Chapter 15

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I wake up lying on the ground, warm grass tickling my feet. Sitting up straight I study my surroundings. Still, on the field, Naomi, Jazmine, and Arnél are playing a couple feet from me. Standing up I call out to them.

"Hey what happened?" I ask but no one responds. None of them even look fazed. I walk up to Naomi, but its as if she can't see me. Repeating the question but this time I direct it toward Jazmine, yet I receive the same reaction, nothing.

Instead of trying to figure out why they can't see me I sit and watch. If they cant see me how am I suppose to save Naomi? I don't understand.
What value does it make, watching Naomi be abducted?

Naomi's victory shout pulls me out of my thoughts and the scene unfolds in front of me. Naomi made a goal and takes a couple of minutes doing a victory dance next she's pushed by Jazmine who is jealous. Then, the game continues, Jazmine is catching up to Naomi. The score changing from 8-3 to 8-6 Jazmine travels with the ball heading straight toward the completely defenseless net. Jazmine kicks the ball with all the strength she has in her. But, she is a 6-year-old girl and her strength is limited. The ball is kicked roughly, yet misses the goal completely. The ball lands into an alley between houses.

"I got it!" Naomi yells out as she jogs toward the direction the ball went to.

I get up and walk the same direction as Naomi, but with a sudden bump, I'm stopped from going. As if I had just walked into a clear glass wall that laid on the field. I try harder, no luck, the wall holds me back. Feeling defeated I sit back down on the grass. Knowing that Naomi is going to be kidnapped any second fuels the anger deep inside me. Letting out my frustrations I start pulling out pieces of grass.

Naomi is probably struggling to save her life right now. What am I doing to help? Pulling grass!
I don't even notice the clouds roll in as I continue my small tantrum.

"This little girl is going to suffer she might die! But don't worry Reijn's got it, wait! No, she doesn't she can't get to her because there's something there that's blocking her! A something that's nothing! There's nothing there, but I still can't pass!" I shout at the grass and the sky starts to pour down rain. Completely drenched in rain that I caused, encourages me. Standing up I march toward the invisible wall. Making sure I don't bump into the wall I stretch my hand out to the wall, my fingers tips glaze over it.

With determination running through my veins, I begin to pound my fist against the unseen wall.
"Come on you stupid.. you stupid thing!!" I yell using all my strength.

"I am not letting nothing stop me from saving Naomi!" The sky quickly matches my anger and the sound of roaring thunder rolls in. Each time my fists hit the wall a strike of lightning appears in the sky.

"I'm going to save Naomi!" Both my fists bang the wall at the same time causing a lightning bolt to strike the wall. A small crack appears looking like a floating line in mid-air. I smile in victory.

"I'm almost there Naomi" I whisper barely hearing myself over the loud thunder.

A high pitch scream yanks my attention away from the wall and toward Jazmine and Arnél. Near the soccer, net stood Arnél with Jazmine hiding behind him.

The familiar man walks toward them slowly as if torturing them. I watch as the two kids back into the net trapping themselves with no escape.

Jazmine screams, moving me into action. Running towards the three, I yell out to trying to get the abnormal mans attention.

"Hey over here!" Stopping four feet away I wave my hands. The eerie man turns to me and stares at me almost as if he is studying me. Taking a quick glance at Arnél and Jazmine I notice they have stopped moving, they even look frozen.

Shocked by this discovery I don't notice him taking out a maroon gun and directing it to me.

When the deviant stranger pulls the trigger, the impact of a bullet does not hit me. Instead, I'm blasted with a type of energy that throws me across the field. The strike leaves me on the floor, but I lift myself up, I'm not finished with the fight. Walking toward my opponent I raise my arms causing the thunder to grow louder. My ability sparks the man's interest. Walking toward him I let out a smirk, but a sudden collision pushes me back.

Extending my hand out I feel a wall. Another invisible wall, the man laughs clutching his stomach.
Grinding my teeth I guide my hands to place over the wall. Feeling furious I push all my might onto the clear wall causing two lightning bolts to strike the wall leaving a huge crack. The abnormal man stops laughing and turns his face to expressionless. Putting his maroon gun into his jacket, the stranger tightens his tie and walks to Arnél and Jazmine who unfreezes.

"No!" I scream banging my fists bringing more lightning strikes. Once he's stood in front of them the eerie man reaches into his jacket.

"You. Will. Not. Hurt. Them!!" Every word I spat out was led by a blow on the wall. The man pulls out a bottle spray from his pocket. Arnél tries to push him away, but it has no effect on the nonhuman man. Putting the bottle in front of Arnél he lightly squeezes and mist is thrown onto his face. Not even a second goes by before Arnél falls to the ground.

"No!" With each pound, the crack gets bigger.
Jazmine begins to cry laying down next to Arnél.

"Jazmine run! Run Jazmine! Run!" I scream at her, but she crouches down waling her eyes out.
I scream and scream trying to get her to escape. I start seeing blood on my fists, but that doesn't stop me.

Jazmine is the last one. I couldn't save Naomi or Arnél, but I could do them a favor and save Jazmine.
The nonhuman picks up Jazmine's chin smiling at her.

My breathing gets harder, with one last punch to the wall all the cracks disappear. Instead of my fist meeting the wall, my fist punches the air. I run to Jazmine, I need to save her. Ready to tackle the unorthodox, he moves the bottle to face me and sprays me. I take him down as he breaks my fall and I'm unconscious again. The thunder stops and the clouds clear.

With cold sweat, I wake up. I wrap my fists around the duvet trying to bring myself back to reality. My breathing is unsteady, I'm having an Asthma attack. I quickly grab my inhaler from my bag before I start panicking some more. Inhaling the air my inhaler offers I calm down. A tear escapes my eye as realization comes that I couldn't save any of them. I couldn't save Naomi.

It's hard to tell whether that was real or simply a nightmare. How real it felt made me lean on the reality possibility. The amount of confusion I feel causes a headache. Getting up I make my way downstairs into the kitchen. Making a cup of coffee I began to ponder on what exactly happened.
The fact that this has never happened to me before makes it more confusing. It could simply be a nightmare. A small part deep within me agrees to disagree. But, it has to be a dream. There is no way I could teleport to Guatemala and still be in Pairs. It is Impossible.

So is being able to control the weather.
The stubborn part of my mind answers. Drinking my coffee eases my thoughts just enough for me to climb up the stairs into my room and sleep.

It was simply a dream. Naomi, Jazmine, and Arnél don't exist. Naomi isn't real. You don't need to save her.

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