Chapter 14

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"Miss, Miss wake up, we arrived." A gentle shake wakes me from my small nap.

"We arrived," Charles repeats this time having my full attention. I'm a bit startled realizing I'm in Paris in front of my parent's mansion.

"Naomi" I whisper out.

"I'm sorry who?" Charles asks.

"Nothing. Just a dream," I shake my head as memories of my dream come flooding in.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Charles' face is full of concern as he places his hand on my shoulder. I nod my head while giving Charles a reassuring smile. Charles moves his hand and steps to the side allowing me space to get out of the car.

"Thank you, Charles. Have a nice night." Saying a goodbye I wait on the sidewalk till Charles walks back to the driver's seat and drives off. The feeling of loneliness blossoms with every step I take toward my parent's mansion. Grabbing the spare key from my bag I notice just how dark it is, so dark I have to turn on my flashlight.

Once I successfully open the door I'm greeted by the emptiness the mansion holds. Echos erupt with every step I make, proving not a single soul is here except me. I'm completely alone.
The first thing I do is take a shower. Closing my eyes I wash my hair, the faint smell of carbon dioxide is deep in my scalp. The scent brings a flash of memories I experienced in the dream. Starting from the desert and ending in a blackout. Opening my eyes in a panic I yell out Naomi's name, followed by echo repetition traveling all around.
I couldn't save her.

I whisper her name out, "Naomi" this time it's drowned by the sound of water running down.
Stepping out of the shower is the hardest. All my limbs feel sore as if I ran a marathon, instead of walking down the red carpet. Nevertheless, I dress for bed walking up the stairs and into my old room. Exactly the same, nothing new, a king sized bed, a dresser, a bathroom, and a walk-in closet. Having bare walls all my life; never posters, pictures or even decor, it was always bare. Turning off the lights I climb into bed. The feeling of the soft mattress beneath my side lures me to sleep, all worries pushed aside.

A bright light forces my eyes to open, revealing the bright sun beating down on me. Completely confused I stand up and do a 360 turn taking a look at my surroundings. The similar setting brings me to the realization that I'm in Guatemala.

This is my do-over.
Facing south I take off my heels leaving them on the ground and I begin to run. After a mile of running my body burns, the sun isn't helping. The sharp needles I feel in my muscles urges me to keep running. Knowing there's a little girl that needs to be saved, I speed up. While running I make a full proof plan on saving Naomi.

Plan A, have her in my eyesight at all times, don't let her be alone even for a second. Plan B, if plan A fails, fight whoever tries to take Naomi. I box at the gym, I can take them. Remembering how last time went I rip the sleeves of my dress tying one around my mouth making a mask. After a while of running a similar soccer balls rolls toward me. I stop and place my foot above the soccer ball.
"Hey, Miss, can you kick the ball over here please" Naomi yells out, pushing her long brown hair behind her ear. Just on cue, Naomi's little sister runs out.

"No, kick it over here!" She waves her short hands out and stands on her tiptoes trying to block Naomi.

"How about if I play too?" I travel the ball between my legs.

"I can even do cool tricks." This time I pick up the ball bouncing it on my foot. The girls look amazed as if they are watching a professional.

"Okay!" Naomi's sister shouts clearly excited.
I kick the ball to her and jog toward them.

"The nets are over here, my brother is the goalie," Naomi informs me while we walk into a small town of houses. In the middle of them, there is a small grass field. Sure enough, there are two nets and a little boy with curly hair guarding one.
"Arnél, ready?" Naomi's sister shouts out. The little boy perks his head toward us giving us a thumbs up.

"Ready, Jazmine" Arnél responds to his youngest sister.

"Can you be the other goalie?" Naomi asks I nod my head walking across the field standing in front of the net. Naomi's sister, Jazmine, kicks the ball toward me, but Naomi blocks it kicking it toward Arnél. The field is quite small, yet the three don't seem to notice as they chase the ball back and forth. At some point, Naomi makes a goal. Naomi takes a couple minutes doing a victory dance before shes pushed by Jazmine who's clearly jealous. Just like that the game continues, Jazmine is catching up.

The score is 8-6 whoever makes 10 goals wins the game. Jazmine travels with the ball heading straight toward me, I bend my knees, clearly forgetting I'm in a $12,000 dress. Ready to block the shot Jazmine kicks it, missing the goal completely. The ball rolls away into an ally of houses.

"I got it!" Naomi yells out as she jogs toward the direction the ball went to.

"Wait let me get it!" I shout running after her. She turns into the ally and I'm one step behind her. The ball is in the middle of four allies. Perfectly laying at the interception, as if grabbing it would be just as innocent as that act is.

However, as soon as Naomi picks up the ball, a set of arms coming from the left ally wrap around Naomi's small figure. One hand moves to grab her waist while the other covers her mouth. The soccer ball drops to the floor bouncing and slowly rolling away. I race after Naomi and the kidnapper as he runs to the right ally. Only a few steps ahead of me the same man stops in a corner. Before I could reach them a bright light appears above them. The light continues to brighten until I'm forced to cover my eyes with my arm.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind knocks me to the ground. Sitting up straight, I open my eyes. Instead of seeing Naomi being held hostage, I see the same man standing directly above me, holding a blue colored gun to my head. Having no emotion at all, he pulls the trigger.

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