Chapter 4

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     "Bullseye!" Your best friend Huening Kai exclaimed when the billiard ball made its way to the hole.

     You and your best friends Taehyun and Huening Kai are playing billiards at Taehyun's place to spend good time. You hated Mathematics so bad that you decided to skip that subject along with your best buddies.

     While enjoying, Dahyun suddenly appeared in your mind. Your heart longed to attend your class so you can see and feel Dahyun's presence although your mind is against it.

     Taehyun and Huening Kai were surprised when you stood up. "What's wrong, bro? We thought you wanted to skip Math. Don't tell me--" Huening Kai said suspiciously.

     You told them all about what you feel for Dahyun and they both burst out laughing. "There you go again, Y/N. Being the playboy that isn't contented with a girl and always looks for another one." Huening Kai teased.

     "Well, that's what his heart desires. We cannot do anything about it, Kai. But don't worry, we are always here for you. We got your back, bro." said Taehyun while patting your shoulder. You smiled because you are very lucky to have such supportive best friends like them.

       "So, are we really going to class?" Huening Kai asked and you nodded as a response.

     The three of you hopped into your car and you drove to school.

     Upon reaching your classroom, Taehyun nudged you and whispered, "How are you going to confess?"

     Unfortunately, Stacey was just in front of you and the whisper was audible enough for her to hear. She narrowed her eyes at you. "Hmmm... what confess?"

     Your eyes widened and you glared at your laughing friends. "He'll confess to—" Huening Kai said but you cut him, and you lied.

     "The priest!" You blurted out while covering Huening Kai's mouth. "I have a lot of sins to ask forgiveness for so I'll...uhmmm... go to confession!" You scrunched your face and spoke from the corner of your mouth. "I told you to keep your lips sealed."

     Breaktime came and you and your buddies rushed to the Comfort Room so that you can practice your confession lines to Dahyun. You stared at your reflection and said, "Kim Dahyun, I know this is crazy. But let me tell you this. I... uhmm... in love with you."

    "OMG! That's hard to say, bro." Huening kai said. "It's easy because you're saying that to your reflection, but if she is already in front of you, you'll find yourself stuttering, with your heart pounding fast, and sweat popping out of your face. You may even stumble on your words and back out."

     You got upset and you totally believed Huening Kai because among the three of you, he is the one who is an expert on romance. Seeing that you're upset, Taehyun comforted you. "You can write her a letter instead. But if you're too shy, we can give it to her."

     Your face lit up and you hugged them. "I'm so lucky having friends like you."

     You pulled out your notebook and a pen. "So, what should I write?" 

     You all stared blankly into space and finally, Huening kai spoke. "Dear Dahyun, I love you."

     "Is that all you've got, love expert?" Taehyun teased. "That's cliche, bro! And insincere. And effortless. I suggest, 'Dear Dahyun, you are unique. You are not just any typical girl. That's why my heart started beating for you. I know this is crazy, but I just wanna tell you that  I like you--"

     "Aish, Taehyun! Did you listen to what Y/N said? He said that he is in love with Dahyun! I guess you should buy yourself a hearing aid!" Huening Kai said, scowling.

     "You're too obnoxious! You should've let me finish first! Anyways, Y/N, tell her, I mean, write that you like her to the fact that you are already falling in love with her. BOOM! But those are only our suggestions. What you will write is what really is in your heart." Taehyun said. and scowled back at Huening Kai.

      "You have a point, Taehyun. But isn't it ridiculous to fall in love with a girl you just met, for like, some days ago?" You said, worriedly.

     "I don't think so." Huening Kai said. "Love isn't something you can force your heart to feel. Many people may say it's absurd since you don't know the person just yet, but it's your heart, bro. We cannot do anything about it." 

     "There's our love expert." Taehyun applauded Huening Kai. "Anyways, two subjects left and it's dismissal time. Good luck with your confession letter, bro!"

     All three of you ran to your classroom for Biology. You could not focus in making your lab report because of the letter. Since you were sitting at the back of the laboratory, it wasn't a problem hiding from the teacher. 

     But, Stacey became a problem. Since she was sitting beside you at the lab, she tried to snoop to whatever you are writing. You did not want to show her so she got mad. "Y/N!!! Give me that!" She screamed. 

     "No!" You tried to keep the notebook away from her so you ended up quarrelling in class. The teacher got mad so she commanded you to go to the principal's office. 

     You were supposed to go home at 4:00 P.M.,but you were given an after school detention so you stayed for another hour. 

     5:00 P.M., you were finally allowed to leave. Upon reaching your home, you rushed to your bedroom and placed the spiral notebook on your study table. You thought about their suggestions and wrote them down. You made so many erasures that you crumpled the paper and threw it away. 

     An hour had passed and you kept on tossing crumpled paper into trash. "Why is it so hard? Even just writing a simple letter became so complicated." Your mind cried. 

     You gave up in writing because you knew that you were just complicating things so you decided to sleep instead. 

     Upon waking up, your phone buzzed with a message from Stacey. In contrary to your expectations, the message wasn't another one of her corny morning greetings. Instead it was a serious request. It has no emojis or cheesy words in it.

Stacey my love

Meet me at my father's resto in Toronto. 7 P.M.


     You replied a thumbs up to the message and got dressed for school. After school ended at exactly 3PM., you changed your clothes at school. You drove to Toronto and walked until you reached the resto Stacey told you. You saw her there, anxiously waiting for you.

     "I thought you're gonna stand me up." Stacey told you frigidly. "Have a seat. If you're thinking that I have set up a date with you, you're wrong." 

     You both ordered your food and ate. After eating, Stacey stared at you with her icy blue eyes. 

     "Are you planning to ditch me, like all your ex girlfriends?" She asked.

     "What are you talking about?" You shrugged.

     "Don't act innocent, Y/N. I know your letting-me-go-home-first scheme, Y/N. Explain this." She showed you a photo on her phone. You squinted and saw that  it was you and Dahyun at the ice cream parlor. 

     "What the--"

     She smirked. "You're a casanova, Y/N. Many girls are in love with you. You got girlfriends and ditched them all. And you're planning to do that to me too? Is that because I'm too clingy? Too possessive?"

     Tears are forming in your eyes. "Stacey, I just hung out with Dahyun. I am not planning to ditch you!"

     Her voice broke, but did not cry. "Y/N, if you're not planning to ditch me, WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME??!!!" 

     "I am not cheating on anybody, Stacey." You said but she stood up.

     "I've heard enough." She left.

     You tried to chase her but you failed. You stumbled upon the wet road and it was raining. You don't have an umbrella so your hair and clothes were sopping. Suddenly, a shadow loomed down on you.

     "Are you okay, Y/N?" asked a sweetly familiar voice. You looked up and saw Dahyun holding an umbrella. She was wearing a raincoat and was smiling at you. 

     You stood up and hugged her. You cried even more. She rubbed your back to comfort you.Then, the most unexpected thing happened.

     "Dahyun, I love you."

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