Chapter 23 - Maybe it's True

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"Who is this?" she typed, her fingers trembling. L

"Aishwarya," came the response. Fear gripped Fiza's chest. She dialed Alan's number in a rush. No response. If he wasn't at work, he would be sleeping, she knew.

"Call me. It's important," she messaged him urgently.

A quick check of Alan's calendar confirmed he was off today.

Out of curiosity and desperation, Fiza texted Faisal. "Hi Sir, I'm sorry to bother you with this. I am not able to get a hold of Alan. Is he in the room with you?"

Tension gripped her as she waited. "No, I haven't seen him in a couple if days," came the response.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Alan hadn't been at the apartment. Panic surged within her. If he wasn't working at the hospital and he wasn't at his apartment, where could he possibly be? Could he be with Aishwarya?

Fiza's chest tightened. After everything they had been through, was this how it might end? Did just a few months apart drive him into someone else's arms? She tried to reassure herself of his love, but the doubts grew stronger - was he still seeking shallow encounters on the side?

Nausea churned in her stomach. Despite her emotional turmoil, she forced herself to get ready and face another day of caring for sick children, determined to find comfort in her work.

Around noon, Alan finally called back. Unfortunately, Fiza was swamped in outpatient clinics and couldn't answer.

At night, Fiza initiated a FaceTime call with Alan, her heart yearning to see his face as she broached the sensitive topic.

He answered, strolling into his building. "Hey, Fiz!" His smile was warm and genuine.

Fiza's expression, on the other hand, was a mix of anxiety and concern, her forehead creased and eyebrows drawn together.

Alan marveled at how even in her worried state, she managed to be undeniably adorable.

"Who is Aishwarya?" she blurted out.

To her surprise, Alan chuckled. "She's a friend. She's on the girl's basketball team and has been asking me for tips. I've been helping her train," he explained, his tone light. "Do you have a private investigator following me?" He teased, aiming to dispel the tension.

Fiza's frown deepened. She couldn't shake off the unease. He wouldn't be laughing if he had actually been involved with Aishwarya, would he?

"Does she... does she know about us?" Fiza's voice held a hint of vulnerability. The memory of how he had never told Aradya that he had a fiancée invaded her mind.

"Yup, I made sure to tell her when she approached me," Alan replied, the curiosity evident in his tone. He wondered how Fiza had become aware of his friendship with Aishwarya. In truth, he had purposefully withheld this information from her, not wanting to cause unnecessary worry. He had intended to discuss it in person when they met.

"Tell me more," Fiza urged, sinking into her bed and resting back against the pillows. She slipped on her headphones, creating a sense of intimacy in the conversation.

Alan settled down on a bench in the garden, choosing his words with care. He recognized the need for privacy, ensuring Faisal wouldn't overhear their discussion. "She approached me on the basketball court. She knew my name. Said she's on the girl's team. She asked to play with me." His words were accompanied by a sense of sincerity.

"I had noticed her checking me out, so I brought you up in conversation after playing with her. I told that my girlfriend played basketball too and that I had coached her. She was curious if we were serious, and I told her I was planning to marry you next year. I made it clear how much I adore you, and I even shared the link to Alizamusic with her. Are you satisfied?" His smile remained, yet beneath it seemed a subtle strain.

As the conversation continued, Fiza ventured into the territory she longed to clarify. "Where were you last night?" she inquired, her heart aching to dispel all doubts that lingered in her mind.

Alan's smile faded, replaced by a faint frown. "What's with the interrogation, Fiz?" he questioned, the playfulness giving way to a note of frustration.

Fiza hesitated, grappling with the weight of her emotions. "Why didn't you tell me about her?" she asked, sidestepping his question, her voice revealing her inner turmoil.

Alan's response held a hint of defensiveness. "There's nothing to tell. Am I expected to inform you about every girl I interact with? Don't you trust me?" His voice carried a mix of exasperation and rising tension. Fiza's eyes fluttered shut as she attempted to steady herself, taking in a deep breath to calm her racing heart.

Her voice trembled as she admitted, "She texted me, Alan. She claimed to be your fuck buddy."

Alan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What?" he uttered, clearly taken aback.

"She said you were really rough with her last night," Fiza revealed, her voice catching as she fought back tears, the unease growing heavier in her chest.

Alan's tone softened, holding a mixture of incredulity and concern. "And you believed that?" he asked gently, his words laden with disbelief.

"I'm asking you, aren't I?" Fiza's voice quivered as she responded, her vulnerability exposed in her words.

His frustration was palpable as Alan's voice turned curt. "I don't want to talk about this right now. I can't talk to you. I can't look at you," he stated, his emotions seeping through, his nostrils flaring in agitation.

"Alan, please," Fiza pleaded, desperation tinging her words. She didn't want to fight, didn't want their connection to be tainted by doubts.

"Fiza, if you truly believe I've been involved with another girl behind your back, then I have nothing left to say," Alan's voice carried a mix of hurt and finality, the conversation reaching a tense impasse as their emotions clashed, leaving them both wounded.

The silence that followed Alan's final statement felt heavy, a chasm of doubt widening between them. Fiza's throat felt constricted as she swallowed the lump of confusion and pain that had formed.

Unable to articulate her thoughts, Fiza slowly pulled the phone away from her ear, her trembling fingers swiping at the tears that had gathered in her eyes. She wished she could make sense of her emotions and communicate clearly, but the turmoil in her mind was overwhelming.

"Alan, I..." she started, her voice cracking as another tear slipped down her cheek, her vulnerability stark.

"You what?" Alan's irritation was palpable, his impatience evident. The growing tension in the conversation only seemed to exacerbate the chaos within Fiza's thoughts. She struggled to find the right words, to convey her distress and confusion.

"Why would she say that?" The question tumbled out of Fiza's lips, her mind unable to filter the jumbled mess of emotions clouding her thoughts. She just wanted clarity, reassurance, a lifeline to cling to amidst the storm of doubt that was engulfing her.

"Maybe because it's true," Alan's response was a sharp retort, laced with anger and pain. The bitterness in his words stung, the hurt and frustration evident. He refused to offer solace, to pacify her with reassurances when it was her accusation that hurt him deeply.

Fiza's world felt like it was crumbling around her. The uncertainty was unbearable - was Alan's response an admission, or was he just angry at her for even thinking he could be unfaithful? The tears flowed freely down her cheeks, a mirror of the emotional turmoil within her. She needed clarity, closure, and above all, reassurance. But Alan's silence was deafening, his lack of words echoing her fears.

Unable to bear the turmoil the conversation brought any longer, Fiza ended the call abruptly. If Alan truly loved her, she thought, he would understand the depth of her pain and reach out to her.

On the other end, Alan stared at his phone, disbelief and hurt coursing through him. The accusation of infidelity was like a knife to his heart. He had deliberately distanced himself from close female friendships, all to ensure Fiza's comfort and trust. He couldn't comprehend that she could question his loyalty.

As his gaze remained fixed on the screen, he grappled with the situation. If Fiza truly trusted him, he reasoned, she would reach out again, proving that their bond was strong enough to overcome the storm of doubt that had shaken them both.

Four days passed, each one laden with silence. Fiza found herself at a breaking point. She couldn't bear the prospect of losing Alan over what might be a baseless rumor. Determination fueled her as she decided to take matters into her own hands - she was going to see him.

Navigating the remaining Covid restrictions, she packed an overnight bag and hopped onto her scootie, determination coursing through her veins. Intercity buses were unavailable, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She would drive her scooter to his apartment.

Her heart raced as she arrived. She had checked his schedule and knew he wasn't working tonight. She even tracked his location, which showed that he was at the hospital. With her pulse pounding in her ears, she decided to wait for him at his apartment. The clock ticked past 8 pm, and she couldn't quell her growing anxiety. She reached out, dialing his number. He answered only to cut her off with a terse message: "Now's not a good time."

She glanced at his location once more, watching as he started moving. Her obsession grew as she saw him heading toward the girl's hostel. Panic gripped her heart, thoughts racing.

What was he doing outside the girls' hostel at this hour? Unable to ignore the turmoil in her chest, Fiza revved up her Scooty and set off, her fear and determination driving her forward.

As Fiza's Scooty carried her closer to the hostel, her heart wrestled with anxiety. What if her worst fears were true? But she forced herself to push those thoughts aside, reminding herself that she was here to resolve things with Alan, not to let fear consume her.

As she neared the hostel, her steps steady yet her heart racing, she caught sight of Alan's silhouette. He stood facing a tall, unfamiliar girl. Fiza parked her scootie and walked toward them, her resolve firm.

Alan's surprise was palpable in his widened eyes as he spotted Fiza approaching. Panting slightly from her mix of anxiety and the ride, Fiza reached Alan's side, her gaze shifting to the unknown girl who stood before her. She took a deep breath to steady herself.

Facing the unfamiliar girl, Fiza noticed her hand extended, as if for a handshake. Fiza remained rooted, her emotions a whirlwind. "I'm Aishwarya. You must be the girlfriend, Fiza?"


Author's note:

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Would you trust your partner completely if someone else tells you that he / she had been cheating on you with them? Or would you question them and try to gauge their reactions?

What do you think happened?

Just for fun, linked "before he cheats" Carrie Underwood up above

Please vote and comment!
Thank you for reading

❤️ Faiza

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