1: The Beginning

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Hey everyone! This is my first story ever written and if you do read this, you're going to have to be patient with me. Sorry! :P

Please leave comments so that I know that I have to improve. I'll appreciate all and any feedback.


"Do you think animals feel it when we stare at them?" Creed asks me, as he stares at the monkeys in the cage. I sigh and ignore him, already used to his stupidity.

Unfortunately, he takes my sigh as encouragement and carries on. "You know how humans get all flustered and start sweating and thinking, 'Uh, is something on my face?' or 'OMG! He's so hot!' " He says, suddenly switching to a high pitched voice.

"First of all, yuck!" I say, hitting him in the shoulder. "Second of all, this is why I never take you anywhere. Because you're a dum-dum and I hate keeping you away from all your special classes." I say, grinning at him because if it's one thing Creed never backs down from, it's an argument.

"Honey, you're so lucky to be seen with me. Girls would die to be in your place." He says, jerking his head towards a group of girls who are just staring at Creed and giggling. Idiots.

"Really? 'Cause I want to die because I'm in this place." I smirk at him.

"I don't like you. Go search for Belle. I'm going to go greet my fans." He says, giving me a wide grin. It was so predictable of Creed to ditch his friends even if he got a tiny speck of attention. And he got a lot of attention, so that left us ditched quite a lot. Unfortunately, he's the only one with a car.

"You have to drop us. Please don't forget like last time." I plead. Creed just nods at me, barely glancing my way. His focus is already on his groupies. I suppose Creed is good looking but every time I see him, even remotely, in that way, I feel disgusted. I whip out my phone to ask Belle where she is.

The zoo is pretty huge and also, it's a Sunday. There are kids running around everywhere excitedly pulling their parents behind them.

I, honestly, don't like zoos that much because it's basically animal prison but Jason loves them and Belle loves Jason. Unfortunately, Belle drags me everywhere she goes and Creed doesn't leave us alone even though we beg him to. Yeah, that guy leaves us only if he sees a hot girl.

"Yo, sugar chips!" Belle picks up the phone, greeting me in her normal way. Belle loves to annoy me by calling me nonsensical names like sugar chips, yogurt mountain or butt sprinkle.

"Creed the ditcher ditched me." I whine on the phone.

"What did you expect with a name like that?" Belle quips and I can't help but laugh. "We're near the lions. Can't wait to see you. Okay, good talk. Bye!" Belle says in one quick breathe.

I love Belle. Absolutely adore her. She's my sister from another mister and it doesn't matter how cliché it sounds. I start making my way towards the lions when I freeze in my tracks.

There he is. Cayden Parker. He looks amazing as always. His black hair is ruffled and his blue eyes are focused on the tiny girl who's pulling him by his finger. He laughs at something she says and then picks her up and nuzzles with her. I have died and gone to heaven. That's my future husband and my future daughter.

Of course, I'm not stupid enough to think that she's our future daughter considering I have never spoken to Cayden. Yet. Trust me, I'm working on it. I've had a crush on Cayden since almost a year now. When he moved into town two years ago, I just thought he was cute, and he was such a sweetheart to everyone. I didn't even realize I had feelings for him until the rumours of him having a college girlfriend reached me. My heart just filled with this weird sadness when I heard about it, and when the rumour turned out to be true, I was devastated. At that point, Belle helped me see that I actually like this guy. The good news is that Cayden and his definitely hot, sophisticated girlfriend, are broken up. The bad news is that he doesn't know I exist.

The little girl must be his sister and she's as cute as a button. But who cares about her? Look at that man. He's an enigma. I can see that he has caught the attention of every girl and woman alike but I'm the only one shamelessly staring.

As if sensing someone watching him, he turns to look in my direction. I panic and immediately start looking at the nearby plant, trying to look nonchalant. Don't ask me why I chose a plant when I could have been staring at the deers. Who comes to a zoo and stares at plants?

Unsure if he was still looking here, I take my phone out, frown as if I see a message, and start making my way towards the lions. Unfortunately, I'll have to pass Cayden and his sister. I take a deep breath, and look up to see that Cayden and his sister are in their own tiny world. Heaving a sigh of relief, I sprint towards the lion exhibit.

"Wow. So glad you could make it." Belle says hooking my elbow with her hand.
I see Jason smirking at me, "Punctuality is godliness."

"Cleanliness is godliness, idiot." I correct him.

"Then you're not godly." He sticks his tongue out at me, and suddenly raises his voice and says, "How dare you interrupt my date with the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms?"

Belle giggles because of course she does. These people are head over heels in love with each other and I'm so happy for them but when they get all sappy, I really want to punch them. Hard. Wearing Iron Man's armour.

"I have come to rescue beautiful Belle from the clutches of the evil Jerk Jason." I say trying to make my voice as manly as Jason's.

"Um, no thanks. Beautiful Belle loves Jerk Jason." Belle says, leaving me and hugging Jason.

"Traitor." I narrow my eyes at her. Jason, Belle and I have been friends for ten years now because all of our parents are so close to each other. After we entered high school, Jason got really close to Creed and he was welcomed into our gang. I was convinced that Jason, Belle and I, would drift apart because he was amazing in football and that meant he was extremely popular, but he stuck by us. Jason and Belle have been together since ninth grade and now we're in twelfth. I'm convinced that these two idiots are going to end up marrying each other. Needless to say, I have started praying for their children.

"Wassup, my homies? Guess who I ran into?" I can hear Creed behind me and I already know the answer when Belle gives me an excited look. She's the only one who knows that I'm harbouring a huge crush on Cayden.

"Hey, Cayden." Jason says as he gives Cayden that weird half hug or chest bump that guys do. Jason and Cayden are tight. That's why Belle is so excited about me liking Cayden. She's already dreaming about the four of us going on double dates.

I finally turn around to see his younger sister holding his hand, looking extremely bored because the guys have started talking about football practice. Did I mention Cayden is an extremely good football player? He's also the captain of the team.  Creed doesn't know anything about football. He just randomly shouts football related words in the middle of the conversation.

"Hey!" I say, bending, so that I'm eye to eye with Cayden's sister.

"What's your name?"

"Eliza." She replies with a tiny voice. She's such a sweetheart.

"That's a beautiful name!" Belle gushes at her. Eliza tries to hide behind Cayden's legs, because of our attention,until she's just standing right in between the triangle of conversation the guys have formed.

"Fore!" I hear Creed yell as I straighten up.

"That's not even related to football, doofus." I say to Creed but to my surprise, the conversation stops and everyone just stares at me.

"Oh shit! Is it related to football?" I ask with horror.

Everyone laughs. Including Cayden. His laugh is magical!

"I think it's time we leave before poo brains here devolves into a chimpanzee, Amirite?" Creed asks giving me a huge grin.

"Shut up." I mutter, as I push his face away with my palm and start walking towards the exit.

"See you guys tomorrow." Cayden says and walks away with his sister.

"He'll see us guys tomorrow, Shae." Belle teases me.

"I hate you." I say, not meaning a word.


"I'm home!" I scream, as soon as I enter my house. I live in a modest two storied  house that I, honestly, love so much. The exterior of our house is plain and boring but my mom made sure that the inside of the house was crazy.

For instance, the main door opens into the living room whose four walls are painted 4 different colors- blue, red, purple and orange. It was hard to get used to it at first, but then it grows on you.

My mom enters the living room from the kitchen and says, "I can hear you just fine even when you don't scream like you're being murdered." She gives me a deadpan look. I roll my eyes at her. My mom has to be the most sarcastic person I've ever met and I've met Belle. So, that says a lot.

"How does dad tolerate you?" I ask her, knowing that if my dad was here, he'd give me a disappointed look. My dad has huge issues with respect, boundary and the works. He doesn't get the friendly, loving relationship I have with my mom but he loves my mom and she loves him.

"Why don't you ask him that?" She asks me, raising her eyebrows. My dad was on a camping trip, so it was just my mom and I in the house. I grunt in response to her question and head to my room.

My room is the favourite part of my house because my mom is amazing and she painted my ceiling to resemble a galaxy. She also put in false ceilings and dim tube lights inside them. So, my ceiling looks magical when the entire room is dark and the lights are on. My mom is crazy creative.

I take a shower and plop down on my bed. Slowly, I feel my eyes flutter close and the last thing I remember seeing is my own mini-Galaxy.

P.S: The picture is of Shae.

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