander was the shoulder to cry on.

"I have no idea how she got in after hours, but I don't think she knew I was watching her."

"You were watching her? Camden, don't tell me you are already stalking some girl you don't even know."

"What?" Camden asked in shock, turning and looking at him like he was crazy, "No way."

"Mmhm," He tossed his apple towards the mini basketball hoop hanging on Camden's closet door, making it in and landing in the trash can underneath it before turning to his best friend and snatching the paper out of his hands, walking around the room and reading it. Camden began shouting at him to give it back, trying to get it away from him. "After I read it!" Zander shouted back at him, his eyes quickly scanning over the words, holding Camden behind him. Zander then nodded in approval, handing it over, "It's good, but it is a slow song."

"Yeah, so? That is how she played it." Camden explained, not seeing the problem.

"Camden, in all my life of knowing you, I know you hate slow songs. You always said that they are too sappy."

That is when Camden knew it shouldn't be exactly as the mystery girl played it. It needed to be different. It needed to be sped up. So, he sat down, re-writing the notes, Zander spinning in his swivel chair and lying on his bed until he was finished. "Done." He breathed out, and Zander stopped spinning, standing up to go over and look at it, but he was so dizzy, he fell. Camden chuckled, walking over and helping him up. "You okay, buddy?" He asked through his laughs, remembering how he got up and then went down in the same second.

Zander nodded, the room slowly going back to normal, "Yeah," He answered, "yeah, I'm fine. Lemme see the song." Cam handed him the piece of paper with a bunch of eraser marks on it, but Z ignored that, smiling at his best friend, "It's good, but...don't you think, you know,"

"What?" Cam questioned, taking the paper out of his hands and Zander chuckled nervously, standing up, his back towards his friend.

"You might need a music video."

"That's true." He looked at his floor in thought, "But how can I do that?"

"Me!" Z finally shouted out, whipping around and standing in front of Cam, "Me, me, me! I can do it." He then cleared his throat, "I mean, if you want, it's not a big deal if you wanted to get some big director from Hollywood or--"

Camden chuckled, shaking his head, "No, you can do it Z."

Zander smiled, "Good. I just need to go home and get my equipment. Give me a few minutes, and don't call that big Hollywood director."

"I won't. Just go and I'll wait here."

He nodded once, walking over to his window and climbing down it, leaving Camden to wonder why he didn't just walk out the front door when he heard him shout in pain.

Looking down at the song, he smiles slightly, remembering the girl in the store. Hopefully, she hears this, and I'll see her again. Cam thought, still remembering how she smiled at herself and seemed like she was in a different world when she played the notes. He wanted to go talk to her, ask her what her secret was to come up with such a great song when he knocked over a plant. The vase shattered and he ran in the other direction, not once glancing back to see if the mysterious girl came out or not. Right in the middle of his thoughts from a couple of days ago is when his best friend decided to tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump, "Hurry up Cam. We'll be up all night if we don't record the shots I need now." Camden didn't question Zander, he just did it, knowing he was the director.

And that is how Camden Moon became an overnight sensation.

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