Chapter 5: New things

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(Judy'a P.O.V.)

I woke up with a start, I had a horrible dream. It was about these strange tall creatures that were hunting Nick and I. I took slow easy breaths and sighed realizing that i wasn't dead and that I was safe in my bed.

    I walked over to the mirror and looked down at the ground. I then looked up and screamed in shock at seeing my reflection. I was not a bunny anymore I was.... I was a tall thing! With peach colored skin and grey hair except... I still had my ears, purple eyes and my police uniform. I looked down at my paws... wait those aren't paws they... they must be hands! I screamed again and fell onto my bed. 

   "Judy? Are you ok?" Nick asked walking into the room. I screamed again at seeing Nick, he wasn't a fox anymore he... he was a tall thing! He wore his usual clothes but he had hands, peach skin and orange hair. He still had his fox ears and tail. "You... look in the mirror!" I said pointing my shaky paw-hands. Nick looked at me wide eyed. "You look in the mirror! Your.... your a human animal thing!" Nick said. "I know! So are you!" I said going pale. "Wait what?" Nick said as he looked in the mirror and then screamed. "Oh my gosh your right!" Nick said really surprised. "Y-Yeah! What are we going to do!?" I asked panicking. "Just... take a deep breath." Nick said. I took a shaky breath and felt a little better. "Now we need to figure out how to Change this." Nick said sitting on the bed. "Right." I said nodding. "Great, I'm going to make breakfast now." Nick said standing up and walking out of my tent/room. 

   I stood up and followed Nick out into the open and smiled taking in the smell of forest. "It's nice isn't it?" Nick asked smiling at me. I laughed, "sure is." I said smiling. It would be even better if I wasn't human though. Soon after Nick and I had eaten breakfast and had packed up. If there was anything good about this human body is that it was way easier to grab things. 

  Soon we were walking through the forest. Nick was complaining that the mud was getting stuck in his perfectly great boots and I was just enjoying the scenery. "Judy... have you ever noticed that there is like no sound?" Nick asked stopping to take a breath. I cocked my head to the side to listen and realized he was right... there was no sound what so ever. "That's strange..." I said looking around. "Heh no kidding." Nick said. "Let's...Let's keep going..." I said slowly walking forward. "Right." Nick said following me. 

  After a little while Nick and I stopped at a clearing and eat lunch. "This is so good Judy! You have a great taste in food." Nick said with a full moulth. I tried to stifle a laugh, "thanks." I said swallowing my food. "No prob." Nick said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and finished my lunch. I then stood up and brushed the dirt from my pants, "okay, we need to go now." I said putting my hands on my hips. Nick stood up and packed up his  stuff, "alright." He said. We then started walking up a steep hill. Soon after about 3 hours we reached the top. "Wow...." I said staring at the sight. Nick looked down at the clearing to see a gaint city of people... with animal ears and tails...  

"Wow is right." Nick said.


(AHHH IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING, let  me explain.  So my dad took away all of my social  media so yeah but I'm back and I'll try to update more often)

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