Chapter 24 - Trust

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"I'm Aishwarya. You must be the girlfriend, Fiza?" Her words were accompanied by a warm smile, but Fiza's mind was a tangle of confusion.

"Fiza?" Alan's voice cut through the perplexity, his shock evident. "What are you doing here?" His eyes searched her face for answers.

Aishwarya's voice interjected, her tone almost reassuring. "Well, it's a good thing she's here. She needs to know."

Alan's confusion mirrored Fiza's, his brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Before he could respond, Aishwarya tugged at the neckline of her T-shirt, unveiling multiple marks - hickeys or bruises.

Fiza's eyes widened as Aishwarya lifted her shirt, revealing more bruises on her waist.

"This is not what I signed up for," Aishwarya's words were laced with a mix of frustration and disappointment. Her gaze shifted to Alan, who stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the bruises.

"I said okay to sex, and I said I didn't mind if it was rough. But not like this. You crossed a line." Aishwarya's declaration resonated in the tense atmosphere, her eyes unwavering as they settled on Alan.

Fiza's stomach churned with a nauseating mixture of dread and disbelief. It couldn't be true, she told herself vehemently. Her Alan wouldn't do this. He loved her, had changed for her. His intimacy was reserved solely for her, his roughness only shared with her. But as the moments ticked by, Alan's silence cast a growing shadow of doubt.

Finally, Alan's voice broke the silence. "Have you lost your mind? I never slept with you." His words were sharp, his frustration and denial evident.

Fiza felt like a spectator, detached, watching a scene unfold before her like a surreal movie.

"You said she knew about this? Why deny it now?" Aishwarya's question cut through the tension, demanding answers that seemed just out of reach.

Fiza's heart was torn between the love she felt for Alan and the disconcerting doubt that had been planted in her mind.

Alan's emotions were a roller coaster, ranging from rage to worry as his gaze shifted from Aishwarya to Fiza. He saw the impact his situation had on her - Fiza's once steady demeanor now trembled, lips quivering, and her complexion pallid. It was as if she was present physically but distant mentally.

Alan gripped her hand tightly in an attempt to ground her, to assure her of his presence.

His voice was barely audible as he addressed Aishwarya, his expression reflecting his frustration. "You are crazy."

Aishwarya's features wavered between concern and determination as her gaze shifted back and forth between Fiza and Alan. Finally, she retrieved her phone and handed it to Alan.

The screen displayed a series of screenshots - a digital trail of messages exchanged between him and Aishwarya.

Alan: "Hospital?"
Aishwarya: "Sure"
Alan: "That was a good fuck."
Aishwarya: "Can't wait for Fri"
Alan: "That was hot!"
Aishwarya: "Kinky tbh"

The screen displayed what seemed like irrefutable evidence to Fiza.

"This isn't me," Alan's words, though earnest, felt like a mere whisper in the face of the digital trail that lay before them.

Fiza's gaze remained transfixed, her hand still in Alan's grip, but she was distant, lost in her thoughts.

In an attempt to counter the evidence, Alan pulled out his own phone, showing Fiza the few messages exchanged between him and Aishwarya.

But his effort seemed futile as Aishwarya dismissed it with a cutting remark. "It doesn't take a genius to delete messages."

Alan's focus shifted back to Fiza, his concern for her paramount. Her ashen complexion mirrored the turmoil within her, and her silence was deafening. Alan's heart ached at the sight of her struggling, at a loss for words.

"Fiza, come, let's go," he urged gently, his voice tinged with desperation. Yet, she remained motionless, unresponsive to his pleas. His voice quivered as he implored her, "Fiza, please... we'll talk about this."

Seeing Fiza sway, Alan's instinctive reflexes kicked in. He reached out, steadying her before she could collapse.

Her fragile form trembled as she curled up, arms wrapped tightly around her knees, seated on the ground. The dam within her finally burst. The sobs that wracked her body were accompanied by desperate gasps for air, each breath a struggle against the pain of betrayal that had overtaken her. Her Alan had been cheating on her. It was over.

Alan's heart ached as he watched Fiza crumble before him, her tears and sobs reflecting her pain.

Every ounce of doubt, every moment of suspicion she had felt crashed down upon her in an overwhelming wave of anguish.

Alan exchanged a fleeting look with Aishwarya, his eyes conveying a plea to end this torment.

Surprisingly, Aishwarya's expression shifted to one of fear. Without a word, she abruptly turned away and briskly walked toward the hostel, leaving the two of them alone.

Alan's own emotions were a jumble, but he knew his priority was Fiza. Kneeling beside her, he reached out, his touch gentle as he tried to offer her comfort. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

As he spoke, Alan's voice trembled with a mixture of desperation, honesty, and fear. His eyes locked onto Fiza's, a plea for understanding and trust evident in their depths. "I promise you, I never touched her, Fiz. I didn't send her those messages. I don't know why she's saying these things."

Fear gripped Alan's heart as he realized the gravity of the situation - that Fiza could actually believe these accusations and turn away from him. The thought of losing her, the love of his life, became a stark reality that threatened to consume him. He needed her to understand, to know that he was innocent, to trust him.

Yet, a creeping doubt gnawed at the edges of his own mind. Could he have done these things and forgotten about it? The uncertainty clawed at him, undermining his own convictions. Why would Aishwarya make up such serious allegations? The thought tormented him, his own integrity called into question.

Regret washed over him as he remembered his initial reaction when Fiza had posed a similar question. He wished he had handled it differently, with more patience and understanding. Now, faced with the potential loss of Fiza's trust and love, he knew he had to fight to prove his innocence and salvage their relationship.

Alan's heart ached as he held Fiza in his arms, her sobs gradually subsiding against his chest. He knew he had to take her somewhere safe, somewhere where they could talk and heal from this emotional turmoil. Taking a deep breath, he gently pulled back, his hands still on her shoulders.

"Princess, come, let's go to my apartment," he coaxed, his voice soft and comforting. With his arm around her, he helped her up, mindful of her fragile state of mind, and led her towards his bike.

She remained silent, her eyes avoiding his gaze, but she followed his lead, allowing him to guide her.

Carefully, they mounted his bike, and as he rode, he kept a close eye on her, the weak grip she had on him reflecting her emotional exhaustion. The journey was slow, his focus solely on making sure she was safe and secure.

Arriving at his apartment, he helped her off the bike, and they walked in together. Her hand still clung to his, and he could feel the fragility in her touch.

Faisal's eyes locked briefly with Fiza's as he noticed her puffy eyes and tear-stained face. He refrained from making any comments. Turning away, he gave them space as Alan guided her into his room, his concern evident but unspoken.

Inside the room, Alan's focus was solely on Fiza, his heart aching for her pain. He helped her with her shoes, his touch gentle and soothing. Fiza's lack of response, her stillness, tugged at his heart even more.

Swallowing his own emotions, he carefully helped her out of her jeans, his hands trembling slightly. The tears that rolled down his cheeks were unnoticed, as his focus was entirely on ensuring Fiza's comfort.

Dressing her in the pajamas she had brought in her backpack, he reminisced about the love and intimacy they had shared.

When she curled up in his bed, facing away from him, he saw the emotional distance she was trying to create. Yet, the limited space on the single bed necessitated proximity, drawing them together even in this moment of pain.

Alan's gently moved a strand of hair away from her face. He noticed her flinch at his touch, and his heart clenched at the realization of how deeply she had been hurt.

As he held her close, his arms wrapped around her, he felt determined to do everything he could to protect his Fiza. Even if it meant protecting her from himself.

His lips brushed against her ear as he repeated his words, his voice soft and sincere, "I didn't do it, princess." His embrace was warm and protective, a silent promise that he was right there with her.

As he held her in his arms, he whispered words of reassurance, pouring his heart out, "It's just you for me. I love you and you only. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. I didn't do it. If I did, I need to get my head checked because I can't imagine even wanting to."

He could feel the unsteadiness in her breathing, the residual effects of her tears.

"I love you. I love you, I love you," he whispered over and over, hoping that his words would seep into her heart, that she would feel his sincerity. His lips brushed her ear gently, the repetition of those words becoming a soothing lullaby. Slowly, the rhythm of his words and the warmth of his embrace began to take effect, lulling her into a deep slumber in his arms.

Alan felt restless. He couldn't fathom why Aishwarya would go to such an extent. He had understood when Aradya had tried to break them up; it had made sense. He had led her on unwittingly.

But with Aishwarya, he had been clear from the start, making it a point to mention Fiza and his love for her in almost every conversation.

He finally fell asleep. The next morning , for the first time since starting PG, he requested a day off. His head of the department, who was impressed by Alan's dedication and performance, immediately agreed with no questions asked.

Fiza's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, the haze of sleep and reality blended together. But the memories from the previous night crashed over her. Her breath hitched, and her heart raced as the surge of emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

As if sensing her distress, Alan's voice reached her ears, grounding her in the present. She turned her head to face him, meeting his gaze with tearful eyes.

"I'm here," Alan repeated softly, his voice carrying tenderness and concern. His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer.

She turned around to face him, their faces close. She looked into his eyes for the first time since the event. She was finally able to think clearly. If he had done this, no matter how much it hurt her, she needed to leave him.

The question was whether he had actually done this. He had vehemently denied it. He was either a liar and a cheat, or a victim just like she was. She couldn't believe he was a liar.

Though she could imagine him falling prey to his physical desires, she couldn't imagine him lying. She realized that the question really was whether she trusted him. She did. She couldn't explain why, but she trusted him.

Alan studied her face as it shifted from grief to determination. He steeled himself, bracing for the worst. If she left him, he wouldn't fight for her. She was better off without him.

A tear rolled down his cheek at the thought of losing her.

To his surprise, Fiza kissed his cheek, her lips tasting his tears.

"Fiza?" He whispered.

"Alan, I trust you," she said, looking into his eyes. If she was wrong about him, she thought recklessly, she would probably meet the same end as her biological mother.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Authors notes
Do you think Fiza is a fool to trust him?
What are your thoughts on this chapter.
Don't forget to vote!

Linking "Going under" by Evanescence.
If you have ever been in an all consuming relationship where you've completely lost yourself, you'll relate. Regardless, do listen to it, if you haven't before.

Thank you for reading


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