Chapter 16 - I slept with him

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Fiza opened the door, and her breath caught in her throat as she saw Alan standing before her. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms, showering her with kisses on her head, ears, and cheeks.

It was a rush of familiarity, a wave of emotions that she had thought she had lost. Her initial stiffness melted away as he continued to kiss her, whispering fervent declarations of love between each tender touch. "Fiza, I love you so much!"

This was the Alan she had known, the one who had promised her the world. His lips found hers in a gentle kiss, a reminder of their shared history and their tangled emotions.

Fiza felt her heart flutter despite the confusion and pain that had consumed her in the past few days. The kiss was a bittersweet mix of comfort and turmoil.

Breaking the kiss, Alan's voice was filled with raw emotion. "I was so scared," he confessed, his eyes searching hers as if seeking reassurance and forgiveness.

He kissed her again, this time more passionately, igniting a fire within her. Fiza responded eagerly, moving her lips in sync with his, her hands exploring the contours of his body.

"Fiza!" Faisal's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, his emotions finally surfacing in his outburst. "What are you doing? He cheated on you!" His words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the moment.

The impact of Faisal's words hit Fiza like a tidal wave, jolting her out of the haze of emotion that had clouded her judgment. She pulled away from Alan, her movements reflecting her inner turmoil. As she struggled to steady her ragged breaths, her gaze shifted between Alan and Faisal.

Her voice trembled as she attempted to find her words amid the whirlwind of emotions. "We..." she started, her voice cracking. She took a moment to compose herself, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We need to talk."

Alan glanced at Faisal before returning his gaze to Fiza, offering a nod. They took their seats at opposite ends of the couch, facing each other. "Tell me what's been happening with you and Aradya," Fiza commanded, her tone determined.

Alan's attention remained fixed on Faisal, his eyes narrowing as he approached Fiza with a plate containing a sandwich. "Eat!" he ordered, concern and conflict etched on his face.

His ears were tinged with redness as Fiza accepted the plate from his hands. "Talk through things. Use your brain, not that big beautiful heart," he advised, his voice coming out somewhat hoarse.

Fiza expressed her gratitude through a nod.

Meanwhile, Alan clenched his teeth, his impatience evident as he silently waited for Faisal to leave.

He was grappling with his own questions, his mind racing to understand the events that had unfolded. Did Fiza spend the night with Faisal? What had transpired between them? How did she end up in Faisal's apartment? Had she reached out to him for help?

He forced his thoughts to the back of his mind. Fiza would tell him if something had happened.

As Faisal exited the room, Alan's focus settled on the door, his breath deep and measured. "Aradya was struggling with her orthopedics posting," he began, his voice a mixture of remorse and explanation. "She would come to me from time to time, and I found myself enjoying teaching her.

Eventually, she started inviting me to hang out with her friends, both guys and girls. And, you know how lonely PG life can be - I was glad to make new friends. When COVID hit, things changed. She leaned on me more, her behavior became vulnerable and emotional. That was during a time when you and I were having frequent arguments."

Alan's words carried a weight of regret as he continued, "At the time, you and I were struggling, I felt like I couldn't do anything right with you. I couldn't be there for you, and I couldn't even be with you. And when I had bad days, I couldn't lean on you because you were stressed out too. I missed you, Fiza. My love for you never changed, but it hurt to be without you. I wanted to stop hurting, and Aradya was just there."

He paused, his voice cracking. "I leaned on her for support, and she knew how to lift my spirits. While you and I were distant, she found ways to bring friends together, go for walks, or just offer comfort. It was friendship at first, but sometime before our trip, I started sensing that she wanted more."

He stole a glance at Fiza, who was tracing circles on the couch with her finger, seemingly lost in thought.

Alan continued, "She often kissed me on the cheek, and I would brush it off or try to make light of it. But, I never reciprocated. I didn't want to throw away what we have. There was one moment, though. I had a terrible day, and had been in a fight, she was there, listening as I vented, and I leaned in to kiss her. But I stopped myself before our lips touched."

Meeting Fiza's gaze again, he continued with a mixture of vulnerability and earnestness, "I've been distancing myself from her lately, spending time only in group settings. Yesterday, she suggested going to End Point to talk. She said she felt betrayed and missed me. She claimed that I abandoned her the moment you came back into my life. She was crying, and I felt guilty. She insisted on being friends, promising not to cross any lines. So, I put my arms around her to comfort her. I had no idea she would kiss me, and if you hadn't arrived when you did, I would have told you about it."

As he finished his explanation, Alan's eyes were filled with sadness, regret, and a plea for understanding.

Fiza remained silent but opened Aradya's Instagram and located the reel where she and Alan were dancing. Alan's reaction was visceral - he closed his eyes, as if trying to block out the scene before him.

"This was when they lifted the COVID restrictions," he explained with a heavy sigh. "We had a small gathering, and I danced with her for a few minutes. I didn't even realize we were that close..." His frustration and anguish were obvious, his hands gripping his hair in distress.

Fiza's silence was heavy in the room as Alan recounted the events and emotions that had unfolded during the past months. But it was a specific detail that struck her the most - "there was one moment though when I leaned in to kiss her."

The words soaked her through her being like a cold realization. Alan had developed feelings for someone else while she was away, he had contemplated being with someone else intimately but didn't pursue it out of obligation to her. The revelation was a sharp pang in her heart, a reality she hadn't fully prepared herself for.

Her thoughts were interrupted as another wave of cramps and nausea hit her. She doubled over in pain, clutching her abdomen.

Alan was immediately concerned, his voice worried. "Are you... are you on your period, Fiza?" he asked, his eyes carefully watching her. Fiza nodded, not ready to disclose the painful truth of her current situation.

"You are free, Alan," Fiza declared, her voice carrying a tone of resignation. "Let's have an open relationship. You be with who you want, and I'll be with who I want. And then we can see if we make it through PG and still want to get married."

The proposition struck Alan with a jolt. The idea of Faisal, or anyone, touching Fiza, kissing her, being intimate with her, encroached his thoughts, sending shockwaves through him. "Is that what you want?" he managed to ask, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Fiza nodded, her own heart conflicted. She didn't want anyone else but Alan, but she needed to know where his heart truly lay. She needed to know if he would choose to be with Aradya, if she permitted him. 'If you love something, set it free,' she thought.

Alan's head dropped into his hands, his body trembling slightly. "If that's what you want, I'm not going to stop you. I don't want to be with anyone else," he confessed softly, his gaze searching her eyes.

In response, Fiza launched herself at him, her body crashing into his.

He held her tight, his touch reassuring.

They lingered together, finding solace in each other's embrace, a fleeting moment of peace amidst the turmoil that surrounded them. Eventually, Fiza pulled back, her energy renewed as she attacked her sandwich with newfound appetite, prompting a chuckle from Alan at her voraciousness.

"I need to lie down for a bit," Fiza announced after finishing her meal and cleaning up. She excused herself to the bathroom, changing her blood-soaked pads before reuniting with Alan, who was waiting for her on Faisal's bed.

As Fiza settled down, Alan snuggled up against her from behind, enveloping her in a cocoon of safety and warmth. "Alan," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I slept with Faisal last night."

Alan's reaction was immediate, shock and pain evident in his voice as he cautiously asked, "You what?"

Quick to clarify, Fiza explained, "I slept in his arms. I was devastated and needed support."

The tension between them seemed to ease slightly as Alan absorbed her words. His next question, tinged with insecurity, cut through the air, "Do you have feelings for him?"

In response, Fiza posed her own query, her tone gentle, "Do you have feelings for Aradya?"

Alan's response was resolute, "No."

Fiza drew closer to him. He had noticed her evasion of his question, but chose not to press further. "I love you, Fiza," he whispered into her ear, his lips tracing a path down her neck, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from her.

A sharp cramp rippled through her abdomen, causing her to release a soft moan.

Alan's touch intensified, his lips exploring her neck as he tenderly caressed her.

Their closeness ignited a stirring within her, and as she turned to face him, their lips met in a tender kiss.

Breaking away, she gazed into his eyes, her voice tender, "Are you going to let me rest?"

Alan's smile conveyed his disbelief at her forgiveness yet again. He pulled her close, their bodies entwined in an intimate embrace.

Upon Faisal's return, he was greeted by the sight of Alan and Fiza peacefully asleep on his bed. He had offered her a place to stay, but witnessing them intertwined stirred a tumult of emotions within him—frustration, disappointment, and a tinge of jealousy.

Faisal wrestled with his thoughts, recognizing that he had his own feelings for Fiza. She deserved someone who valued her, who wouldn't betray her trust. He knew Alan's actions had hurt her deeply, yet here they were, entangled together.

Deciding to give them their space, he chose to crash on the couch, not wanting to disturb Fiza's sleep.


Author's note

Okay. So Team Alan or Team Faisal?

Don't forget to vote!!!

- Faisa

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