2: The Meeting

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I would appreciate all and any comment. Don't be a silent reader. :)

We're sitting slumped on the Cafeteria table because none of us have anything to say to each other. Creed is lying down on the table and my head rests on his back. Belle is stuffing her face as if there's no tomorrow and Jason is busy studying for a test he has next period.

I sigh and try to steal some of Belle's fries but she just smacks my hands.

"Joey doesn't share food." She says with her mouth full. Jason chuckles and mutters about how much he loves her. Sickened by their PDA, I turn my head in the other direction and I can see Cayden sitting a couple of tables away from us. In my school, there aren't any popular tables because the popular people in my school are really nice. Case in point: Creed and Jason are friends with me even though I have nothing going for me in this school.

Cayden is surrounded by all the hot girls and they keep fawning over him. He turns to his best friend, Filip and says something and they both burst out laughing. I narrow my eyes at them. Those two guys are trouble. They're notorious for going through girls like underwear. Also notorious for going through the mentioned girls' underwear. I chuckle lowly, because sometimes, I crack myself up.

"That's not at all weird." Creed says, getting up suddenly, so that my head falls, "Laughing to yourself for no reason is totally normal."

"It is when you realize how funny I am." I say in a sickly sweet voice. He just grins in response. His teeth are brilliant. I'm jealous of his teeth.

"I'm going to go to another table that is not as boring as this." He says, as he walks away from our table.

"Creed the ditcher." I mutter.

"Who cares?" Belle says with her mouth full. I have never seen her go through food like this before.

"Why is she eating like she didn't eat for the past 6 months and she has to overcompensate for that within ten minutes or she dies?" I ask Jason knowing that Belle would just show me her middle finger in response, which she still does.

Jason laughs and says, "Today is her cheat day."

Realisation dawns on me. Belle is trying really hard to be a vegetarian, because of reasons, but she gets really frustrated when she can't have meat. So, she came up with the ingenious idea of having meat cheat days. At first, she kept a cheat day once a week, then once a month and now, she's currently in the sixth month phase.

Jason was really puzzled when Belle first told him about meat cheat day whereas Creed just grinned, gestured up and down his body, and said, "Couldn't resist, huh?"

That earned him a punch from Jason.

The bell rings signalling the end of lunch break. "All the best for your test, Jason. Bye, Belle!"

I gather up my things and leave. My next period is Bio which I was looking forward to because Cayden's in the same class as me. I don't have deep feelings for this guy where I go scribbling 'Shae hearts Cayden' all over my notebook. I just find him so easy to look at.

I enter the class and go sit at my usual spot, which is the third row from the front. Cayden, of course, sits at the back. Everyone is already seated in class by the time Mr. Mills enters the class. Mr. Mills is a little awkward around teenagers but he's such an amazing teacher. He even makes a subject like Bio seem interesting.

"Okay, class!" He says, nearing the end of the lecture. "I'm going to assign you guys in groups for an assignment. The assignment can be about anything you want that is included in this year's syllabus."

The entire class erupts in groans including me. I'm not friends with anyone in this class. I just smile and make small talk with a couple of people who sit around me.

Mr. Mills silences the class by holding out his hands. "The groups will consist of 4 people."
He takes out a piece of paper and starts reading out the names. Mr. Mills likes to mix the different cliques so that everyone talks to each other. So, I wasn't the least bit surprised when people who would normally never talk to each other were assigned to the same group.
"Shae," Mr. Mills continues and I freeze, hoping I have cool groupmates. "Brandon, July and Cayden."

No flipping way. I just tune him out after that. This is the worst but it's also the best. I honestly don't know how to feel. Should I do a somersault or should I kick Mr. Mills at the end of the somersault?

"Hey, teammate." Brandon says to me. Luckily, Brandon is one of the few people in this class that I talk to.

"I'm so glad we're in the same group." I say truthfully, giving him a wide smile. I don't know how to feel about July. She seems smart enough, but I really don't know her that well.  As for Cayden, I'm dreading it.

"Okay!" Mr. Mills says, "We still have some time. So, why don't all the groups discuss their ideas?"

At this, everyone gets up and scatters to get to their respective teammates. Brandon and I remain seated as July comes towards us, smiling shyly. She really doesn't seem that bad. Cayden walks over too and plops down on the seat behind me. I stiffen, feeling oddly conscious.

"Hey! I'm Brandon. This is July and Shae." Brandon introduces us and I'm glad he did because I'm not sure if my voice is still working.

"Hey. I'm Cayden."  He says and I die right there. I can't believe he's introducing himself. Everyone knows him!

"Yeah, we know." I scoff at him and immediately regret it as I notice him narrow his eyes at me. Yikes. Kitty got claws. The bell rings and everyone gets up to leave.

"Wait!" July screeches nervously, "Is it fine if we just meet at my house today? After school?"

Brandon and I just nod in agreement. "Sorry, no can do. I have practice, but definitely next time." And with that, Cayden just walks away.

"We'll see you after school." I smile at July who seems kind of shaken up by Cayden.

I leave, and Brandon catches up to me. "Hey, do you want me to pick you up?" Brandon asks me. I might have a crush on Cayden but Brandon definitely is a looker. He has dark brown hair with chocolaty eyes and there's just something about him that reassures you. You just know that he's a gentleman.

"Yeah, thanks!" I say, knowing that Jason will be busy with practice and Belle would stay and wait for Jason. Creed, obviously, would take the opportunity to flirt with some cheerleaders.

"I'll see you later then." And with that, Brandon disappears. The rest of the day passes by in a blur and I'm, soon, waiting for Brandon outside the school.

"Hey, ready to go?" Jason asks me, surprising me from behind. I see Creed and Jason walking towards me.

"Don't you have practice today?" I ask Jason. He shakes his head, "Coach told us he's going to take a leave of absence this entire week."

"What?" I ask, amazed. Cayden lied to us. What a jackass.

"Since when do you care about football practice?" Creed asks me, looking confused. I tell him what happened and he lets a low whistle. "You guys just got blown off by Cayden Parker!" Creed laughs and starts laughing harder when he realizes just how mad I am.

All of a sudden Creed starts screaming and waving like a mad man, "Cayden! Cayden, my man, get your ass here!"

I'm too shocked at the recent developments to react and by the time I realize what's happening, Cayden is already standing beside me.

"What's up with him?" Cayden asks Jason and I, pointing at Creed who's still shaking from laughter. I can hear him saying Shae, idiot and blown off between breaths.

"Coach is sick, Cayden." I say in a cold voice. When I'm mad, it doesn't even matter how cute you are. I don't discriminate.

He looks really puzzled until he realizes what just happened. He gives me a sheepish smile while I just take out a pen, rip a piece of paper, write down July's address, and stuff it in his hand.

"Be there." And with that, I walk away even though I can't see Brandon anywhere, but it would be weird for me to still stand there after that whole incident. Thankfully, Brandon finds me right at that instance, and leads me towards his car which is a red pickup. In the car, I tell Brandon what had happened and he looks shocked.

"Wow. That is so weird. Do you really think he'll come?" He asks, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"He better come." I mumble.

But, of course, he doesn't.

P.S: The picture is of Cayden. It's unfair how some people can be this good looking.

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