Chapter 5

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     "Dahyun, I love you."

     What the heck? He's got to be kidding me.

     "W-What???! Are you kidding me?" I tried to keep myself from laughing to not hurt his feelings. I can't believe what I'm hearing right now.

     "No, I'm sincere. Actually, I've always wanted to tell you this but I just hadn't got the chance. Dah--" I cut his words and handed him my umbrella.  

     "It's raining harder." I said in a serious tone. "Take this. I don't want you getting sick. You can return this at school and I gotta get going if I want to catch the next train. Annyeonghikaseyo!" 

     He looked at me with a confused expression and then, took my umbrella.

     He looked back and asked, "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" 

     I nodded. 

     He smiled and walked away. Aish! He must be thinking that I like him back. 

     I saw a taxi coming so I stopped it and climbed on. I tried to forget what happened but his words kept on replaying inside my head and it annoys me.

      "Is there something wrong, miss?" The driver asked me.

     "Oh, nothing." I said, smiling. "Ottawa please."

     "Ottawa's a bit far, miss." He complained. "I can take you to Rail Canada instead."

     "Fine." I said, rolling my eyes.

     I took out my phone and called my mother.

     "Hello, dear. It's a good thing you called. How's that thing I asked you to do?" She answered.

     "Well, it's also a good thing you picked up." I said sarcastically. "Of course I did it. Unfortunately, you made me skip school and a ton of lessons."

     "I'm sorry, sweetheart but I couldn't think of anyone to count on but you. Don't worry, you have friends to help you catch up, right?" 

     I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

     "Anyways, did your grandma like the gift?" 

     "Yes. Anyways, I'm about to board a train on my way home. Thanks for the pocket money. Good bye." 

     I live in Ottawa, Canada but my mom sent me to Quebec to deliver a birthday present to my grandmother. Afterwards, I went to Toronto to eat dinner at my father's resto. It was a coincidence that Y/N and I bumped into each other. 

     I boarded the train and texted my older sister, Kim Jung Eun. 

                                                              Kim Lip

Sorry to disturb but would

you mind picking me up the


     A minute passed and Kim Lip answered me. 

No, I wouldn't mind. Just text

me when the train arrived the station okay?

    I am so lucky to have a sister like her. It's already 8 o'clock in the evening yet she is still willing to come and fetch me.

     Hours passed and finally, I arrived at the station. I texted Jung Eun before the train stopped. I waited for a few minutes and finally, the car came to fetch me. 

      The time we reached the house, it was already half past twelve. I was so exhausted.

     "You better rest now." Kim Lip yawned. "I think you could use another day-off from school. I'll make another excuse letter. Chuu is sleeping now."

     Kim Jiwoo, A.K.A, Chuu is her twin sister,

     "I'll go to school tomorrow. Jaljayo." I said. I can't afford another absent. According to Olivia Hye and Choerry, the teachers gave a lot of homework. 

     "How are you going to school without doing your homeworks?" She asked in between yawns.

     "I already did them in Grandma's house." I said. 

     She eyed my knapsack. I actually brought all my school things to Quebec. "Okay. Jaljayo." She kissed my cheek. 

      I collapsed on my bed and shut my eyes.

     6 hours later...

     "Wake up, sleepyhead." Chuu said, shaking me.

     "Don't. She's exhausted." Kim Lip said. I got up. 

      "Too late, she's awake."  

      Kim Lip sighed."Breakfast is ready."

      I went to the bathroom and took a bath. Afterwards, I went down and ate breakfast. 

      "Here, I made chocolate milk. Your favorite." Kim Lip said while placing a mug beside my Belgian waffles. 

    "Thanks." I said while sipping."

     After eating breakfast, I went back to my room and chose what to wear. I decided on jeans and a white collared blouse. 

     I rode the car with my older sisters and they dropped me at school.

     "Bye Dubu. If there's anyone picking on you, let me know, okay?" Chuu said and Kim Lip chuckled.

      "Bye." I said and blew then both a kiss.

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