Chapter 6

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     "Dahyunnie!!!" Olivia Hye and Choerry screamed upon seeing me.

     "Why were you absent yesterday?" Choerry asked. 

     "My mom asked me to go to Quebec because it was my grandma's birthday and she wants me to deliver a present." I replied.

     "What?? You went outside of Ottawa??? I'm so jealous." Choerry said and we laughed.

     "Did you receive my messages yesterday? Were you able to do the homework Ms. Adams gave us?" Olivia asked and she looked worried.

     "No sweat, Hyejoo. I did the homework in my grandma's house while eating chocolate pie." I assured her. 

     "Good. Shall we go to class, then? We're already late. Mr. Johnson is going to kill us." Choerry said and we laughed.

      I checked my watch and it was already 7:35 am. Oh no, I'm so late. Our teachers are going to kill us!

      We walked as fast as we could and when we reached the classroom, our teacher was already teaching the lesson.

     "Where have you been? Miss Son, Miss Choi and Miss Kim? You are 8 minutes late in my class!" The teacher shouted at us and I backed away.

     "Uhmm... sir" I called.

    "Yes, Miss Kim? What is your excuse? Let's just hope it's not a lame one." He snarled at me while glaring at Olivia Hye and Choerry.

    "Mr. Johnson, I was absent yesterday and I went to the Prefect of Discipline to present my excuse letter." I said.

     "I understand," His face softened and later, he glowered at Choerry and Olivia Hye. "And you two, what's your excuse this time? Locked yourself in the bathroom by accident?"

     "We have learned to be more careful sir." Choerry said with a grin. "But this time, unfortunately, we went to the nurse's office because we got stomachache."

     " Since you are not well, I may consider letting you off for the thousandth time that you have been late in my class. But the next time you're late, unless your excuse is valid, you will get detentions, understand?" 

      "Yes, sir." Olivia Hye and Choerry said in unison.

     "What are you waiting for?" He barked. "Sit down!!!!"

      We took our seats and Mr. Johnson continued his discussion.

      "Okay, where was I? Ahhh... okay. Ms. Evans, would you be kind enough to tell these latecomers what are we discussing earlier?"

      A very pretty girl with curly brown hair and a cold face stood up and said, "We were discussing about the laws of motion earlier, Mr. Johnson. You were talking about the applications of the law of inertia."

     "That's Aurelia Evans. The smartest girl in the class. She's also our friend but she prefers to be in the library. Advance reading for the next subject I suppose." Choerry whispered.

     "Y/N considered courting her once." Olivia added. "But she rejected him. She was actually an energetic girl before, but now, she's turned into a quiet and cold type. Loner, always reading books that's why Stacey bullied her a lot. Calling her 'nerd' and 'freak'"

     I suddenly felt a surge of pity for her. "Why?"

     "Heartbroken, I suppose. She was trying to distract herself by paying more attention in class than before, and kept herself away from people. She never talked to us again after our 3rd year." Choerry said.

     I almost shivered at the mention of Y/N. I bent down and whispered, "Speaking of Y/N--"

     I didn't finish what I said when Mr. Johnson glared at us. "You three," He pointed at us. "are late in my class today. And now, you're daring to talk while I'm discussing the lesson?? You are already starting to get on my nerves! Pick up your things and go to the Prefect of Discipline office! Hurry up!!" He snarled.

     We picked up our things and walked out of the classroom. "I will speak to you after class." He said and slammed the door shut. 

     I started to break down into a sweat. Olivia must have sensed it. She patted me on the shoulder. "Are you okay, Hyun?"

     "I-I'm alright. It's just that I don't have a good feeling about this." I replied.

     "Choerry and I are always in detention, so this isn't new to us. I don't mean to threaten you, but Mr. Johnson is very strict. You wouldn't want to cross him." Olivia said solemnly. 

     We knocked on the door of the Prefect of Discipline Head office. "Come in" said a cold and clear voice. It was frightening 

     A fat woman with jet black hair and eyeglasses stared at us in an intimidating manner. "What brought you here today?" 

     Mr. Johnson barged in to the office. "Mrs. Jenkins, these students were talking in my class!"

     "Talking eh? Class interruption?" Mrs. Jenkins glared at us. "You don't have to disturb me for a simple reason like this, Mr. Johnson. You can give them punishments yourself. Ahhhh... I know, detentions for all of you! 1 hour. After class. I think that will do Mr. Johnson. You can leave now. As you can see, I am very busy." 

     We left the room and Mr. Johnson glared at us. "Now, you three, go to my office after class."

     We nodded and went to our next class.

     After our classes, we went to Mr. Johnson's office for our detention. He made us water the plants in the school garden and to sweep the floor of his office.

     I have my piano lessons at 5:00. I went to the school amphitheater to have a one on one lesson with my new coach. 

     My piano coach is not yet here so I decided to get my music booklet and practice some pieces. I opened the piano and played the classical piece my teacher asked me to practice. 

     The piece had a great melody but I don't think I played it good enough.

     "I didn't know you played the piano so well." A boy's voice said out of the blue.

      "Who's there?" I demanded. My voice echoed all over the theater.

       A handsome boy appeared. He had icy blonde hair and blue eyes. His nose and lips were very attractive as well. "He's very handsome." I thought to myself.

     "Hi." He greeted shyly. "You look familiar." 

     "Do we know each other?" I asked. 

      "We're in the same class, aren't we?" He said and held out a hand. "Adrian Miller."

      I don't know if he is telling the truth, since I don't care much about the people in my class. But as a sign of respect, I took his hand.

     "Kim Dahyun." I introduced myself. 

     "Ahhh... so you're the new girl. You're very pretty for a newbie." He said with a grin and I can't help blushing.

      "You flatter me!" I said softly.

      He took out his guitar and started to play a tune. It was so lovely. I listened to it carefully and admired it deep down inside. 

     "You like it, huh?" He teased.

     "How did you know?" I blushed.

     "Judging by the look on your face, you really admire it. Very common for girls to look at me like that. Even Stacey does." He said.

      My blood boiled upon hearing Stacey's name. "Stacey? Stacey Parker? Y/N's girlfriend?"

     He looked at me with a shocked look on his face. "Stacey Parker is dating Y/N?!"

      "You don't know?" I was surprised. "You were in my class, aren't you? Everyone knows that they're dating. Their relationship is too exposed. Stacey always shows her affections for Y/N in public." 

      "I should have known. I saw her with Narcissus last week. You know, Narcissus White? She was flirting with him last week and Abigail got so mad. I saw her in tears yesterday." Adrian told me.

      "She's cheating on her boyfriend? How dare she!' I exclaimed. 

     Adrian looked sad. "Yeah, she always does. Lucifer Evans is her first boyfriend. You know, Aurelia's cousin? When he broke up with her, she had another boyfriend, Daniel Wright and she dated again I think almost 6 other men. I'm actually one of those who fell into her trap." He admitted ruefully.

     "What are you doing here, by the way?" I asked, changing the topic.

     "I was told band rehearsals were here." He said while playing his guitar once again. "It's already 5 o'clock. The rehearsals usually start at 4:30."

     I chuckled. "They must be playing a trick on you."

     "Sorry?" He checked his phone. 

     "Sorry, I have to leave. The place changed. Perhaps, we can see each other tomorrow. Goodbye." He picked up his things and left.

     I followed him with my sight. He's so gorgeous! I couldn't stop thinking of him.

     My coach finally came and the piano lessons distracted me from thinking about him. 

     After the lessons, I went home and lied down on my bed. The image of his face appeared inside my head once again. Our conversation replayed in my head. 

     I think I like him.

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