Chapter 15 - Pain

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Shock and disbelief cascaded through Fiza's senses as her gasp escaped her lips involuntarily. Alan's head swiveled around at the sound, his expression shifting to one of surprise and guilt. But before any words could be exchanged, a searing pain tore through Fiza's lower abdomen, causing her to double over in agony. A warm wetness spread between her thighs, and her world seemed to blur as the horrifying realization struck her: she was miscarrying.

In an instant, Fiza felt her world shatter as she stood there, witnessing the painful scene unfolding before her. Her heart pounded in her chest, overwhelmed by a tumultuous mix of shock, hurt, and anger.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she stumbled backward, her hands instinctively clutching her abdomen as if trying to protect herself from the pain radiating from within.

In a haze of emotions, Fiza turned and ran. Each step was a desperate attempt to escape the agony, both physical and emotional. The path back seemed endless, her breaths ragged and uneven, matching the turmoil within her. She didn't know where she was going; she just needed to get away.

Meanwhile, Alan frantically searched for his phone before chasing after her, but he couldn't locate it. The sense of urgency and desperation grew with every passing moment.

When Aradya revealed she had his phone, his heart sank. He saw the missed calls from Fiza and felt a mix of guilt and fear welling up inside him. He knew he had to find her and explain everything, hoping beyond hope that she would believe him.

His feet carried him through the park, his mind focused solely on locating Fiza. His heart raced as he recalled the moments leading up to this mess.

Aradya had approached him, expressing her desire to talk. She mentioned feeling neglected after their trip to Agumbe and had wanted some one-on-one time. She assured him that her intentions were purely friendly, considering he was committed to Fiza.

He had offered her comfort when she teared up, never expecting the unexpected kiss that followed, leaving him stunned and disoriented.

Now, as he searched, his thoughts were in turmoil. He loved Fiza deeply, and the mere thought of losing her weighed heavily on his chest. He needed to find her, to explain, to make things right.

His voice filled with frustration, Alan yelled into the void, the echoes of his emotions reverberating through the park. He felt a potent mixture of anger, confusion, and helplessness surging within him. Fiza's phone was turned off, a silent barrier preventing him from reaching her.

Questions buzzed through his mind like a relentless swarm. What was Fiza doing here? Why hadn't she communicated her visit to him? The fear of losing her, of having his worst suspicions confirmed, gripped him like a vice. Cheating had always been a clear dealbreaker in their relationship, and he knew what it had looked like.

Fiza managed to find an auto quickly and returned to the hotel, her movements frantic as she gathered her belongings. As she turned her phone back on, she wasted no time dialing Bharti's number. The moment Bharti's voice came through, Fiza's distress overflowed, and she blurted out her situation amidst her tearful sobs. "I'm having a miscarriage," she choked out, her emotions raw.

Bharti's response was a sturdy anchor in the storm of Fiza's emotions. "Calm down, Fiza," Bharti's voice reassured her, lending stability to the chaos that had consumed her. "It's okay. When you return, we'll do an ultrasound once the bleeding subsides, just to ensure that everything is okay."

Fiza clung to Bharti's words like a lifeline, her trembling heart finding a momentary reprieve in the knowledge that she wasn't alone in this turmoil. Bharti's next question directed the focus back to the medical aspect. "Did you induce the termination, Fiza?"

Fiza's response was immediate, her voice shaky as she clarified, "No, I just exerted myself, and then I found... found him... kissing..." Her voice cracked as the pain of the recent events hit her again, causing her to break into heavy sobs. An echoing silence followed as Bharti absorbed the weight of Fiza's words.

Breaking the silence, Bharti's plan of action emerged as a lifeline. "I'm going to be at my home this weekend. You shouldn't be alone. Get some pads, stay hydrated, and I'll figure something out." Fiza managed to respond with a shaky "Okay," her voice reflecting both gratitude and vulnerability.

Before hanging up, Bharti requested Fiza's address, and Fiza promptly texted her the hotel's details. Bharti's reassuring message swiftly followed, urging Fiza to stay in her room while she arranged for the necessary help.

She placed some pads in her underwear, turned her phone off again, and drifted off to sleep, physically and emotionally exhausted.

Her rest was interrupted by the ringing of the landline. "Ma'am," said a voice on the other end, "there is a young man saying he needs to talk to you."

Her heart raced at the possibility of hearing Alan's voice, but she questioned what he could say to make things right.

"Put him through," she instructed.

"Fiza?" came the voice from the other end, but it wasn't Alan; it was Faisal. "Sir? How did you find me?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Bharti said you were hurt and that I needed to come and get you. She sent the address. Are you able to come down to the lobby, or do I need to come get you from your room?" he inquired.

As thoughts raced in her mind, Fiza wondered how much Faisal knew. "I'm coming," she replied. Disregarding her appearance, she quickly gathered her belongings and headed down to the lobby to meet him.

Faisal observed Fiza as she approached with purpose, her disheveled state evident. Her mascara had run, her lipstick was smudged, and her hair was in disarray. His heart ached for her as he took in her appearance. Without hesitation, he picked up her bags and guided her to the car.

The drive was filled with silence, broken only by the occasional sound of Fiza drifting off to sleep from her exhaustion and dehydration. When they arrived, Faisal gently tapped her shoulder to wake her. Fiza opened her eyes, momentarily disoriented by the darkness. It was clear that this wasn't her hostel.

"Where are we?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"My flat," Faisal replied. Fiza had nothing to lose, so she followed him wordlessly.

Inside the flat, Faisal heated up some rotis and vegetables. "Fiza, eat something," he urged, taking a seat opposite her. She picked at the food in front of her, her appetite diminished by the emotional turmoil.

As the evening progressed, Faisal broached a vital question. "Do you need medical help?" he inquired. Bharti had informed him that Fiza was unwell and needed assistance; it wasn't related to COVID, but she required help and couldn't be alone.

"Not yet," Fiza managed to say. However, her exhaustion caught up with her, and her words trailed off.

"Fiza, do you need to go to the hospital?" Faisal pressed. After having his dinner and checking her vitals, he noticed her blood pressure was low at 90/60.

"Your blood pressure is low. If it drops below 90, I'm taking you to the hospital. I'm going to make ORS for you. You have to drink it," he firmly stated. Fiza nodded, determined not to end up in the hospital with her faculty discovering her vulnerable state.

Faisal guided Fiza to his bedroom, placing her bag gently on the dresser. He excused himself to freshen up in the bathroom. Upon returning, he discovered her on the bed, tears staining her cheeks.

Quickly moving to her side, he sat down beside her. "Can you stay with me?" Fiza's voice trembled. Faisal nodded, his concern evident.

Climbing into bed with her, he pulled the covers over them both, his heart racing with a blend of tenderness and uncertainty. She turned to face him and Faisal felt an intense urge to comfort her.

Amidst their proximity, Fiza broached a question, her voice laden with a sense of responsibility. "Did Bharti tell you what happened?" Faisal shook his head, waiting for her to continue.

Bracing herself, Fiza shared the truth she owed him. "I'm... I'm having a miscarriage." Her eyes locked onto his, her life laid bare before him. His gaze flickered briefly to her abdomen before averting, a torrent of complicated emotions washing over him.

"What did Alan say?" The implications hung heavily in the air—the baby was undeniably his. Fiza shook her head slightly, fresh tears welling in her eyes. "He doesn't know," her voice barely audible. "I went to tell him," her words choked with sobs. "But I... caught... him... cheating."

Fiza's distress overwhelmed her, and disregarding any barriers, Faisal pulled her close, enfolding her in his arms as she sobbed into his chest. He gently kissed her hair while she cried about another man and the loss of a pregnancy she had shared with him.

Waking up the next morning in Faisal's arms, Fiza felt a deep sense of shame and guilt wash over her. She hadn't ended things with Alan. She had allowed Faisal to see her in this vulnerable state and had shared a bed with him. Panic surged through her, immobilizing her. What was she doing?

Faisal stirred and smiled as he saw Fiza awake in his arms. She looked so fragile yet beautiful, and in that moment, he felt a flicker of hope. She was free of Alan, he thought. She would need time to heal, but there was a real chance now that he could win her over. He caught himself staring at her lips and quickly looked away, his heart racing.

"Thank you for your help last night," Fiza said in a small voice, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry I asked you to stay. I just wasn't feeling up to being by myself," she explained, hoping that she wasn't leading him on.

If she wasn't going to be with Alan, she didn't want to pursue a romantic relationship with anyone. She would marry whoever her father picked and strive to be a good wife to him. A tear slipped down her cheek at the thought.

For the last three years, maybe more, she had dreamed of a future with Alan in it. It had taken all but one moment to shatter those dreams.

Turning away from Faisal, she reached for her phone, turning it back on. Her heart sank as she saw the number of missed calls from Alan—39 in total. The sight made her stomach twist with anxiety. She hesitated, then opened WhatsApp and began to read his messages.

"Where are you, Fiza? Let's talk."

"It wasn't what it looked like. She had my phone. I was as surprised as you by the kiss."

"I will never talk to Aradya again. Please, just talk to me?"

"Are you safe? You don't need to talk to me. Just send me a text that you are safe."

"Fiza, I'm really worried. I love you the most in the world. Please, tell me you are safe."

"Fiza, I called Bharti. She said you were with Faisal and that I should talk to you."

"Fiz, I love you."

"Fiza, I'm coming to Mangalore. Please talk to me."

Alan had ridden his bike to Mangalore in a frantic rush, fueled by a sense of urgency that gnawed at him. He didn't know Faisal's number, and Bharti hadn't responded when he had asked for it. Fiza was unreachable, her silence weighing heavily on him. As he waited outside her hostel, he kept glancing at the location-sharing app, praying for a sign that she was okay. Finally, her location updated. She was off-campus.

Routing to her location, he arrived at a small apartment complex, his heart racing with hope and anxiety. He tried calling her again, but she cut the call, sending frustration surging through him. The sense of urgency morphed into a desperate need to see her.

"Fiza! Fiza!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the quiet street as he called out like a madman.

Inside the apartment, Fiza heard her name faintly and looked out the window. Relief flooded her as she spotted Alan standing there, his expression a mix of worry and determination.

"Faisal," she said, turning into the kitchen where she found him making a bread and jam sandwich for her.

She couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness, the simple act of kindness providing a brief respite from her turmoil. "Alan is downstairs. Can I ask him to come up?" she asked, her heart pounding at the thought of facing him.

"Sure," Faisal responded, but his tone lacked enthusiasm. "I have to leave soon, though. Do you want to stay here until I get back?"

"Yes, please, if you don't mind," she replied, grateful for the sanctuary.

"Okay," he said, but a flicker of regret crossed his face, as if he wished he hadn't offered her a private space to be with Alan.

Fiza's heart raced as she dialed Alan's number, anticipation and apprehension bubbling within her. When he answered, she gave him the apartment number, her gaze fixed on him through the window, watching as his figure gradually approached the entrance. The seconds ticked by with excruciating slowness, each moment heightening the tension in her chest.

Finally, there was a knock on the door, and her breath caught in her throat as she opened it to reveal Alan standing before her. He looked rugged and worn, worry etched across his handsome features, but the sight of him sent a jolt of joy through her.


Author's note

Is there anything Alan could say to redeem himself? Should Fiza trust him?

"Forgive me" Bryan Adams (ya, we are doing back in time now)

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- Faiza

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