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Third Person POV

Nova writes in her journal ever so neatly with her new ink pen, making sure that the cursive is perfect, reading it over twice before she felt satisfied with it, shutting the book, and running her finger over the big pink 'N' on the front. She sighed quietly, remembering that her birth mom got her this to remind her that she loved her, but she couldn't take care of her. Her mother explained in the letter how she wouldn't be able to support her with food or a safe home and she wanted it to be her own problem, not both of theirs. So, when Nova was just a baby, she made the tough decision to give her away and that is when Orion Starr, with the thought that he and his wife couldn't have a child on their own,  saw little Nova and they couldn't resist her. Her story touched their hearts and an instant need to protect her overcame both of them. Now, a little while later they found out that his wife was pregnant and they were ecstatic, but she got in a car accident, and they were able to save Melody, but not his wife. He doesn't blame Melody. He blames the drunk person who hit his wife on her way home from work.

Orion Starr is a big music producer. Ever since Nova was younger, he would take her to work with him, and soon, he started to bring Melody as well. They both have seen many musical talents walk in and out and some that Orion would find on the street, saying "You have talent, call me if you want to be big." Nova now looks forward to going to her father's work. Sometimes she and Melody will mess around in the recording studio, making their voice sound either deep or pitchy, but that is once every so often, knowing that their father will yell at them if they ever got caught.

"Nova," She spun around, looking at her sister smiling at her, "c'mon, dad's taking us to his work again."

Nova smiled back at her, standing up, locking her arm through hers as they walked down the stairs together. Nova and Melody are a couple of months apart, so even if they get into those petty fights, they are still super close. They walked out the front door, seeing Orion standing there in front of a silver 2014 Audi. "Surprise!" Orion smiled at the two of them.

"You...you got a new car? Why?" Nova asked and Orion laughed a little at her.

"No." He answered, leaving Nova and Melody to look at him in confusion, but Melody thinks she knows where this is headed, "It's for you two to share! You both just got your license after all." He then tossed Melody the keys, giving her a stern look, "Now, I want you two to share this car. That means you flip a coin or rock, paper, scissors for whoever will drive or take the car unless it is something that is super important. Got it?" They both nodded, but Nova was still in shock while Mel was jumping up and down in her mind. "Good. Now, get in the car, because I'm going to beat you to Starr Records!" Orion smiled at them and Nova grinned.

"Yeah right old man." She kids around, not able to contain the smile forming on her lips and Orion tried to look hurt, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Try not to drive like a grandpa, alright?" Melody jumped in, "There are some people that need to get places."

"Alright, alright," He started, "I should be fair and give you two some time to figure out who is going to be driving. But...since you both were so rude to your old man who got you a car..." He didn't have any intention of continuing his sentence, for he then raced to his car, leaving his two daughters to stand there in shock.

"Ready?" Mel asked her sister, her hand formed in a fist and Nova nodded, doing the same.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They said in unison, Melody winning.

"Yes!" She whispered, before running over to the car, Nova following close behind. They quickly opened the car doors, hopping in and buckling, "Don't worry sis, I'll let you drive on the way back, but right now..." She trailed off, putting the key in the ignition, her hand on the gear changer, turning her head to smile at Nova, "Are you ready to beat our father in a race?"

Nova turned to look at her, smiling back, "Let's do it." And with her adopted sister's words, she put the car in reverse, backing out of the driveway and onto the road, putting it in drive, she sped off, ready to take all the shortcuts to Starr Records.


"Camden Moon," Zander mocks Orion's voice, reading the email that he sent him, "I would like it if you were able to come to Starr Records to record. You are a very talented artist. I feel you could go big. That music video was amazing and--"

Cam narrowed his eyes at him, cutting him off, "It doesn't say that."

"Well, it should," Z spoke in his normal voice again, "I spent a lot of time on that music video for you and it got millions of views, and not one interviewer today complimented the video or asked who did it."

"But that music video is why I made it big Zander! Without you, I wouldn't've become what I am today."

"True." He mumbled.

"Isn't that amazing though? Orion Starr emailed me! Do you think I should go?"

"Absolutely. And you should, uh, bring someone with you," Zander started, "like, your best friend. Someone who edited a music video for you. Someone who is the only reason you're famous." Camden rolled his eyes at him but nodded anyway.

"Sure Z, you can come. You just have to let me drive."

"What? Why?"

"Because I actually want to show up alive," Camden told him, shutting his laptop and standing up to sneak out of his bedroom window. He could just go out the front door, but that isn't as exhilarating.

"My driving isn't that bad."

"You ran into a tree once Z." He deadpanned, "I'm driving." And with that, he took his car keys, climbing out the window with Zander right behind him, shutting it afterward.


"You only won because you cheated." Melody pouted, holding the glass door open for Nova.

Orion scoffed, "How did I cheat? There weren't any rules."

"Well, a race is supposed to be when two people start at the same time, but you started before, which gave you a head start." Nova decided to help out her sister, since he did in fact, cheat. "So, in other words," She let out a breath, turning to her father, still walking forward, "you cheated. Big time."

He looked between his two daughters, his jaw dropped in fake shock. He knew he cheated. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. "Well, since you both feel that way..." He trailed off, giving them time to nod or shake their head. They both nodded. "I guess I just won't let you meet the new artist I may be recording."

"New artist?" Melody narrowed her eyes in confusion, "Who?" Nova waited for the answer as well, knowing that she was just as curious.

He smiled, "Camden Moon."

Melody's eyes widened, "The Camden Moon?"

"Who is Camden Moon?" Nova questioned with her eyes narrowed, Melody looking over at her in shock. She expected that.

Melody whipped out her phone, her fingers typing at the speed of light across the screen before she shoved it in her face, telling her to watch the video. It was filled with different edits and the beat was catchy and—wait! This was her song. She wrote it. How did he find it? She doesn't even know or recognize him.

She stopped the video, nodding at it, not saying anything more. "That's it? A nod?" Melody was wondering how she couldn't've been fangirling as much as she was right now. Mel was going to meet Camden Moon. The one and only. She had to stay cool. "Oh. I get it. It was so good that you are speechless!" Melody said after walking for a while to get to the recording studio, "That's gotta be it, right?"

Nova slowly nodded, faking a smile. Speechless one word for what she is feeling right now.  "Man," She started, "I was trying to hide it, but nothing gets past you sis." Melody shrugged one shoulder, smiling big and bright, proud that she figured it out.

"What time is he supposed to be here dad?" Melody asked after sitting for ten minutes and he shrugged, messing with the tracks. 

"I'm going to go get some frozen yogurt though. You girls want anything?" They both looked at each other and smiled, knowing exactly what one another were thinking as they shook their head. He walked out and Melody rushed into the sound booth, shutting the door behind her, both of them silently laughing. Orion sat outside the door, listening to them. He knows they do this and he enjoys listening to them sing, especially since they both have beautiful voices.

"What song should I sing Nova?" Mel asked, putting on the headphones.

Nova shrugged one shoulder, "I don't know. Whatever song pops into your head."  Melody nodded.

"TikTok on the clock," She started and Nova began to mess with the pitch, making her voice sound like a chipmunk, watching her smile and begin to laugh, Nova doing the same. "The party don't start 'til I walk in," Nova made her voice deep and that is when Kira lost it, laughing loudly into the mic, causing her to laugh even louder when she heard her laugh. She got out of the booth, pushing Nova in.

"I don't know what to sing," Nova said, knots in her stomach. She always gets nervous when she has to sing in front of people.

"Just sing whatever," Mel smiled at her, waiting to hear her sister sing. She's always been jealous of her voice. Melody knows she is a good singer as well, but there is a small part of her that was jealous of Nova because she was amazing.

Nova slowly nodded, ready to hear how ridiculous she would sound. As Nova sang, she realized Mel was not messing with her voice. Melody simply gave her a thumbs up and a quick motion to continue. Her voice then had echoes behind it along with being way too high-pitched. Nova couldn't help but laugh. 

Melody leaned into the mic to speak to her, "Beautiful darling!" She kissed her fingers, "Magnificent!"

Nova laughed, taking off the headphones and walking out of the sound booth, hugging Mel before pulling away, "I forgot how much fun this was."

"Well, duh." Her sister laughed and that is when Nova heard her phone beep. She went over and picked it up, reading the text.

Flora: Hey. You able to hang out today? I got fired from my job at the aquarium. Apparently, you aren't supposed to let the kids take some of the fish home? I don't know. Anyway, want to?

Nova: Sure, but I'm busy right now. Maybe later.

"And in here is where we will be recording," Orion said, walking into the recording studio, smiling at his daughters who had turned to look at him. "Hello, girls." He greeted, acting as if he didn't know they were in there. "This is Camden Moon and his friend Zaz."

"It's Zander." Zander corrected, and Camden rolled his eyes at him.

"Hi. Nice to meet you both." Camden smiled at the two of them, but Nova couldn't help to feel anger towards him. He stole her song. Her song. He had no right to do that! She could sue him. She could. You know...if they would ever believe her. He is famous now. They might think that she is just doing it for money or something when really all she wants is for everyone to know that he is a fake and nothing more.

"You too," Nova said sweetly when she really wanted to confront him about stealing her song. She'll do that later though. Not here in front of her dad and sister. "Um, we'll just get out of your hair dad. Let you do your thing."

"Why can't we stay here?" Melody asked, "We stayed when Rihanna was in here recording."

"Rihanna has been in here?" Camden's eyes widened, looking around even more.

Nova nodded, "Yeah. It isn't that big of a deal. Many celebrities come in and out of here all the time."

"You girls can stay and listen if you want. You know it isn't a problem." Orion informed, but Nova already knew that. She was just hoping today would be one of the days that he didn't say that and she could leave instead of being in a room with someone who stole her song.

Nova smiled and sat down though, waiting to hear Camden record while Zander sat on the opposite couch. She knew how this would go. Orion usually asks for them to record more than one song. He is going to get all nervous and stutter because he doesn't have any other songs that he stole. At least, she hopes.

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