Chapter 02 | The Bloody Roses

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 𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

I never expected things can be this worse . I am in a relief that Namjoon Hyung is in police department . He said he will take care of this , all of us are CEOs except Namjoon , Jin Hyung. Namjoon Hyung is SHO ( Station House Officer ) of Seoul main branch. And Jin Hyung runs his own hospital , one of most famous hospital. Namjoon Hyung already called his other inspectors and searched the whole outside area of my house , but nothing not a single foot print came to their hand , where Jin Hyung took care of the finger , it's already sent off towards the hospital for further examination . 

Not to lie but I am scared a little now , I never witnessed any bloody scene , I was not a nerdy boy in college or school , I was involved in fights too but not that serious level ones. Neither I ever witnessed any deadly scene too , I hate this bloody things from core to my heart . 

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃   𝐎 𝐅  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

" There's nothing to worry more Kookie ." Namjoon said , pouring his revolver in it's place . " But You have to be more careful , We still don't know anything about that psycho , how far she/he can go ." Namjoon pronounced , sitting beside Jungkook on the couch. 

" It's not he it's she." Taehyung said. " We can't say exactly." Namjoon replied as response of the sentence. " But it's written in the letter , HER. Seems like a girl wrote it." Jimin said now forwarding the letter towards Namjoon . " Jimin , it's not sure that it's girl or boy , by reading that we can't say surely." Namjoon explained his point of view , Jimin and other seemed a little confused still. " They can manipulate us." Suga said out of a blue in the whole time interval everyone is confused , scared or surprised . Suga didn't show that much movement or any reaction in his face , his eyes are fixed on two things the box and the letter. " Exactly !" Namjoon said in approval. 

" Shit ! Now ? " Taehyung said , Taehyung is among one of the most closest friends of Jungkook , Jungkook takes him as his crime mate . Worry for the younger brother is clearly visible in Taehyung's orbs , his manners changed into restless ones. " Namjoon send the letter to forensic department and we don't have to do anything much more. " Yoongi said , Jimin gave the letter to Namjoon , he is wearing gloves so there's no chance that his finger-prints will be on it and about the other boys Jin made sure they wore gloves too. " That's right , Jungkook don't worry I am leaving two constables behind , they will make sure to protect you." Namjoon said , putting off the gloves. " More over Our Jungkookie knows boxing too , and we are here to protect him too." Jhope said after one eternity , and about Jhope after seeing the bloody scene his poor heart couldn't take the scene he passed out , but with the mercy with Jin he gained back his sense quickly. " See who is saying about protecting." Jimin made a sulky bored face on Jhope's sentence .

" See you soon Kookie." All of them said , Namjoon tapped Jungkook's shoulders in assurance that nothing bad gonna happen , while others smiled and informed they are always there just a call away from Jungkook . " Keep the revolver close to you." All of them went out from the door but in the mid way Yoongi stopped looked back and said to Jungkook. He nodded his head like a sweet child in his hyung's words. 

 𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒    𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

I said bye to all hyungs they went off , the headlights of cars soon faded away from my house area , leaving dead silence in my house a huge storm of chaos inside my mind. Who is the person? What's his/her motive ? how deadly the person can be ? or even everything is real ? 

Or someone is playing a shit prank game with me . But all this even prank or something else. It's so fucking confusing. A large sound came in my ears . I almost jumped due to fear.

I looked at the clock , it's the sound of the grand clock it's saying 12am of night is already here , escaping from under my nose. 

I should have to sleep now. It's better to think later. But lemme check first is there any real  constables  or hyung pranked me ?

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃  𝐎 𝐅  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

Jungkook looked out from his bedroom balcony , he can clearly see Namjoon left six constables behind , two are standing by main entrance , one one in both east and west side , and two in the back of house. Namjoon really arranged a tight secure pack for younger one. 

Jungkook was about to go inside his room with a secure and safe feeling inside his heart , but something came in his eyes which made him internally scream . He can see a black SUV is standing a little far away from his house , the headlights are turning on and off in a creepy manner. Whenever the head lights are turning on he can see a slight figure sitting in the driver seat. The eyes are still visible under the moonlit , the sharp pair of eyes which made him more scare. 

" There is someone ." Jungkook said loudly gaining attention from the police men . " Where sir ?" One of them asked him , While others joined too. " There in the front alley in the left side." Jungkook said pointing towards the location from the balcony , the police men looked at each other , two of them went out towards the position , while remaining people stayed there. " Sir we are taking care of it , please go inside. It can be harmful outside." A constable said , Jungkook agreed without any second word , his heart is thumping loudly in his chest he can feel it clearly. 

Some couple minutes passed , the two police men came back , called Jungkook down stairs. " What happened ? Who is the person?" Jungkook busted out with so many questions inside him , he is clearly worried and scared by all the incidents ." Sir clam down a little." They indicated Jungkook to sit on the couch , he did that and all of the police men also sat down. " Sir seeing us the person ran away , as it's dark outside but due to moonlight we can only see a person's rough body structure it's hard to tell or even gender. " The police man said , Jungkook sighed deeply , he is more scared now . Did he feel that much vulnerable or weak ? Never , but now he is having all these types of feelings.

" Don't worry sir we are informing Namjoon sir to improve more security and to come here." The man stated.


Nothing that much happened in these some days , nor Jungkook witnessed any more bloody scene neither the boys . Neither he got any threats , nor the SUV and mysterious person. Life is running normally in their life . Boys and Jungkook also forgot almost about the incident , Namjoon tried a lot to find but everytime he reaches to dead end , neither he got any finger-prints . And about the finger , Jin did postmortem of it and found out the girl about whom there's mention in the letter died due to a car accident and while in that deadly accident some of her body parts crashed and damaged badly , including her hand too , it's a 90% chances that the finger detached then. And about who send , being a businessman Jungkook has a plenty of rivals who just want to take his business down , probably one of them did all. 

" So our Kookie will be the first among us to be relationship ." Jimin said gulping down the orange juice , somehow today all of them ended up having breakfast in Jungkook's house. " It's not like that actually Hyung." Jungkook said munching the bread piece up , a shy tint is visible in his cheeks , it's adorable. " Yes ! Yes ! Nothing much ! Like we are blind that we didn't see the couple dance in yesterday's party." Taehyung said in his famous sassy ass style , making everyone cringe from core . " See see the way you two are dancing , Jimin !" Jhope said standing up from his seat , dragging Jimin up too. They both mimicked the way Jungkook and the girl danced yesterday night at party.

 Everyone busted into laughter when Jhope swirled Jimin and tucked his bend figure in his hand , bending his body too making the end pose. But all off sudden Jhope removed the hand from Jimin's waist and he fall on the floor. " Hey He didn't end up like this you cheater." Jimin said standing up from fall rubbing his ass up . " Btw , Jungkook nice choice , she is daughter of famous businessman Mr. Han ." Namjoon said , chewing the egg . " And beautiful too." Jimin said , stuffing the bread in his mouth like hungry for years. " JIMIN --" Before Jin can complete his words Namjoon's phone rang.

Mumbling a small sorry Namjoon picked up the phone. Everyone is eating silently focused on their plates , Namjoon didn't utter a single word as since as he picked up the call , he is listening while from the other side person is speaking , a slight noises are coming , but not proper words to understand. " What?" Namjoon almost screamed . Everyone's attention shifted towards him. Namjoon cut the call and placed the phone in the table.

" What happened--" Before Taehyung can ask further Namjoon cut him off . " Maria on the TV quick." Namjoon ordered , he stood up leaving his half undone breakfast there , ran towards the TV area , everyone also followed him up.

" THE BREAKING NEWS : Recently today morning , a dead body found near the forest area outside Seoul , according to the sources the person is Miss Han , the famous company owner Mr. Han's one and only daughter , There's still not traces about murderer neither any other information came about how she ended up here . The dead body is not in a position to see , the death was merciless and brutal ." The news reporter said , leaving everyone go open wide mouth . Jungkook sat on the couch by the amount of shock he gained . The girl with whom he danced yesterday is now dead today , somehow the letter and cut finger , the SUV incidents are resurfacing again in his brain. Namjoon came and stood beside Jungkook but before he can spell anything Maria spoke ," Sir....." 

" Someone left the rose bunch for you in the door step." Maria forwarded the rose bunch towards Jungkook. " I don't want it , throw it up." Jungkook said shifting his face between plams , he is frustrated , scared , worried , somehow guilty too , maybe he is the reason of her death. " Jungkook you have to , there's a note in it too." Jin said , talking the bunch of white roses from Maria's hands. 

Jungkook sighed , stood up . He took the bunch of roses in his hands , they are fresh white roses , reflecting the delicacy and care , but there's no name who send it , neither anyother thing just a brown envelope . Jungkook took it between fingers and opened it .

" Dear Kookie , 

                                I already warned you that never come close to any other girl but you didn't listen so being helpless I had to kill her I thought to send the body to you , but didn't . I reserved the violence for furthers . Have a nice day , and yes pull the red ribbon there's a gift for you . Don't worry it's a good gift .                                                              -- Your Die Heart Lover." 

Jungkook did as said in the note. He pulled out the red ribbon , a stream of  a liquor came out from somewhere between the roses , drenching off the all white roses along with Jungkook , his face , chest , sweat shirt , all is covered with the liquor . Jungkook closed his eyes to save them from the flow but opened instantly when he can smell a slightly musty and awful smell , as soon as he opened the eyes he saw the white roses turned into red roses , his sweat shirt is now full red , the boys are so stunned to speak , Jhope passed out , others are not in a state to speak . Jungkook touched his face which now full with that liquor , he wiped off his right cheek with his hand , and saw , the liquor is BLOOD.  

A/N : Omg ! This chapter was hella big ! Yk what I am scared now from this chapter I wrote I am literally writing it at 1am in night , everyone in my family slept already , outside is dark and dead silent , not a single dog is barking and I am writing these creepy things and fucking visualizing them . I almost sweated up in the SUV scene , because at that exact timing a car also passed by from the road. Btw thank You for so so much reads and comments I really appreciate it . It really feels awesome. 

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