Chapter 53 - Meet My Wife

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When Fiza woke up the next morning, bright light streamed in through the curtains. She stretched her arms and yawned, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. Her gaze fell upon Alan, who was already dressed and engaged in a phone conversation. A warm smile spread across her face; being back together with Alan felt like destiny had finally aligned in their favor.

Everything was going to be okay.

When Alan caught her eye, he smiled and signaled that he needed a moment.

Fiza headed to the bathroom, enjoying the morning routine as she showered and changed into a pair of high-waisted jeans and a loose white T-shirt.

Alan was still on the phone when she returned. Glancing at her own phone, Fiza noticed that it was already 10:30, and they had only 30 minutes left to check out. She swiftly began packing her belongings into her overnight bag.

As Alan concluded his call, he walked over to her.

"Slept well?" Alan teased, a light smile playing on his lips.

Fiza had enjoyed a restful night's sleep, nearly nine hours long. She returned his smile with a nod. Sleep had always been her sanctuary, a refuge from the world.

"And you?" she inquired, curious about his own rest.

"I actually did," Alan replied, his surprise evident. Over the past year, sound sleep had eluded him, often interrupted by night sweats, sadness, or fear. But last night had been different; he had slept soundly without waking once.

"So, I have the day off now. What about you?" he asked casually. It was a Friday.

"I took the day off," Fiza replied. "They are painting the developmental pediatrics clinic."

Her smile radiated happiness as Alan gently kissed her lips, causing her heart to flutter with warmth and affection.

After checking out of the hotel, they decided to explore the resort grounds and have lunch there.

"You're in developmental peds now?" Alan inquired as they walked side by side.

"I'm working under Dr. Vijaykumar, who is a developmental pediatrician, and I'm also taking an online certification course," she explained. "I couldn't afford to do the fellowship."

Alan nodded, sharing his own career update, "I'm holding off on arthroscopic surgery for now. I think I prefer more powerful maneuvers anyway." He playfully winked at her.

Fiza grinned, her eyes filled with warmth as she said, "We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yes, but I have other plans today," Alan replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

They had arrived at a charming gazebo nestled in the heart of the garden. With a gentle touch, he unclasped the chain from her neck and carefully removed the amethyst ring from it. Kneeling before her for the third time, he gazed into her eyes with unwavering determination.

"Marry me, Fiza," Alan implored, his voice filled with deep emotion. "We have this uncanny way of finding our way back to each other, no matter what obstacles life throws our way. You once told me, Fiza, that you and I were the only things real in this world, and everything else was just noise." He tenderly held her trembling hands in his.

"To me, you are the only real thing, Fiz. We are meant to be together. Marry me," he declared passionately.

It wasn't merely a question; it was a heartfelt command.

As she stood speechless, he slipped the ring onto her finger, sealing their love with a symbolic promise.

Fiza smiled at him, her heart brimming with affection. "So much for taking things slow, huh?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Alan chuckled as he rose to his feet, drawing her in for another sweet kiss. "If you think this was fast..." he began before planting another tender kiss on her lips, "...wait until you hear about what I've got scheduled for 3 pm today."

Her curiosity piqued, Fiza gazed at him with wide, inquisitive eyes. "What is it, Alan?" she asked, eager to unravel the surprise.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Alan playfully inquired, "Any guesses?" He reached out to caress her cheek, and she closed her eyes, savoring his gentle touch.

Fiza's mind raced with possibilities, and she ventured a guess, her voice filled with wonder, "Are you taking me home? To talk to your mom and dad?" She knew his mother would still accept her return into his life but she wasn't certain where his father stood after a year had passed.

Alan shook his head, his grin growing wider. "Nope!"

Fiza playfully tugged at his sleeve, insisting, "Tell me then."

With a hearty laugh, Alan continued to keep her guessing. "Try again, you're getting closer," he teased, leaving her eager to uncover the surprise he had in store.

Fiza's eyes widened in alarm as the thought passed through her like a chilling breeze. "My parents, Alan? Are they...are they here?"

Alan immediately wrapped his arms around her, sensing her emotional shift from excitement to trepidation. "No, baby," he reassured her gently, and she let out a sharp breath of relief.

"I'm talking to Pappa again," Fiza's voice was muffled as she spoke against his chest, her emotions tumbling like a turbulent sea. "But I don't want to involve him in any important decisions."

She hadn't forgiven her father for imposing his will on her, and she vividly remembered how he had tried to force her into decisions she didn't want to make. It pained her deeply that her hero had fallen, and she could never look at him the same way again.

Alan continued to comfort her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Fiza hadn't realized she had broken down into tears again and she released him to look into his eyes. "Tell me, Alan."

He offered her a tender smile. "We have an appointment to register our marriage."

Fiza's eyes widened once more, her heart dancing with excitement in her chest.

"How?" She questioned him.

"I spoke to someone in my hospital whose brother-in-law works at the marriage registration office," Alan explained with a grin that mirrored his excitement. "We had applied last year, and the invitation for objections had been sent out. Since there had been no response to it, even though we passed the 90-day mark, they have granted an extension, and we can get married."

Fiza was left stunned, emotions swirling within her like a tempestuous sea. Anxiety and fear gripped her heart, threatening to overwhelm her. But as her gaze locked with Alan's, her racing heart found solace, and a profound sense of calm washed over her. This might not have been how she had imagined their wedding, but it would be with Alan, her Alan, and no one would ever be able to separate them again.

Unable to contain her feelings any longer, she reached for the back of his head and pulled him closer, tilting her face up for a kiss. Their lips met in a long, lingering embrace.

They strolled hand in hand through the garden, catching up on everything that had transpired during their year apart, the future now looking brighter than ever before.

"We need to work on our communication, Alan. No more shutting each other out or assuming things. Let's fight and yell, but let's promise each other that we won't turn off the phone or block one another. Ever. No matter what," Fiza said, gazing earnestly into his eyes.

"I promise," Alan responded, lifting her hand to his lips and planting a gentle kiss on it.

They had an early lunch, and upon Fiza's insistence, they stopped at a store to buy traditional outfits.

Fiza remembered Alan's request for her to wear a red Lehenga on their wedding day. Shahana arrived at the store and helped Alan choose a matching Sherwani. The outfits weren't grand, but it was just a court marriage. They got dressed at the store, paid for their outfits, and made their way to the Marriage Registrar.

There, they were met with Vineet and Chandran. Fiza felt Shahana's grip on her arm tighten as Vineet came into their view. She looked at her friend, worried, but Shahana whispered, "I knew he'd be here. I'm okay. It's your big day," and gave her a small smile.

Vineet handed a gold chain for Alan to put around Fiza's neck. He had also brought wedding bands, and Fiza and Alan exchanged rings, sealing their commitment to one another in a simple yet heartfelt ceremony.

They then walked into the marriage office. Alan's hand was steady as he wrote his name and signed against it. He handed the pen to Fiza. She was literally shaking from head to toe. If this had not been such an important moment, he would have laughed at how comical she looked.

Fiza took deep breaths and finally managed to sign her name.

She looked at her husband, the man who had captured her heart the very first time she had laid eyes on him. The man she had fought hard not to fall in love with. The man who had made her feel the happiest she had ever been and who had caused her the most devastating grief. The man who had given her her first kiss, who had taken her virginity. The man who had colored her life with the brightest colors, who had disrupted her steady state of being, disarrayed her plans. The man who made her feel, who made her knees go weak and her heart beat strong. She loved him. And she couldn't love anyone else the way she loved him.

Alan studied his wife, his angel. The woman who made him believe in himself, who made him reach his potential, who made him strong and weak at the same time, who gave his life meaning. The woman he didn't want to exist without, no, the one who he couldn't exist without. She was his wife now. His Fiza. With a heart full of love and devotion, he bent down and kissed her lips, sealing their union with a promise of a lifetime of love and happiness.

"Oy!" said a clerk at the office, his face stern.

They looked at each other and laughed.

"Do you want to head to my apartment?" Fiza asked him after Shahana finally left, having made them stand in various poses for pictures. Vineet had left as soon as he had signed as a witness.

"No, I want to take you home," Alan said, much to Fiza's surprise.

Nervously, Fiza and Alan sat in a taxi on their way to Alan's home. Although Alan had a spare key, he rang the bell. It was around 5:30 pm, and his parents would both be home.

Alan's mother opened the door. She took in Fiza's hand in Alan's and their traditional attire, guessing but not really understanding what had transpired.

"Anil!" She called out to Alan's father. She stood at the door, not letting them in, holding them in place with a stern gaze. Alan, too, said nothing but waited for his father.

After a few minutes, his father arrived and looked at Alan, his eyes narrowing.

"Amma, Acha," said Alan confidently, "Meet Fiza, my wife."

Do you think Fiza and Alan moved too quickly?
Should they have waited?
What do you think is going to happen next? I think I'll wind this story up in a couple more chapters.

Also, do you want to read a story about Shahana?

I'm thinking about writing about her marriage- how she learns to forget Vineet and fall in love with her husband.

If you like this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.

I'll do a shout out for my favorite readers after the next chapter.

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