8: Working Woman

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"Scuttle Ship for lunch?" Belle asks as she tries to snatch the remote from Creed, who swiftly raises the control above his head, out of Belle's reach.

"I'd rather go to Minnie's." Filip says, pulling the bubble-gum in his mouth by his hands.

The guys mutter their approval at Filip's suggestion, barely taking their focus off of the television.

"No, let's go to Scuttle Ship. I need to find out if Brandon got me a job. Is that fine, guys?" I rub my hands together in anticipation.

"Yeah, that's fine too." The guys agree, distractedly.

"Why are you guys focusing so much on cartoons?" Belle looks around the living room, astonished. Belle, Jason and Creed are occupying the main couch which is right in front of the television. Filip is seated on the floor, leaning against the couch whereas Cayden and I are sitting on the single couches. The way the couches are positioned, Cayden and I are right opposite each other but his eyes only focus on the screen.

"I haven't seen this in such a long time!" Cayden reminisces and the guys laugh in unison when Jerry hits Tom with a hammer.

"That poor cat." Belle mutters and shoots me a perplexed look.

"It's 12 already and I'm starving. Corn flakes won't hold me on for much longer." I grab my stomach to emphasize my point.

"Then let go, baby." Filip winks at me and blows a bubble, which unfortunately bursts and sticks to his nose. I let out a genuine laugh at Filip's failure at flirting and find Cayden staring at me with a small smile.

"Finally got your eyes off of the television?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow.

"Found something better to look at." He shrugs and gets off his couch. I sit in stunned silence, feeling my cheeks go hot. Belle is staring at me, her mouth wide open. Creed and Jason are still glued on to the screen.

"And Filip, that is how you flirt." Cayden says as he kicks Filip playfully. "I can't believe you said 'Then let go, baby.' That's terrible and I thought you better than that."

Belle gives me a look so filled with pity that I find myself drowning in it. I struggle to retain my composure. I cross my heart, hoping that even though I'm reeling inside, I look relatively unaffected on the outside."

"Look, Shae, your cheeks are the same color as my shirt." Filip says, pointing at his tomato red shirt.

And with that, all hopes of seeming indifferent jumped out of the window.

After an hour of cajoling the guys to get off of their guts, we finally make it to Scuttle Ship.

I sigh in relief as I push open the door, welcoming the cool, air conditioned blast on my skin. We occupy the booth from which I was ushered out of by Brandon. Creed, Cayden and I sit on one side whereas the other side is occupied by Belle, Jason and Filip.

"Ever heard of personal bubble?" I elbow the guys hard so that they stop squeezing me and scan the diner for a trace of Brandon.

"Someone's eager to see Brandon." Belle mutters while studiously going over the menu even though we both know that she orders only one thing.

"So, I'll take a double cheeseburger with extra fries. What about you guys? I'm sure that Shae would like to order one hot boyfriend." Belle smiles and I throw her a murderous look.

"Damn, Shae. I was really hoping you were single and ready to mingle." Filip says with an exaggerated pout.

I furiously blush, my mind instantly going back to last night at the pool.

"Heh-heh." I laugh, awkwardly.

"Oh look, there's your boyfriend." Cayden points to Brandon, who emerges out of the kitchen, the doors flapping behind him.

"Don't point!" I grab Cayden's finger and hold it in a tight fist as Brandon notices us and approaches our table.

"Hey, guys! Fancy seeing you here."

"Well, we had to eat." Creed answers back and Brandon laughs.

"Of course. So what can I get for you today?"

Everyone tells their order and Brandon hurriedly scribbles it on his small notepad. "I'll be back in a minute."

As soon as Brandon leaves, the Shae inquisition starts. "Why didn't he mention anything about the job? Does that mean I didn't get it? Would it be eager if I go and ask him about the job?"

"Shae," Creed starts, "Calm down. If Brandon did manage to get you the job, I'm sure he would tell you."

"If?" I ask, uncertain.

"When." Jason corrects him with a pointed look.

I smile at Jason who gives me a nod in response.

"So, if you do get this job, you'll be working very closely with Brandon." Cayden states with a sly expression on his face and my face immediately heats up.

Oh no. I do not want to be teased with another guy by my ex-crush.

Belle, perhaps sensing my impending burst, quickly changes the topic. "What's our plan for today?"

"Babe, did you forget?" Jason asks Belle, throwing an alarmed expression at us.

"Forget what?" Belle looks perplexed.

"We already made plans, remember?" Jason emphasises plans and the rest of us at the table immediately pretend to be engrossed in other things.

Filip, sitting opposite Creed, starts talking about football even though Creed doesn't know a thing, leaving me alone with Cayden.

"So, weather...crazy....hot." I mumble.

"We need to think of other conversation topics because I don't give a damn about the weather."

"Do you have any better idea?"

"Actually, I do. It starts with B and ends with N."

"Not about him, please."

"I was talking about buffoons but it's interesting where your mind goes."

I shoot Cayden my infamous death glare but before I could reply, Brandon comes over to our table, bringing a piece of heaven with him.

"Here are your orders." He places my greasy sandwich in front me and I start salivating but before I completely devour my sandwich, I notice something odd. Jason and Belle are still engrossed in ther conversation and Filip is making small talk with Brandon.

The letters UGTJB are written on my sandwich with ketchup.

"What's that?" Creed asks, peering over my sandwich.

"Ugutjub?" I mutter, utterly confused.

"I think that means that you got the job." Cayden shoots us with the 'Are you seriously that dumb look?'

"Oh my god, Brandon!" I leap from my seat, practically shoving my tummy into Creed's face and hug Brandon. "Thank you so much," I whisper, still hugging him.

Brandon heartily laughs and says, "No thanks necessary. Honestly, this place is too boring. I need some entertainment." We pull away from the hug and Brandon leaves to serve another table.

"So, I'm assuming you didn't get the job?" Belle asks me with a grim expression on her face which can barely conceal her smile.

"Congrats, Shae. I'm assuming you will be paying for all of us after hearing this wonderful news." Creed says, raising his lemonade glass at me.

"Hey, I just got a job. Not a promotion. Chill out." I grab Creed's glass and guzzle the lemonade.

"So, Jason and I already made some plans. So we can't hang out with you guys today." Belle shrugs, trying to act nonchalant but there's something bubbling right under the exterior. I make a note to ask her what it's about.

"Oh, bummer. My mom's hosting a dinner party for few of her friends and she wants me to help her with a few things. So I can't make it either." Filip says, eating six fries at the same time.

"So, it's just the three of us then." I say but I hear Creed groan.

"I actually, kind of, have a date."

"You have a date?" I ask, shocked.

"The kind where you meet with a girl and actually talk to her and get to know her?" Belle follows up.

"Uh, yeah. So I won't be there either."

"Who is this girl?" The curiosity is killing me and from Belle's demeanour, I can tell she feels the same way. Hell, even the guys look curious!

"I'll tell you all about her when I'm ready. I'm just not ready to bring her into this madness." He shoots me a pointed look.

"So, it's just the two of us." A voice says behind me. I turn towards Creed and shoot him a tight smile.

"Well, we did want to be friends." He continues, leaning a little closer.

"Friends?" I ask, leaning back, trying to regain my personal bubble and not caring that I'm invading Creed's.

"The bestest, remember?" Cayden shoots me an evil grin and turns his attention back to his food.

If I survive these two weeks without having a heart attack, it'll be a miracle.

A/N: Sooo Shae got the job and she'll be working very closely with Brandon. *wink wink* 

On the other hand, Shae will spend an entire day with Cayden and who knows? Maybe they'll bond and fall in love with each other and have tiny adorable mini Shaes and mini Cayden. 

Well, probably not because they barely know each other. I might be updating a little more frequently now because I want to finish this book before August. So, stay tuned! :D

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