Chapter 6: Oh God

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(Nick's Prov)

I couldn't help but chuckle. Judy looked so shocked, but I was too just not as much. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!" Judy yelled at me. I had to admit she looked really cute as a human. "Just your face is hilarious." I said with a smirk. She gritted her teeth and turned away from me. "Well there's no point in just standing up here." She said putting her hands on her hips. I chuckled again and then started to walk down the hill towards the villlage. 

"Wait for me!" Judy said following close behind me. I continued to climb down catching Judy a couple of times. Finally we got down to the village and boy was it a sight to behold. "Wow... this is amazing." Judy said with pure wonder. "Yep." I said taking it all in. 

"Hey... uh Nick that badger human is coming towards us.." Judy said slowly. Sure enough there was a human with a badger tail running toward us. "Hello!" He yelled finally catching up to us. "Uh... hi?" I said with an awkward wave. "You must be new to the island! Welcome!" He said with a smile. "Thanks!" Judy said smiling back. 'Why was she treating this stranger like a friend?'  I thought to myself. "It's been awhile since a new fellow has come to this island! Most animals stay clear of it!" He said with a laugh. This guy was making me more and more confused. "Well most animals don't know about this place." I said. "Yes tis a pity, but you are here! So come and join me for a pot of tea!" He said, and before we could reply he was running into the town. "Come on!" Judy said running after him, I sighed and followed Judy knowing we had made a big mistake coming here.

(Judy's prov)

"You have a wonderful home!" I said taking a sip of my tea. "Thank you lass!" The badger human said. "What should we call you?" Nick asked sitting awkwardly next to me on the brown couch. "Oh right! My names Oliver! Nice to meet you!" He said holding out his hand I took it but Nick ignored it. "I'm Judy and this is Nick." I said nudging Nick with my elbow. "Right." Nick said sitting up rigid. "Where do you guys come from?" Oliver's wife asked sitting down next to him. "We come from Zootopia." Nick said. "Oh I've heard of such a place! Full of animals!" Oliver said laughing like such an idea was silly. "We are cops you see, and our chief sent us here to investigate this island." I said setting my cup of tea on the table. "Oh my, you haven't come to  arrest us have you?" Oliver's wife said with a laugh. "N-no!" I said surprised she would even think that.

"Do you guys... know anything about this places past?" Nick asked suddenly. "Nick!" I whispered, he ignored me. "Sadly we don't, the king of this land has kept it hidden from us." Oliver said with a sigh. "Is there any chance we could meet him?" I asked leaning in. "Well if you arranged a meeting with him I guess so." Oliver said thinking hard. "Of course! We can arrange it for tomorrow and you both can stay here!" HIS wife said. "Oh I don't know." I said quickly. "Yes, we would be delighted." Nick said nudging me. "Great! I'll set up you're bed rooms right now!" Oliver's wife said standing up and taking our stuff and went into the next room. "I will go to my office to arrange the meeting." Oliver said standing up. "Thank you." I said nodding at him. "My pleasure." He said with a smile.

Once Oliver had gone I turned to Nick. "NICK! What was that for!" I yelled at him. "Listen these people are the last chance we got, if we can talk to the king then we learn more about this place. That's the reason why we came here." Nick said staring at me. I sighed, "I guess your right." I said nodding my head. "Good, now let's get some rest we have a big day tomorrow and we must be prepared." Nick said standing up. I stood up to and smiled at him, I then leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek I then walked into our guest room leaving Nick confused.

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