Chapter 01 | The Bloody Gift

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𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒      𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

" Saengil Chukahamnida dear Kookie " Everyone clapped in happiness along with me. Taehyung Hyung took up the cake in front of me with a huge boxy smile on his face, well everyone's face is glowing today. I blew off the candle, I almost forgot to wish before blew it off But our mama bird is quick enough to make me remember. ' Keep all of us safe and happy always ' I asked god, the only thing I could ask for. As soon as I blew off the cake, instead of making me eat, Jimin Hyung smashed the cake on my face. This shorty gonna die I am sure now. 

" That's the main birthday celebration. " Jin Hyung said, taking a little frosting from the empty cake platter, and the cake was painted on my face, he licked the frosting, making a hmmm sound, indicating the cake was indeed tasty. But poor me, didn't even get a chance to eat. I swear on Jimin Hyung's Birthday I will throw him into the pool full of frosting. 

" Then Why you didn't let us put frosting on your face on your birthday ?" Namjoon Hyung asked joining Jin Hyung in the licking frosting competition. 

" The frosting is not high enough to be in my WWH face ." We all made so-done faces in response to his sentence. This hyung never ever leaves a single chance to praise his handsome face.

" Can we now open the box ?" Taehyung Hyung asked being so much excited. Who will tell that he is the owner of Kim Enterprises by seeing his behavior? We all are multi-national company owners but broken financially in front of each other to get a chance to use each other's money! It's the best thing about friendship. " Why he is so excited to open up my gift boxes ?" I asked wiping away the last frosting from my nose. 

" He just wants to grab the coolest thing you will get ." Jimin Hyung said while shamelessly eating another cake present there, without giving the birthday boy! These are really crazy. " Jimin stop eating too much cake, come here let's open gifts ." Hobi Hyung said, Park Jimin, owner of Park Industries came like a good boy. We all sat around the couch creating a rough circle.

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃   𝐎 𝐅    𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒      𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

" To my kookie .." Jungkook read the name sticker stuck to the shiny red gift cover " From Namjoon Hyungie ." Jungkook read and opened the box, everyone was excited to see what Namjoon gave to the youngest one but everyone's face dropped after seeing the gift, " 4 Novels of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ." Jungkook read. " Hyung !" Jungkook almost whined after seeing the gift, he expected something cool but here he is with detective novels, he is a businessman, a CEO what he will do with these books?

" Jungkook be an adult, the book will help you to learn vocabulary and will increase your IQ," Namjoon said crossing his hands over his chest and looking a little serious. " He is a CEO, not a detective and moreover what he will do with a high IQ, you have 148 and still no use ." Jin snapped back, roasting Namjoon's idea as well as IQ  too. 

" No quarrel, next," Taehyung announced picked up one box, and passed it to Jungkook. " Jimin Shorty Hyung," Jungkook said loudly, Jimin crooked his eyebrows together. " I didn't write shorty there," Jimin said. " Universal truth never needs any pen." Jungkook said as soon as the sentence ended everyone burst into laughter. " okay okay let's see." Jhope said as soon as Jimin's angry face came into his eyes. Jungkook proceeded to open the box and from inside luxury BLACK OPUM scent from YSL came out, making everyone go wide open-mouthed. It's hard to believe they are millionaire too. ' Jimin that's expensive, gift me one on my birthday okay !" Taehyung said sniffing the perfume. " Gold Digger !" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

" Next !" He grabbed the green one. " THE WORLDWIDE HANDSOME, WORLDWIDE CUTIE GUY, THE LEGENDARY, THE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL KIM SEOKJIN ." Jungkook took a long breath at the end. " Jin Hyung it almost killed him," Suga said. " What I will do? I said the truth !" Everyone rolled their eyes on him. Jungkook tore the gift wrapper and opened the box, it's a Microwave. " HYUNG !" Jungkook almost threw the metal thing at Suga who was sitting in front of him but thanks to Taehyung he grabbed it before any mishap. " What? He didn't know that much cooking so I gifted him ." Seokjin said those to clean up his sins. " Exactly pointless as you." Namjoon took the revenge in swag.

" Hobi Hyung !" Jungkook juggled the box and some metallic sound came out, he opened it and it was an IRON MAN metallic mask. " Hobi hyung! I am not a baby anymore. What I will do with it?" Jungkook asked being a little playful and angry. " You can wear it when you have a big meeting. It will hide your face so you can feel a little at ease." Hobi explained with his dancing skills that made no sense. " Not everyone is as weird as you Hobi," Suga said.

"Enough--" Jungkook's words were cut off by the words of the new member in the room, one of his maids. " Sir." The maid said her throat was dry it's proved by the way she said that no moist a rough dry voice, the color of her face blew up seems like she saw something she shouldn't. " What happened Maria? why your face is colorless ?" Taehyung asked staying in his position, but Taehyung's voice kinda made her jump on her place due to surprise. " A..Aa...Me...Me?" Maria said pointing a finger toward herself, her hands shaking badly. 

" Yes, You Maria can you please tell us what happened ?" Jungkook asked a little bit of irritation visible in his face and tone. " Sir.. som..someone sends a gift for you ." Maria gulped, her face turned more colorless while talking about the gift. " So what's in this matter to be so much surprised and horrified like you're now ?" Jungkook said standing up from his seat, seeing him others also stood up.

" Si..Sir .. Please come..and see the gift." Maria said wiping her face off. Jungkook made an irritated tone. " Let's see at least Jungkook ." Namjoon said, patting Jungkook's back. They all went out of the hall room and went towards the main door area. 

" Where?" Jungkook asked. "" Maria pointed towards the box which is placed on the glass-made tea table in front of the TV, in the drawing area. Jungkook along with others went towards the box, Jungkook sat in front of the box on the couch while others also sat on the couch making a rough circle again. " J..Jung..Jungkook." Jimin said, his voice started shaking, sweat beads started forming on his forehead, his eyes wide, a gasp left his throat, voice raspy and low, same state as Maria. 

" Jimin please stop playing around and say what," Taehyung said he is also a little irritated now. Jimin said nothing gulped a lump he forwarded his hand, his index finger towards the box. Everyone looked in the direction he indicated.

" WHAT THE FVCK !" Everyone gasped seeing the view, a fresh flow of blood was coming out from the box, drenching the wooden table, messing up the glass, and blood was dropping down in the carpet. Everyone stood up. " Jungkook think," Jin said, Jungkook was also surprised, horrified but a corner of his heart wanted to see what was inside in that box. Jungkook extended his hands towards the black box, the source of the blood flow. " Jung--" Taehyung tried to stop him, but Jungkook opened the lid before he could.

"MY GOD!" Taehyung gasped and pulled his hand over his face covering his face, Jimin turned other side, Jhope already passed out after seeing the view, Namjoon and Jin looked away while Jungkook shut his eyes. A HUMAN FINGER CUT FROM BODY.

" There is a note," Yoongi said, that scene didn't have much impact on Yoongi when he came in front of the view for a while he shut his eyes, but he opened them again. Yoongi took the letter out and started to read loudly.

" Happy Birthday Love, 

                                                  You must be thinking who am I? How did I know you? That all questions of yours I will answer them when we meet. Trust me we will meet. Now lemme congratulate my love on his birthday. I am very happy that you turned one year more mature, though I love your giggles and bunny smile. You are an example of the perfect human. I used to believe no one is perfect, but after seeing you my perspective changed. I love everything about you except seeing you with any other girl. I really hate when some bitches started leeching over you. Do you know whose finger is this? This the bitch was your employee who just tried to touch you today, with the finger she tried to touch you I cut it off. I really love you I can die for you or can kill anyone for you. You're my prince and will be. Darling never think to come close to any other girl or rather next time I will make sure to deliver the dead body of that bitch in your place. Take Care. I love you, dear.               

                                Love can sculpt an angel or awaken the devil, for you, I am not the sculpted angel. Remember my words love.     Happy Birthday. 

                                                                                                                 -- Your die heart Lover. "

A/N : A caution to EVERYONE ! I always love something different out of book type , I want to add those twist no one thought , SO wait for it . This will be thrilling. 

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