9: Closer Than Comfort

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I came across a post on my Facebook page a while back titled 'Top 25 conversation starters to talk the pants off of anyone.' I scrolled past it and never thought about it again until I sat across from Cayden in Brandon's living room, with only the sound of the ceiling fan slicing the awkward silence between us.

Yep, I should've read that article.

Everyone split up immediately after lunch, leaving Cayden and me alone. I didn't even have time to ask Belle what was going on with her and Jason. The way Jason acted at the table was so weird. Sure, they made plans without us all the time. It's only natural. They are dating each other after all, but they never kept their plans a secret and I've never seen Belle look so reluctant about a date.

I'm lost in my thoughts, delving deep into my best friend's love life when Cayden jars me out of my introspection.

"So, this is how you entertain your friends?"

I sigh in response, because what else can I do?

"The company isn't that interesting, you see." I snap back and Cayden narrows his eyes at me. I shrink back a little under the intensity of his glare. I guess that wasn't very friendly.

"The only thing I can see is your inability to make polite conversation."

"Cayden!" I cry out, exasperated. "We're fighting again. We decided not to do this!" I hold my palms out in surrender.

"You're right," He ruffles his hair in frustration, "Let's just go watch TV and try not to kill each other."

"Not going to prison sounds like a wonderful plan." I smile at him and I notice his eyes soften a little.

Cayden and I sit on the opposite ends of the same sofa, the one which faces the TV. He's surfing the channels, searching for something watchable. To bide my time, I swipe through my Facebook feed, hunting for the conversation article.

What? Can you really blame me? I'd like to be more prepared next time.

But I can't concentrate on my feed because the constantly changing sound of the TV is distracting me beyond belief. I shoot an indignant look at Cayden but he either doesn't notice me or outright ignores me. I wait patiently, hoping that he'll finally choose a channel but I'm, unfortunately, not that lucky.

"Cayden, why don't you just give me the remote?" I extend my hand out.

"Nope." He says, popping the P.

I take a deep breath to calm myself before plastering a fake smile and turning to Cayden.

"Hey... dear friend?"

This earns me a disgusted look from Cayden, which I promptly ignore.

"Either give me the remote or settle on a channel."

"I never settle."

Realizing that being a nice, understanding friend won't work, I change gears.

"So, Cayden, last night at the pool was fun." I say, in my hopefully sultry voice.

"Uh, yeah. Are you alright? Your voice sounds weird." He shoots me a concerned look.

I shake my head and clear my throat before continuing, "I was actually pretty shocked when you checked me out." That earns me his complete attention. He stops changing the channels and is staring at me, mouth wide open. I inch slowly towards him until I'm within remote snatching distance from Cayden, which coincidentally is too damn close to him.

"I'm surprised you aren't denying it." And I really am. I was expecting a lot of 'hah!' or a 'yeah right.' or 'you wish.' but not stunned silence. That, I wasn't prepared for. 

"I wasn't checking you out." He shoots back with a gruff tone.

"It's a little too late for denials, isn't it?" I glance down at his lap where the remote rests. Even though his attention is on me, he's still holding the control tightly in his hands.

"Um... Shae, what are you doing?" He adjusts his position on the sofa, completely straightening his back. Oh no. Does he think that I just checked him out? My cheeks blush in embarrassment but I decide that now's not the time for modesty and go for the kill.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I say, grazing his chest with my hand, inching closer and closer towards the remote. My breath hikes a little when I feel his hard chest and I find myself tracing a random pattern on his abs. I shake the less-than-pious thoughts going through my mind and clench his shirt so that I don't have to touch him anymore. I have to be focused on my mission.

Cayden catches my wandering hand and brings it to his lips. He kisses my hand softly, staring intently into my eyes.

Ruh-roh. The remote doesn't seem that important anymore. I feel my heart thumping wildly against my chest. I can almost hear the conflict within me.

My brain is going, "Abort mission! Abort mission!" but my heart says, "Oh baby! We have waited  way too long for this."

While I'm still contemplating what I'm supposed to do, Cayden leaves a trail of kisses all over my hand till he reaches my neck and I stare ahead, completely out of my wits. I shiver when he slightly nibbles on my neck and I feel him chuckling at my reaction. 

"I think-" Cayden whispers in my ear before leaning back against the couch "-That you were trying to seduce me to get to the remote.

I stare at him, dumbfounded, wondering why he isn't kissing me anymore and missing him against my neck before I realize that he knew what I was trying to do. 

And he played me. 

I feel my entire face – nay, body – turning red. I swallow a couple of times trying to make words come out but I'm completely tongue tied.

"I'll tell you what?" Cayden pulls me closer to him at the couch which I honestly didn't think was possible, "I'll give you the remote but only because I had lots of fun when you were trying to take it from me." This makes me blush even more furiously which makes me wonder why my blood isn't doing more important stuff like clotting my arteries and giving me a heart attack because I'd rather die than live through this moment.

He uncurls his fingers from mine and hands me the remote.

"I...uhm..uh.." I search for words but all of them seem to escape me.

"You're welcome." Cayden snickers.

I push myself towards the opposite side of the sofa in a, hopefully, discreet way. I keep some movie on the TV but I'm barely focusing on it.

All I can think about was Cayden and his kisses. For how long have I fantasized about all this? And it finally comes true when I'm trying to get over him. I glance back at Cayden, who's watching the TV with a small smile gracing his lips. I frown at him, wondering why he's smiling like an idiot. He can't be smiling at the TV because currently, two robots are strangling each other and there's nothing funny about that. 

Could he really be smiling because of what happened with the remote? 

My hearts sinks as I realize that, despite my best efforts, I might not be over Cayden at all.

Because looking at that beautiful smile on his face, I can only hope that it's there because of me. 

A/N: Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddddd the sparks flew. What do you guys think about this chapter? Was Cayden only smiling because he pulled one over Shae or because he got the chance to get a *little too close* to her?  I know this chapter's short (Well, short for me. I normally aim for 2000+ words.) but I didn't want to clutter it all, y'know?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

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