Chapter 27 - Mistaken

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Fiza had made up her mind to leave early the next morning, setting her alarm for 5 am. Since she had driven her Scooty, she wasn't confined to the bus schedule.

Lying together in bed, Alan's concern welled up as she shared her plan. With Fiza cuddled up on his chest and him resting on his back, he couldn't help but voice his worries. "That's too early, Fiz. It'll be dark. I don't want you going by yourself in the dark," he urged, his protective instincts surfacing.

Fiza's response was a mumbled reminder, "It's dark now and I have to be at the hospital at eight." her determination evident despite the hour.

"Go at 6 then," Alan suggested, his lips brushing against the top of her head. Yet, underneath the surface of their conversation, his mind wrestled with a different unease.

The encounter between Fiza and Faisal had left him unsettled. He had suspected Faisal's feelings for Fiza for some time, but today, he had seen something that hinted at Fiza's own emotions. Confusion gnawed at him. He believed in Fiza's love for him, so what was this connection she seemed to share with Faisal? It felt like more than friendship, and that realization was a source of turmoil in his heart.

"Fiz?" Alan's soft call roused Fiza from her thoughts, and she responded with a gentle hum.
"Is it too much?" he asked, his words laden with vulnerability.

"What?" Fiza's brows furrowed as she looked up at him, her expression marked by confusion.

"Am I too much?" Alan clarified, his gaze locked with hers, seeking understanding in the depths of her dark brown eyes.

"Alan..." she began, her voice carrying a tender reassurance.

His anxiety spilled forth, his words tinged with self-doubt and concern. "I can't give you an easy life, Fiza. And I'm not the best guy... I..."

His hesitation mirrored the complexity of his emotions, his internal struggle to articulate his fears and doubts. He wrestled with the sense of inadequacy, the belief that he couldn't provide for her or care for her as she deserved. His temper and insecurities only seemed to exacerbate his doubts. He couldn't forget how he had lost control and hurt her in Agumbe. What if he did it again?

He thought about the happiness and simplicity Fiza had experienced before he had entered her life, and he contrasted it with the intensity he often brought. He couldn't help but notice how easily she laughed with Faisal.

Fiza drew his head down, her tongue tracing a path across his lips before settling into a gentle kiss. Her words held a simplicity that belied their depth. "You make me feel," she confessed, her voice calming his concerns. Nestling herself back into the warmth of his chest, she teased him, "Anything else you want to discuss about before we sleep?"

Alan's response came in the form of a shake of his head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he savored the tranquility of the moment.

"Alan?" Fiza's voice called out to him once more, a few minutes later.

"Yeah?" He answered, his attention fully on her.

"Don't you dare leave me," her words were a plea, her eyes closed as she clung to his sleeve.

"Never," Alan promised, his voice carrying the weight of his commitment.


A few months later, as the delta surge began to recede, life gradually shifted towards a new normal. The second year was drawing to a close, with only a few months left.

Though Fiza hadn't visited Alan again, their connection remained strong through continuous texting during the day and conversations at night. Sometimes they left FaceTime on through the night while they slept, seeking each other's presence even in slumber.

One day, as they talked, Alan noticed her subconsciously playing with the pendant around her neck. "How come you don't wear your engagement ring?"

Fiza's gold chain, gifted by Faisal, hung around her neck like a mangal sutra in Alan's mind, and he felt a deep sense of unease seeing it. He despised how she fiddled with it during their conversations, and he detested the letter "F" on the pendant. To him, it was as much a representation of Faisal as it was of Fiza and it bothered him.

Alan carefully navigated the topic, inquiring about the absence of her engagement ring rather than the presence of the chain. "Did you lose it or something?" he asked, conscious of the value he had placed in that token of their lifelong commitment.

Fiza's response came quickly, dispelling any notion of carelessness. "Of course not! I've kept it safe. I had to take it off each time I put gloves on and it was a hassle."

Yet, Alan couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted a visible symbol of his presence in her life. He tried to hide his emotions, suggesting, "Why don't you put your gloves over it?"

Fiza's narrowed eyes revealed her insight into his unease. "Alan, what is this really about? What's going on in that head of yours?" she probed.

Alan's lips curved into a smile.

Fiza's intuition was always keen. "I just really miss you, princess," he said.

As Fiza hugged the pillow on her lap. "Miss you too, love," she responded, her voice a gentle affirmation of the bond that continued to bind them, despite the physical separation.


As Fiza's next visit drew near, she stumbled upon a realization that added a touch of excitement to the occasion - Alan's birthday was just around the corner.

Over the years, they had often celebrated each other's birthdays, even if not on the exact day. Their approach to gifts had always been simple, adhering to cards and small tokens. But this time, she was determined to make his birthday special.

Fiza headed to the music room in the main campus and set up her recording equipment. With the piano keys under her fingers and her voice filling the room, she sang, "I Love the Way You Love Me," the melody resonating with the depth of her feelings for him.

I like the feel of your name on my lips
and I like the sound of your sweet gentle kiss.
The way that your fingers, run through my hair,
and how your scent lingers, even when you're not there.

I love the way you love me.
Strong and wild, slow and easy.
Heart and soul, so completely.
I love the way you love me.

And I could list a million things, I love to like about you,
but they all come down to one reason I could never live without you.

But I love the way you love me.
Strong and wild, slow and easy.
Heart and soul, so completely.
I love the way you love me.

Fiza then cut out pictures of herself and Alan taken over the years and assembled a visual timeline that extended into the future. Each photo was a snapshot of their shared journey, woven together like puzzle pieces forming a beautiful picture.

She drew images of them getting married, raising children. She envisioned a boy and a girl labelling them Aliza and Anand. Fiza poured her hopes and dreams onto the paper. With her lipstick, she pressed kisses onto the collage.

As she surveyed her handiwork, Fiza acknowledged her artistic limitations, but the overall result was satisfying. She went to a nearby photo studio to have it framed.

With the framed collage in her possession, Fiza faced the challenge of transporting it on her scooty. After a bit of maneuvering, she secured it in front, close to her legs, ensuring its safety during the journey.

Having meticulously planned a surprise visit to Alan's apartment, she hoped that he would be available. She had placed herself on night duty in their shared calendar to avoid raising any suspicions. She knew Alan was off and had arranged with Siddarth for Alan not to take extra shifts on his birthday. All the pieces seemed to be falling into place for her surprise.

Using the 'Find My Friends' app, Fiza verified that Alan was indeed at home.

When she reached his apartment, she utilized her spare keys to gain access. The initial sweep of the apartment revealed no sign of him or Faisal. The sound of running water indicated that he was likely in the bathroom taking a shower.

A spark of inspiration ignited within her. Fiza decided to playfully surprise Alan. She slipped off her kurti and leggings, revealing a delicate lavender slip that gracefully fell a few inches above her knees.

She felt a subtle blush rise to her cheeks. Throughout their relationship, she had maintained a certain shyness about baring herself completely before Alan. He had seen different parts of her, like pieces of a puzzle, but never the entire picture all at once.

With the exception of the black strapless dress she had worn years ago when they first got together, this moment felt like one of the most revealing.

As she sat cross-legged on his bed, Fiza's imagination ran wild with thoughts of Alan's potential reaction. The sound of the shower coming to a halt sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. She held her breath, her heart pounding, knowing that this would be the first time they laid eyes on each other in two months.

As Fiza's excitement grew, she considered capturing Alan's reaction to her surprising presence on video. A smile tugged at her lips as she contemplated the idea, her anticipation mounting. However, a sudden rush of thoughts brought hesitation - what if Alan was naked when he walked out? The playful notion sparked a wave of heat within her, her imagination conjuring scenarios that sent her hormones racing.

Her mind wandered to the times she had seen Alan shirtless or in his boxers, but never fully exposed. The memories of their intimate moments beneath the covers brought an additional layer of warmth to her cheeks.

The bathroom door's soft creak brought her back to the present. Her heart fluttered with anticipation as she assumed Alan would be the one emerging from the bathroom.

However, her excitement was replaced by shock that rippled through her as her eyes met those of none other than Faisal, his damp skin glistening in the room's light, wearing nothing but a towel that was wrapped around him.

Both Fiza and Faisal locked their eyes in stunned disbelief.

In the charged silence that enveloped them, Faisal's senses were heightened, his eyes fixed on the sight before him. Fiza, who had often carried herself with modesty and grace, lay before him in a form that seemed to captivate his attention entirely. The gentle curves of her bare shoulders, the deep neckline, the exposed expanse of her thighs - it was as though a spell had been cast.

Subconsciously, Faisal began to move towards her, his steps guided by an invisible force that seemed to pull him closer. His gaze lingered on her wide eyes, her lips slightly parted, a sight that stirred a desire he hadn't anticipated. The impulse to kiss her, to taste her lips, was overwhelming, his emotions bubbling to the surface.

Fiza felt her world freeze as she took in the surreal situation unfolding before her. She had assumed Alan was the one emerging from the bathroom, and now she found herself face-to-face with Faisal. Her mind raced, struggling to process the situation and form coherent thoughts. Her heart pounded on her chest, but the rhythm was different from the way it beat when Alan was with her. She was unsure whether the intensity she felt was good or bad.

As Faisal moved closer, a sense of vulnerability washed over Fiza, her body seemingly rooted to the spot. His knuckles brushed against her neck as he delicately threaded her gold chain between his fingers. She let out an involuntary gasp. As he picked up her pendant, the back of his hand brushed against her cleavage, his touch both intimate and disconcerting.

Fiza's mind raced, her thoughts tangled in a web of confusion and uncertainty. She knew she needed to stop this, to break the spell that seemed to have enveloped them, but the words remained trapped within her and her body remained still like a statue.

A distant voice shattered the tension, jolting Fiza back to reality. "Fiza?"

With her heart still racing, she shifted her gaze toward the source of the voice, only to be met with the painful sight of Alan's hurt and betrayed expression.

Authors note

What is your response to a scary or difficult situation? Fright or flight?

How do you think Alan will react?

What are your thoughts on the story so far?

Link to my cover of  "Love the way you love me" up above.


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